
A nice trick to quickly flip between two iPhone brightness settings

There are other ways to change your iPhone screen brightness, but this one uses a triple-tap on the home button (via Settings > General > Accessibility > Zoom) to toggle between day and night brightness settings.

Even if you have no need for this particular tweak, worth watching, since you can use this approach to tie other settings to the triple click.

Apple, don’t cripple the Pencil’s navigation in iOS 9.3

Serenity Caldwell, writing for iMore:

Unfortunately, whether by bug or intentional design, the Pencil’s navigational prowess appears to have vanished in the iOS 9.3 public betas. With 9.3, you can no longer scroll or manipulate text; the only places the Pencil works are on canvas or when pressing digital buttons.

Sure hope this changes before the official release.

On adding a trackpad to the iPad

Jean-Louis Gassée, writing for Monday Note:

The iPad Pro’s last frontier is adding a trackpad to the Smart Keyboard.

The article itself is an interesting read, but this core idea struck me as one of the defining differences between an iPad and a MacBook.

The iPad I left behind

Much has been written about the iPad Pro replacing/not replacing your laptop. In this piece, M.G. Siegler walks through his logic in leaving his iPad Pro behind in favor of his MacBook. This mirrors my own feelings exactly.

The hype is real

Gus Mueller has lived with weak iPad styli for a long time. All that has now changed. Great post.

Comparing drawing capabilities of the iPad Pro and the Microsoft Surface Book

In the embedded video, Serenity Caldwell used the iPad Pro and the Surface Book (same screen as the Surface Pro 4) to do some similar sketching tasks using built in tools, all with informative running commentary. If you are considering an iPad Pro to use for sketching, this is well worth watching.