Apple’s Worldwide Developers Conference (WWDC) is only a couple of weeks away and everyone is wondering what the company will unveil during the keynote address. As much as we all have long wish lists for what we would like to see, I think it’s important to balance those with realistic expectations for what’s likely to happen.
Microsoft caught lying about iPad size
This is not to scale. Microsoft has drawn a 10.1 inch tablet 36% larger than a 9.7 inch tablet (140×78 pixels vs 102×79). This is so far off you can visually see it’s wrong.
Come on Microsoft, stop being dicks.
iPad dominates online shopping traffic and revenue
Neil Hughes:
Despite growing competition from other tablets, Apple’s iPad still accounts for a whopping 89.28 percent of e-commerce website traffic, and also rakes in more money on a per-user basis than any other platform.
Where the hell are all these Samsung tablets I keep hearing about?
Mackie mixers with iPad control
There have been a number of mixers that utilize iOS devices that I never really liked, but this looks promising. It’s the first one I’ve seen that I’d like to try.
U.S.A.F. switch to iPads may save $50M in fuel costs alone
The U.S.A.F. is outfitting its flight crews with iPads instead of flight manuals, which is projected to save millions in fuel costs alone.
iOS 6 approved by US military
Good news.
Tech gear and saving money on energy
Jeff Bertolucci for The Saturday Evening Post:
Beware. Your tech gear is costing you money while you sleep. Sure, the stuff looks innocent enough: cable box, HDTV, computer monitor, and sundry other electronic gadgets that consume power even when in “sleep” mode. While their energy-sucking ways may seem harmless, they cost you big bucks over time.
It all adds up.
Apple announces 50 billionth app winner
After passing the 50 billionth app downloaded yesterday, Apple on Thursday announced the winner of the download and the app that was downloaded.
The Loop Magazine updated and an apology
When The Loop Magazine shipped last week, I had high hopes for delivering readers the best content available on Apple’s Newsstand. Unfortunately, the app shipped with a subscription bug that caused errors when trying to read the magazine on multiple devices.
In our efforts to fix the bug, we released an update over the weekend that actually made the situation worse.
Tonight, we released The Loop Magazine 1.0.2, which does fix the subscription bug once and for all. If you download the magazine on a second device, you just tap the “Restore” button and it will recognize your subscription and activate the magazine for that device.
In addition to the subscription bug, we also fixed sharing, we added the ability to share selected text and fixed a crash on launch bug.
You deserved a better experience than what we delivered, and we expected more from ourselves. Please accept my apology and know that we are working hard on delivering a great app for you.
Twitterrific 5 for iOS updated
Some bug fixes, improvements and a couple of new sharing services added to the new version.
The Loop Magazine 1.01 released
We squished that multi-device subscription bug dead.
In which Bloomberg just makes shit up about the iPad mini
Philip Elmer Dewitt has caught Bloomberg’s Tim Culpan in a lie about iPad mini demand.
Apps are too cheap
Dave Addey wrote a great piece about the state of app pricing and what can be done about it. Definitely worth a read.
“The Doors” app released on iPad
Warner Music Group on Tuesday announced the release of “The Doors,” the official iPad app for the iconic band. […]
iOS 7 wish list
Federico Viticci has a long list of features and improvements that he would like to see in the next version of iOS. Some will never make to the operating system, but there are others that I would never of even thought of, like separate language support for Maps.
Gates says iPad users are frustrated, iPad should be like the Surface
Bill Gates is a crazy man. It starts at 7:05.
Apple’s “All-Time Top Apps”
Federico Viticci has a list of the top apps from the past few years. I found the “interesting facts about the new charts” section to be great.
The sure fucked this one up
There’s a story on The Street today titled, “Lookout Apple, Here Comes Microsoft: Surface Tablets Break Into Top 5.” Sounds impressive, right? […]
Apple releases iOS 6.1.4
According to Apple, iOS 6.1.4 has an updated audio profile for speakerphone, as well as security content originally included in previous iOS Software Updates. Go to Settings > General > Software Update on device to get the update.
Adobe shows off Lightroom-style photo editing on iPad
Adobe showed off a prototype software app on the iPad capable of doing some pretty high-level tasks that pro photographers would love to have.
On the rumor that iOS 7 will ship on time
John Paczkowski quoting a source on AllThingsD:
“Yes, yes — it’s essentially a repeat of the iPhone/Leopard scenario,” one source said, referring to Apple’s 2007 decision to pull engineers from OS X 10.5 to work on iPhone. “Not as much of a fire drill, though. It will ship on time.”
2012 VW Beetle with custom iPad Mini dock
This is cool.
Flaw in Google Now keeps GPS active
That’s one way to drain to the battery of the iPad.
What. The. Fuck.
BlackBerry CEO Thorsten Heins:
“In five years I don’t think there’ll be a reason to have a tablet anymore,” Heins said in an interview yesterday at the Milken Institute conference in Los Angeles. “Maybe a big screen in your workspace, but not a tablet as such. Tablets themselves are not a good business model.”
The PlayBook may not be a good model, but the iPad is doing just fine.
iPad tops JD Power study on owner satisfaction
For the second consecutive study, Apple ranks highest among manufacturers of tablets in overall owner satisfaction. Apple achieves a score of 836 and performs well in four factors: performance; ease of operation; styling and design; and features.
Apple’s rating was a 5, which is the highest JD Power gives. Amazon, Samsung and Asus all received a 3, which JD Power classifies as “About average.” Acer got a 2 — that’s classified as “The rest.”
Making money
I saw Bill Gurley say that you can only make money by being right about something that most people think is wrong. His logic was that you can’t make money by being wrong. And you can’t make money by being right about something everyone else knows. So you have to be right about something that most people think is wrong.
Sounds a lot like what Apple does.
Circles memory game
This is great. And a percentage of each sale will be donated to help fund Alzheimer’s research.
Federico Viticci:
It may be called “gaming the system” or “forecasting downloads” — in both cases, I don’t think that “showcasing” apps by finding loopholes in the Developer Guidelines and leveraging advertising techniques as tools to manipulate Apple’s ranking algorithm is good for the App Store. I believe this is true for AppGratis and any other native iOS app that is based on this premise. It’s in Apple’s right — and developer agreement — to ban apps that work in this way.
Good story from Federico — worth a read.
Time Warner Cable to offer live TV for iOS devices
Time Warner Cable is, for the first time, offering live programming for its TWC TV app for iOS devices.
Don’t be a padhole
Hate seeing people take photos with iPads? So does this guy.