Photos for Mac: an FAQ

Two good reads if you are interested in learning about Photos for OS X, Apple’s coming replacement for iPhoto.

On multi-user access to your iOS device

Have you ever wanted to share your iPhone or iPad with someone else? If you share your Mac with someone, you can each have your own account. OS X is designed for multiple users. But iOS is not.

Here’s an idea for a short term fix.

The year’s best user interface animations

Beautiful Pixels posted their annual look at the best user interface animations from apps and the web. My favorite, from Lush for iPhone, is below. So very delicious.

On leaving the Mac App Store

Last May, Cabel Sasser, co-founder of Panic, announced that the team was pulling Coda, their highly regarded web development tool, from the Mac App Store, primarily due to sandboxing issues.

Yesterday, they published the results of this experiment.

On the iOS storage lawsuit

There’s been a lot of discussion about the lawsuit alleging that Apple is somehow defrauding its customers by selling a 16 Gig phone, which yields about 12 Gigs of usable space.

Six Colors lists their favorite iOS games

Jason Snell and Dan Moren of Six Colors put together a list of their favorite iOS games. The usual suspects are there, but there are plenty of games that were new to me. A nice little list.

Autocorrect canceling gesture

I am a fan of autocorrect. And I hate it, too.

I love autocorrect when it helps me properly spell a difficult or mis-typed word or when it speeds up my typing by properly predicting the next word I’d like to type.

Here’s a proposal to make autocorrect a bit better.

The true nature of the pixels on an iPhone 6 Plus

Ole Begemann used a closeup camera rig to take pictures of the iPhone 6 Plus screen doing its downsampling magic. Pretty pictures, and he published all his code on GitHub for folks who want to try this themselves.

Deleting a Safari tab on one device from another one

This tip arrived with iOS 8 and Yosemite, but is a little down in the weeds, so you may not have noticed it. This clever detail is exactly the sort of thing that draws me to Apple products.