
Coronavirus 2020 tech conference cancellations list

And this is just the list of tech conferences affected. All kinds of conferences in many other sectors are being affected. MotoGP motorcycle races in Qatar and Thailand have been canceled as well.

The Dalrymple Report: NHL goalies, iPhones in movies, and grocery stores

Emergency goalies in the NHL? That’s a thing. Dave and I also look at Amazon’s new grocery stores that have no cashiers or checkout lines, as well as how iPhones are used in movies.

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MacSurfer shuts down

After they went full subscription, I stopped visiting the site but I’m still sorry to see them go. Back in the day, they were a great resource for headlines.

The boss who put everyone on 70K

This was a great story when we first reported on it almost five years ago and I’m happy to see it continue to be a great story. But, as I predicted and to the CEO’s dismay, other companies haven’t followed suit.

Apple HomeKit is the best smart home platform

I haven’t used much in the way of smart home technology but I’ve done a lot of research on it in preparation for having at least a “less dumb” home. When it comes to privacy and security, what Apple has and has planned for HomeKit attracts me the most.

Don’t feel bad for the iPad

I certainly don’t feel bad for it. As a matter of fact, I still lust for an iPad Pro and an Apple Pencil.

The best and worst cities for motorcyclists in the US

I’m surprised that two cities I’ve lived and ridden in – Portland, OR and Nashville, TN – didn’t score higher. Unsurprising that cities in the West scored the highest while East coast cities, particularly in the heavily populated NYC area, scored the worst.

“First in Flight”: The story of a unique photograph

This article combines two of my passions – motorcycling and photography. Jones is an incredible MotoGP photographer and the story of this amazing image is a combination of luck, perseverance, skill, equipment, and a talented shooter all coming together to get The Perfect Shot. Imagine trying to get a specific image (both wheels off the ground, race winner, etc.) of a motorcycle traveling at 165mph coming up over a blind hill.

Still have an iPhone 6s? See how much faster the iPhone 11 Pro is

We get used to our machines, iPhones and otherwise, running at certain speeds. Perception plays a big part. But this test shows that, while the iPhone 6s is still a “capable” device, it predictably doesn’t hold a candle to the latest and greatest.

Apple Arcade ain’t what it used to be

As a casual gamer, I unsubbed from Apple Arcade a few weeks ago. So many of the games I wanted to play either had text/graphics (on the iPhone) that was too small to be read by my middle-aged eyes or, when trying to play on the Apple TV, required a controller. As well, my 14-year-old has no interest in the service and my wife is not a gamer. What has been your Apple Arcade experience?

The Etch a Sketch Revolution lets you draw circles

The Etch a Sketch Revolution is a tad smaller than your typical Etch a Sketch, but it does feature the two signature knobs at the bottom. The main difference is it features a spinning screen that makes drawing circles magnitudes easier. As in, all you have to do is manipulate the knobs on the spinning rim, and that’s it. It’s simple, but pretty neat when you consider just how torturous trying to draw anything circular, rounded, or curvy on a traditional Etch a Sketch is.

Okay, I know there is a certain percentage of you looking at this and saying “WTF!” However, for those of a certain age, this is really cool. I doubt Apple is “doomed” with this the release of this breakthrough technology, but it’s still fun.

Apple and the NTSB

The NTSB said that although Huang was a distracted driver, Tesla’s forward collision warning system did not provide an alert, and its automatic emergency braking system did not activate as his Model X SUV with Autopilot switched on accelerated into a highway barrier.


The NTSB also called out Huang’s employer, Apple, for failing to set a strict policy for its employees banning non-emergency use of mobile devices while driving.

That is just ridiculous. How is an Apple policy going to help when people get behind the wheel of a car and decide to game instead of watching the damn road like they supposed to do.

Apple’s response:

“We expect our employees to follow the law.”


Apple’s secret monopoly

There’s plenty to dislike and be annoyed at with Apple’s App store policies. It’s an easy argument for developers and others to say Apple has overstepped its boundaries and is squeezing for all its worth. But, for most consumers, the App Store is the safest, best place to get iOS apps for their devices. But Apple has a fine line to follow especially given increased governmental scrutiny. They need to do what is best (in its opinion) for its customers but it can’t afford to force the government’s hand and have them step in and force Apple into policies it doesn’t want to implement.

Why America is losing the toilet race

I had the same Japanese experience the author did. While initially confused by my hotel’s toilets, the detailed instructions (!) in English helped and I “loved” using the toilet for the week I was there. We are in the market for a new toilet in our house and while there’s no way we’d splurge for a Toto, there is nothing similar to them on the market for a non-exorbitant price.

U.S. Supreme Court rejects Apple appeal in patent fight

The justices rejected Apple’s appeal in the long-running case in which a federal jury in 2016 found that Apple had infringed VirnetX’s patents and awarded $302 million. A judge later increased that amount to $439.7 million including interest and other costs.

Patent cases are always difficult and this one is no different.