Kirk McElhearn makes an interesting case for Apple leading the way to DRM-free books. I especially like the part about Steve Jobs’ open letter to music companies back in the day.
Breaking Bad book available exclusively on iBookstore
The end of Breaking Bad is coming in just under a month, with the final episode airing this season. To help fans celebrate the series, Sony has released what it calls “the ultimate interactive fan experience,” with a new digital book available exclusively on the iBookstore.
A look at the e-book antitrust case against Apple
Here’s a good summary.
Steve Jobs’ interest in iBooks
Like Peter Kafka said on AllThingsD, these little tidbits will have no bearing on the verdict, but I find them interesting.
Support options for iBookstore publishers
In very welcome news to iBookstore publishers, Apple has recently added some support options to make it easier to get answers about pesky issues that might be delaying the sale of the next Great American Novel.
iBookstore is a game changer for textbooks
After writing about how iPads and YourTeacher helped raise math scores by 49%, I decided to speak with YourTeacher CEO Charlie Hermes to find out more about his company, and what it’s like to publish textbooks on the iBookstore. […]
DOJ sues Apple, publishers over eBook pricing
The lawsuit, filed in Manhattan federal court by the U.S. Department of Justice’s Antitrust Division, alleges Apple and the publishers reached an agreement where retail price competition would cease, retail e-books prices would increase significantly and Apple would be guarantee a 30% “commission” on each e-book sold.
To use iBooks Author or not
Brett Kelly:
Let me restate that I’m not just generally crapping on iBooks, the iBooks Author application or anything else. I’m an eBook author that’s sold a few copies and is pretty happy with how things have gone. If Apple’s wares seem like just the thing for your next eBook project, then I’d suggest you seriously consider employing them.Just make sure you think through all of the possible ramifications of such a decision. That’s all I’m saying.
Brett certainly has some good points. While I’ve been asked many times to write a book, I never have, so I’m not an eBook author. For me, the interactivity that iBooks Author offers would be enough to use it and sell my books through the iBookstore. As Brett said, it’s important to know everything before you jump in.
iBooks 2 and home schooling
The Mac Observer:
By comparison, you’d spend around $800 for an iPad 2 and a new textbook each year for those four basic courses. You’d get more up-to-date materials, interactive learning, and a smaller footprint in your luggage for those long-distance field trips. And, you’d spend half as much for that learning experience as you would using traditional books.
Interesting, I hadn’t considered the impact on home schooling.
About Apple’s iBooks Author EULA
It seems that some people in the media went absolutely crazy over Apple’s iBooks Author EULA (End User License Agreement) while I was away last week, and I just can’t figure out why. […]
E.O. Wilson calls iPad textbooks ‘a miracle’
Apple’s education event in New York on Thursday revealed the company’s plans to change the way textbooks are used by students in both K-12 and college environments using iPads. But is Apple overstepping its bounds? iPads in schools are still … Continued
∞ No promo codes for iBookstore
Steven Sande for TUAW: iBooks publishers looking to send ebooks to reviewers, or who want to stir up interest in a new title through a giveaway contest, are out of luck. Unlike the App Store, publishers cannot create promo codes … Continued
∞ An informal e-book study
Marco Arment:
In the past, I’ve always recommended the Kindle over other e-ink readers, and buying Kindle books instead of iBooks on iOS, because Amazon had the biggest library of relevant titles and strongest content ecosystem.But Amazon’s advantage is no longer as clear in my casual searching.
I just buy from iTunes. Apps, music, books, movies, videos, TV shows. Everything. Convenience rules.
∞ Amazon cutting publishers out of book deals altogether
New York Times: Amazon will publish 122 books this fall in an array of genres, in both physical and e-book form. It is a striking acceleration of the retailer’s fledging publishing program that will place Amazon squarely in competition with … Continued
∞ Apple sued for violating iBooks trademark

Apple is being sued for violating another “i” trademark — this time its for iBooks.
The lawsuit is being brought by publisher John T. Colby, who purchased the rights to “ibooks” in 2006 and 2007, according to AppleInsider. The company is said to have published over 1,000 books using the name.
∞ Apple's iBooks detects jailbroken iPhones, stops working
Last week Apple updated its bookstore and reading app, iBooks. Among the changes is the ability to detect jailbroken iPhones.
∞ Apple updates iBooks for iPhone and iPad
Apple on Wednesday updated its book store and reading app, iBooks.
∞ Apple updates iBooks for iPhone and iPad
Apple on Wednesday updated its iBooks app for the iPhone and iPad, adding several new features.
∞ iBooks update improves PDF performance
Apple has updated iBooks, the iOS software that lets you read e-books purchased through the iTunes Store on an iPhone, iPod touch or iPad. The new 1.1.1 release is available for download.
∞ From airline pilot to children's author on Apple's iBooks
When Aloha Airlines shutdown in 2008, pilot Michael Stiber was one of the thousands of employees that lost their jobs. Stiber decided to take the opportunity to change his career and began writing children’s books.
∞ Apple releases iBooks for iPhone
In addition to releasing iOS 4 on Monday, Apple also released its newest app for the iPhone, iBooks.
∞ iPad book promo list leaked
One of the great new features of the iPad is iBooks, Apple’s online book store that is expected to launch in iTunes when the device is released.