
‘Boy racks up a £1000 iPad bill’

Another kid racks up a huge bill on the iPad because the parent was too stupid to enable restrictions. It’s Apple’s fault, of course.

Miyamoto on Nintendo

Shigeru Miyamoto opens up to Polygon about designing games for Nintendo past, present and future.

On SimCity’s always-on DRM

SimCity’s DRM technology is putting a real burden on legitimate users, who are dealing with server problems and persistent connections that prevent them from playing the game offline. Is it right?

Five ways to fail at freemium

Video game producer Benjamin Sipe offers developers five ways that they can absolutely screw up their new Free to Play game.

Stupid Xbox

Nat Brown, one of the founders of the Xbox, rails on Microsoft.

LEGO Lord of the Rings is Mac-bound Feb. 21

LEGO Lord of the Rings is the latest LEGO game to get the Mac treatment from Feral – coming later this month and available through the usual download services.

Sick of excuses about video games that fail

Michael Barnes rants at the video game industry, which he says has become increasingly clueless and self-deluding about why games aren’t selling to expectations.

X-Plane creator fights patent troll

Austin Meyer, maker of the X-Plane flight sim, is engaged in a fight with a patent troll over a basic copy protection mechanism used in Android.

League of Legends headed to Mac after all

“As soon as we closed down the earlier Mac beta, we had always planned from that moment to develop a native Mac client that would actually be able to serve the needs of Mac players. We knew it was going … Continued