The real usable space of an iOS device

Kirk McElhearn did an experiment, doing a clean install iOS 8 on a 16 GB iPad mini (first generation). After the install (which includes Apple’s recommended apps), he’s left with just over 8 GB of usable space.

Learn to sing, train your voice

Have you ever wanted to train your voice, learn to sing in pitch, develop a better ear? The SingTrue app uses a wide range of pitch recognition exercises to develop your sense of pitch.

On today’s release of Apple Pay

At last week’s event, Apple announced that iOS 8.1 would be released today. The iOS 8.1 feature with the biggest potential impact is, no doubt, Apple Pay.

To Siri, with love

A lovely story about an autistic boy named Gus and his BFF, Siri.

How to set up and use Handoff for Yosemite and iOS 8

Handoff is a new feature that lets you edit a document on one device, then continue editing on another device. Sarah Guarino does a nice job walking through the requirements and setup, then takes Handoff through its paces.

Making phone calls using Yosemite

One of the many new features you get for free with Yosemite is the ability to make and answer phone calls from your Mac. Here’s a first hand run through of that experience.

Using predictive text to quickly Capitalize or ALL-CAPS a word


If you are editing some text in iOS and spot a word you meant to capitalize (e.g., May instead of may), the old approach was to press and hold, then slide the cursor to just after the letter to be capitalized, then hit delete and retype the letter.

In iOS 8, there’s a better way.

iOS 8 adoption rate stagnation

On September 23rd, Apple reported an adoption rate of 46% for iOS 8.

As of October 5th (this past Sunday), Apple’s official numbers show that, in the ensuing weeks, the adoption rate crept up to only 47%. Interestingly, the iOS 7 rate went down from 49% to 47% (as you might expect), but the pre-iOS 7 adoption number actually increased from 5% to 6%.

On iOS 8 and predictive typing

There’s a world of difference between autocorrect and predictive typing. Here’s my take on the huge strides Apple has made with this particular corner of iOS 8.

Apple creates iOS 8.0.1 support page

From Apple’s 8.0.1 support page:

We have a workaround for you if you have an iPhone 6 or iPhone 6 Plus and you lost cellular service and Touch ID functionality today after updating to iOS 8.0.1. You can reinstall iOS 8 through iTunes by following the instructions below. We are also preparing iOS 8.0.2 with a fix for the issue, and will release it as soon as it’s ready in the next few days.

The support page walks you through the process of reverting from 8.0.1 back to 8.0 and closes with this comment:

The Health app won’t work in iOS 8 after these steps. It will be fixed in our upcoming iOS 8.0.2 software update.

iOS 8 and the accidental selfie


With both videos and voice memos, iMessage lets you review the content before sending it. You can play it back and then choose to delete or send it off into the world for other peoples’ viewing and judging pleasure.

With still pictures, however, the photo is automatically sent the second your finger releases the camera button.

iOS 8 needs an interface tweak.

Tour of third party iOS 8 keyboards

iOS 8 allows you to select a third party keyboard to replace Apple’s built-in keyboard. The linked article takes a look at three of these, SwiftKey, Swype, and Fleksy, comparing them to the default iOS 8 keyboard.

Siri, name that tune

One of my favorite additions that came with iOS 8 is Siri’s ability to pick out a tune. This is, presumably, a direct result of Apple’s new deal with Shazam.

To try it, press and hold the home button and say “Name that tune”. Siri will listen and will attempt to name the song you have playing. If the song is available in the iTunes Store, Siri will name the song and put up a “buy” button.

Apple’s iOS 8 super-site

iOS 8 is an incredibly rich upgrade. Stepping through these pages will give you a sense of the major new capabilities so you can take advantage of them.

iOS 8 upgrade: Choosing the right iCloud Drive option

When you upgrade to iOS 8, most of the options are ones you’ve seen with past upgrades. But one option, asking if you’d like to upgrade to iCloud Drive, is new, and the choice you make here matters.

Ars Technica’s massive iOS 8 review

This is a beast of a review, lots to digest.

As you make your way through the various reviews, keep in mind that the best of iOS 8 is yet to come. As developers wrap their heads around what’s possible, clever bits of code that leverage your iOS experience will start to emerge. That’s when the true value of iOS 8 will become apparent.