If you are a camera manufacturer, these are absolutely brutal numbers. While the camera on your iPhone may not have killed the DSLR market (yet), it has certainly decimated the point and shoot and consumer DSLR segments. The industry had hoped mirrorless cameras would take off but the numbers show no evidence of that.
Outlook 2016 for Mac adds support for Google Calendar and Contacts
This additional interoperability can only be good for users and it’s great to see Microsoft opening up to other services like this. Gone are the days when all their customers used their products exclusively and helping users integrate “third party” services helps everyone.
Apple updates Home app webpage with new promotional video, design
I love that Apple is doing this and I hope they do much more to promote HomeKit. People have endless frustrations in trying to create this kind of automation in their home and HomeKit promises to make things much simpler — in theory.
Corporations show support for transgender boy in supreme court case
Very interesting to see the list of companies who have signed this brief.
Murderball is the toughest sport you’ve never heard of
You probably know it as “wheelchair rugby” but that name doesn’t do it justice. It really can be awfully, wonderfully brutal.
The tale of the Tommy Gun
I loved old gangster movies as a kid (and even still) and you always saw the bad guys with a Tommy Gun. I had no idea of the history behind it.
Why some cars have gas tank fillers on the left or the right
This is one of those things you don’t think about but, when it gets explained, makes a lot of sense.
Lego is making a ‘Women of NASA’ set designed by fans
This is pretty cool. Congratulations to the women honoured and to Lego for creating this set.
How to find and watch Facebook Live streaming video with your Apple TV
I’m not a heavy Facebook user but I can see how this could be very popular among those who like watching videos on and from the site.
YouTube is entering the cable cord-cutter business
This might be a good deal for some but no CBS, MTV, Comedy Central and the other channels from Time Warner and Viacom might be a dealbreaker for many.
OverSight mic and webcam monitor
It’s free and offers a little piece of mind for the paranoid among us.
Learn to bargain before you buy these 3 big-ticket items — negotiating could save you thousands
We don’t have a “haggling mentality” in North America but I’ve haggled on all three of the items mentioned in this piece and have literally saved thousands of dollars off the sticker price.
Serena Williams crashes a tennis game
Can you imagine this happening to you? It’s like if Michael Jordan showed up at your local hoop and called, “I got next….”
The 10 best US states — and why they are great places to live
This is an interesting list. Do you live in one of these ten states? Do you agree with their inclusion or placement?
Sistine Chapel gets full digital treatment for future restorations
And people thought Apple’s $300 coffee table book was expensive.
Introducing Handle from Boston Dynamic
This is either really cool or the beginning of the robot uprising.
Cop offers snarky PSA for ‘amazing’ turn signals
This is pretty funny.
Reasons why you should love a cheap kit lens
I tell my students to NOT buy a new lens when they buy their first, beginner DSLR. There’s no point. The kit lens is “good enough” for beginners until they learn how to use the camera and create great images with it. Only once you know what kind of photographer you are should you start looking to buy replacement lenses.
Taking Pocket further with Mozilla
I hope this is good news for the Pocket team. I’ve been a huge fan (and, apparently a heavy user – according to Pocket, I’m in the top 1% of readers for the past four years!) and really like the service.
How Ikea’s Billy bookcase took over the world
These may be the only truly disposable furniture I’ve ever owned. While they are cheap, easy to assemble bookcases, they always seem pretty flimsy. Whenever I’ve moved, I’ve always just thrown out the old Billy and bought a new one.
The end of the Olympics as we know it
I’d be sad to see the Olympics disappear but it would make economic sense if they did.
The red carpet isn’t actually red, and other secrets underfoot at the Oscars
I just learned more than I ever thought I would about the carpet at the Oscars.
Apple says third-party iPhone screen repairs no longer fully void your warranty
This is great news for those of you who have had your screens replaced.
How to draw an exoplanet
The artist renderings of what these new planets might look like are fascinating.
So, um, how do you, like, stop using filler words?
With the explosion of podcasting comes an equal explosion of people not trained in public speaking. The funny thing is the fix is easy but hard to do.
How to shoot a 360 video
With Ar/VR “on the horizon”, more and more 360 video is showing up. If you’d like to start creating your own content, this is a good primer to help you get started.
The true story of the “Ellen Selfie”
We all know that selfie wasn’t a spontaneous moment so it’s interesting to see how it came about.
Inside Jack White’s new vinyl-pressing paradise
We will never again have a format so wonderfully tactile as vinyl. I have nothing to play records on anymore and have no vinyl but I still have a fondness for the physicality of holding a record.
Android can’t compete with iMessage. Google is changing that.
It’s hard to overstate how convenient I find iMessage. On the rare occasions I “see the green” when I text someone, it’s really deflating.
What those little shapes on car bumpers are for
I’ve often wondered what those were.