How the “tech support” scam works

While the vast majority of us wouldn’t be scammed like this, it’s a good piece to pass along to those we know who may not be as technically proficient as we are.

The best-designed battleships ever built

Read this story if only for the amazing photos. I’ve always had a soft spot for these magnificent ships. Aircraft carriers are bigger, can project force further and are (arguably) better but the brutality of a battleship, and the images firing those guns creates, has always fascinated me.

The frustrated Steve Jobs

I love Segall’s reminisces about his time at Apple. I was privy to one of these outbursts many years ago when I was in the room as Jobs called a well-known tech columnist and chewed his ass off for a good five minutes. It was a magnificent example of barely controlled fury, peppered with some remarkable curse words.

iPad Diaries: optimizing Apple Notes

MacStories: Notes in 2017 isn’t too different from its iOS 9 debut. Apple added integration with the Pencil in late 2015, private notes with iOS 9.3, and they brought sharing and collaboration features in iOS 10, but the app’s core … Continued

Curling: Not falling on your face is just the 1st challenge

Every now and then, some sportswriter gets it in his head that curling is easy and anyone can do it so they go out and try it. They always get proven wrong. It’s a more physical, challenging sport than what you imagine and also very technical.

Living and dying on his own terms

Tom has been a friend to the Mac Community and a personal friend for many years. It’s absolutely heartbreaking to see him have to go through this but, I know Tom is doing what he can to do this on his own terms. He’s a stubborn guy and he fought hard. But now it’s time for him to go. Be well, my friend.

Judge blocks FBI from forcing fingerprints from targets to unlock iPhones

This is a very interesting case and it’s not over yet. It’s always been said that you can’t be compelled to give up something you know (your password) but you can be compelled to give up something you have (your fingerprints). The judge in this case is turning that on its head.

Managing Apple in the enterprise

There may be some bias in this report but it at least confirms something many have known or suspected for years – Macs are easier to deploy, cost less and, when employees are given a choice of computer systems to use, they often choose to use Macs. The days of IT claiming they need to standardize on one device or brand are over.

App camp for girls

This is a very popular program so, if you know any eligible girls, sign them ASAP.