Lots of great tutorials for different types of Web sites.
Biogrify beta testers wanted
Create a fun visual snapshot of your life. Life is not a static bio; it’s an evolving story.
Biogrify is a new web app where you can create an interactive infographic about your life. I have to say, this looks really interesting. You can sign-up to beta test — no guarantees you’ll get accepted.
100 hottest cars of all time
I’ll take it.
Free Christmas graphics
You The Designer:
We’ve made 10 free Christmas graphics/icons that would be perfect for decorating your website or blog. Feel free to download them.
I downloaded them. Great, high-quality stuff.
Web design predictions for 2012
Some very smart and talented people.
Sears Christmas catalog circa 1975
There are some classics in there.
Six future CSS layout features
Divya Manian:
A few concerns keep bobbing up now and then for Web developers, one of which relates to how to lay out a given design. Developers have made numerous attempts to do so with existing solutions. Several articles have been written on finding the holy grail of CSS layouts, but to date, not a single solution works without major caveats. At the W3Conf, I gave a talk on how the CSS Working Group is attempting to solve the concerns of Web developers with multiple proposals. There are six layout proposals that are relevant to us, all of which I described in the talk:
I hate caveats.
Lipstick on a pig
Marcelo Somers:
Companies like HP are more excited about telling people who they are and what they do instead of showing it through their actions.I’m a big fan of branding as a process of defining who you are, but the failure of business today is that we’re breeding a generation of employees who are more excited about telling than showing.
One of the things that Apple does really well is delivering technology and products. It doesn’t make promises before a product is released, but rather it wows people when it goes to market.
Redesigning HPs brand and identity
Moving Brands partnered with HP as their lead agency to set a creative vision for the HP brand. The vision was to transform the world’s biggest technology company into the world’s most powerful brand. HP would become the blueprint of a moving brand, built for a moving world.
The Kobot is a new EV concept for navigating around cities and towns, developed by Kowa Tmsuk. There are three models in this prototype range, the single person vehicles ν (nyu) and β(beta), which with the push of a button from a smartphone can transform so that they can be parked securely in a compact space, and the π(pi) which can hold two people.
10 CSS design resources
The following collection is a one-stop-shop for CSS. From the official home page of W3C to gradients and button generators — each of these resources has been carefully reviewed and tested. With these tools, you can accomplish any CSS design task that you want using CSS as the primary, if not only, system for implementing the look and feel.
Create drop cap effect with CSS3
Drop caps have been around for years in the print industry, but they are still pretty rare in the web world despite the :first-letter selector having been around for a fair few years. Let’s take a look at how we … Continued
Designing for the Web
The prevailing wisdom in web has been to design for the most common screen resolution that most people use and at the time of writing, it has been 1024 x 768 for quite a few years now. However, there is a relatively new and important factor that designers need to account for and that is the rise and prevelance of hand held devices. The popularity of the Android device as well as iOS (Apple’s operating system for most all things they manufacture — starting with the letter ‘i’) and the slow rise of Windows 7 devices, cannot be ignored and must be accounted for. These devices can be phone sized or tablet sized devices and their design size needs to be included in our new ‘guidebook’.
You know it’s time to redesign when…
Smashing magazine: Redesign. The word itself can send shudders down the spines of any Web designer and developer. For many designers and website owners, the imminent onslaught of endless review cycles, coupled with an infinite number of “stakeholders” and their … Continued
3.2 million ink dots
The making of “Hero,” a drawing of my dad composed entirely out of 3.2 million ink dots.
Absolutely amazing.
45 powerful images from 2011
I looked through the images and was impressed. When I got to the one of the dog and the navy seal, I felt it tugging at my heart.
Ferrari lovers dream party
Wow, so many beautiful cars.
Shit-ass Websites
Last night John Gruber pointed out how bad The Next Web was to load in a Web browser. Here’s what Gruber found using Safari’s inspector on The Next Web: I measured a few of their articles using Safari’s web inspector, … Continued
Letterpress Tuesday
I’m a bit late with this link, but there’s still time. Cameron Moll has put together a number of letterpress designers that will give you a discount today only.
30 high speed photographs
High speed photography is a technique in which a camera is set up to take pictures of objects in motion that would normally be too fast to be seen by the naked eye. It usually involves a tremendous amount of … Continued
∞ Returning the Jawbone UP
Michael Surtees: Ultimately I really liked the concept of collecting information without having to do much at the time of it being on. Up hasn’t gone far enough with creating options for the person using the device to start slicing … Continued
∞ Five ingredients for a great WordPress theme
Aravind Ajith:
In order to save some time the next time you go hunting for WordPress themes be sure to note these five essential ingredients that make up a great WordPress theme – for any type of website.
The Loop uses WordPress, but we used a custom designed theme.
∞ 30 sleek fonts
One of the most essential elements in a minimalist design is typography. Let’s face it, you can’t do justice to minimalism with pre-installed fonts like Arial, Century Gothic, Georgia, Verdana, Times New Roman, and etc. But frown no more! Here are 30 sleek fonts you can download for free that could fit perfectly on your minimalist designs.
I like Satellite.
∞ Universal twelve step business plan
You have to read this. Absolutely hilarious.
∞ The 75 best LIFE covers of all time
Starting at 1936. [Via Jim Coudal]
∞ Custom Web fonts
Line25: Over the past few years the number of fonts available for use in web design has dramatically increased. It wasn’t long ago that we all knew not to stray further than the basic Arial, Helvetica, Times, Georgia mix, but … Continued
∞ McLaren production facility
I don’t think of car manufacturing facilities being this good, but this is just spectacular.
∞ Steve Jobs to be inducted into the Creative Hall of Fame
The One Club for Art and Copy said it will induct Apple co-founder Steve Jobs into the Creative Hall of Fame on January 17, 2012 at an event in New York City. According to the hall of fame, Jobs will … Continued
∞ Web Symbols typeface
There are those points in every interactive designer’s career when he becomes fed up with producing the same set of graphics all over again for every website he designs. It could be the social network icons, gallery arrows or any number of his «signature» butterflies for the footer of each of his projects. Similar for interactive developers that have to slice the same GIFs and PNGs each time art-director asks them to.
∞ 100 abandoned houses
The abandoned houses project began innocently enough roughly ten years ago. I actually began photographing abandonment in Detroit in the mid 90’s as a creative outlet, and as a way of satisfying my curiosity with the state of my home town. I had always found it to be amazing, depressing, and perplexing that a once great city could find itself in such great distress, all the while surrounded by such affluence.
There are some beautiful house here. Sad.