
∞ Steve Jobs, Final Cut and iMovie

An excerpt from John Buck’s book “Timeline”:

Jobs approached Adobe Systems, and asked them to create a consumer version of Premiere that Apple could bundle with the unreleased Mac code-named Kihei. With Apple’s future still uncertain, and Premiere sales growing on the Wintel platform, Adobe said no.

Like so many other things, Jobs was driven by a belief that he was right. When Adobe said no, Jobs created the applications division at Apple that gave us so many great apps over the years.

∞ Apple updates iLife '11 apps

Apple has updated three of the applications it includes in its iLife ’11 suite of applications – iMovie, Garageband, and iPhoto. The new versions, 9.0.4, 6.0.4 and 9.1.5 respectively, are available for download through the Software Update system preference.

∞ iMovie introduces iFrame video format support

Apple on Tuesday released iMovie 8.0.5, an update to the version of its video editing software included with iLife ‘09. The free update is available for download through the Software Update system preference, or from the Web site.