
The real legacy of Steve Jobs

Digging through the recent movies and one of the better Steve Jobs biographies, Sue Halpern does an interesting job weaving together a picture of Steve Jobs’ legacy.

The history of the iPod nano

Stephen Hackett did a lovely job pulling together this history of the iPod nano for 512 Pixels.

Watch MacHeads documentary free online

MacHeads is a funky look back at the Mac’s passionate following. You longtime Mac users might recognize a lot of the folks in this documentary, including our own Shawn King. This brought back a lot of memories.

Apple II Watch

A watch with an Apple Watch emulator and little tiny floppy disks. It’s incredibly cool.


Amazingly, this legacy phone number, forced into existence by a lawsuit, still works!

Fantastic look back at the original iPod release

Natasha Vargas-Cooper did a great job pulling together a Reddit-unearthed MacRumors thread from the day the iPod was released, a video of Steve Jobs pitching the iPod at a music event back in 2001, and the very first iPod commercial.

The very first iPhone commercial

This teaser spot ran during the 2007 Oscars, promoting the iPhone’s June release. I remember this like it was yesterday.

Steve Jobs, Apple design, and Japanese aesthetics

From the Matcha Tea blog comes this fascinating discussion of the influence Japanese culture had on Steve Jobs and, as a result, on Apple and the design of Apple products.

The email that created the IMG tag

An interesting bit of internet history, this email from Marc Andreessen proposes the creation of a core element of HTML, the IMG tag.

Turning down Steve Jobs

This video came out last year, around the 3rd anniversary of Steve’s death. I came across it a few days ago, thought it was appropriate timing and and interesting anecdote. Not sure what the lesson is here, but definitely feels like a parable.

Jean-Louis Gassée: Steve Jobs, memories and legacy

In today’s Monday Note, Jean-Louis penned a beautiful remembrance of the anniversary of Steve’s passing, combined with some insightful thoughts on what Apple has become, is becoming. A thoughtful read.

Be sure to click on all the sounds

This is actually a fascinating article and definitely worth the read. But at the very least, take a few minutes and click on all the little speaker icons embedded in the article.

Jony Ive remembers Steve Jobs

Jony Ive, speaking at Vanity Fair’s New Establishment Summit, on a panel with Director J.J. Abrams and producer Brian Grazer, talks about his memory of Steve Jobs.

When the Steve Jobs movie came calling

Scott Knaster, aside from being an aspiring actor, professional Mad Magazine collector, and wonderfully entertaining writer, was actually once an Apple employee, back when the Mac was being born (1983-1990).

Read on for his experience providing background for the new Steve Jobs movie.