The Loop’s founder and executive editor, Jim Dalrymple and Peter Cohen respectively, are both incessant blabbermouths who use whatever opportunity they can to share their opinions on areas of interest. If you’re interested in hearing our jibber-jabber, you’re more than … Continued
∞ A new sign of the times: "No computer" policies in cafes
Consumers now expect complementary Wi-Fi access as part of the basic experience at cafes and restaurants around the country. But as evidenced in a recent editorial in The New York Times, some shop owners are beginning to push back, establishing … Continued
∞ Bodega offers eight Mac apps at a 50% discount
Freshcode on Thursday announced a new promotion called “Experience Bodega” that will give users the opportunity to get a deal on Mac software.
∞ Managing iPhone 4 expectations: Did Apple do enough?
In response to complaints from users over the antenna issues with the iPhone 4, Apple offered all of its users a free case. But that’s not all, they also demonstrated that the iPhone 4 isn’t the only device that exhibits … Continued