Camera sales report for 2016: lowest sales ever on DSLRs and mirrorless

If you are a camera manufacturer, these are absolutely brutal numbers. While the camera on your iPhone may not have killed the DSLR market (yet), it has certainly decimated the point and shoot and consumer DSLR segments. The industry had hoped mirrorless cameras would take off but the numbers show no evidence of that.

Outlook 2016 for Mac adds support for Google Calendar and Contacts

This additional interoperability can only be good for users and it’s great to see Microsoft opening up to other services like this. Gone are the days when all their customers used their products exclusively and helping users integrate “third party” services helps everyone.

The tale of the Tommy Gun

I loved old gangster movies as a kid (and even still) and you always saw the bad guys with a Tommy Gun. I had no idea of the history behind it.

Serena Williams crashes a tennis game

Can you imagine this happening to you? It’s like if Michael Jordan showed up at your local hoop and called, “I got next….”

Reasons why you should love a cheap kit lens

I tell my students to NOT buy a new lens when they buy their first, beginner DSLR. There’s no point. The kit lens is “good enough” for beginners until they learn how to use the camera and create great images with it. Only once you know what kind of photographer you are should you start looking to buy replacement lenses.

Taking Pocket further with Mozilla

I hope this is good news for the Pocket team. I’ve been a huge fan (and, apparently a heavy user – according to Pocket, I’m in the top 1% of readers for the past four years!) and really like the service.

How Ikea’s Billy bookcase took over the world

These may be the only truly disposable furniture I’ve ever owned. While they are cheap, easy to assemble bookcases, they always seem pretty flimsy. Whenever I’ve moved, I’ve always just thrown out the old Billy and bought a new one.

How to draw an exoplanet

The artist renderings of what these new planets might look like are fascinating.

How to shoot a 360 video

With Ar/VR “on the horizon”, more and more 360 video is showing up. If you’d like to start creating your own content, this is a good primer to help you get started.

Inside Jack White’s new vinyl-pressing paradise

We will never again have a format so wonderfully tactile as vinyl. I have nothing to play records on anymore and have no vinyl but I still have a fondness for the physicality of holding a record.