Love him or hate him, you’ve got to admire Cruise for pushing the envelope when it comes to these stunts.
Chance The Rapper detailed his Apple relationship to defend his independence
I don’t know if the $500,000 Apple paid for the exclusive is out of line with other deals but I do have a prediction: After shooting his mouth off, Apple will not have any more exclusives from this artist.
Uber’s autonomous cars drove 20,354 miles and had to be taken over at every mile, according to documents
Our future full of autonomous cars may be further away than the “experts” think.
Don’t plant those “bee-friendly” wildflowers Cheerios is giving away
When I first heard about this giveaway on social media, I thought it was a good, cute way to help an “endangered population” of bees. But read the article.
The difficulty involved in landing a Boeing 737 airline in high winds
The video is amazing. It looks like he’s driving a rally car.
Fury road: Did Uber steal the driverless future from Google?
Bloomberg: But none of these (Uber) scandals has the potential financial impact of the one Uber has said the least about: a lawsuit from Alphabet Inc.—the parent of Google and Google’s self-driving car division, now called Waymo—over driverless cars. Waymo … Continued
Why are basketball games so squeaky? Consider the spiny lobster
The facetious answer to the headline, “Because of the sneakers”, belies the very interesting science behind it. I love the sound. It’s the sound of my childhood.
iPads in every hospital: Apple’s plan to crack the $3 trillion health care sector
Apple has made overtures into the health care market but I don’t think we are even close to seeing what their complete plans are yet.
Apple engineer converts used van into mobile laundromat, offers free loads to homeless
What a kind and generous thing to do.
Bottlenose dolphins, Marlborough Sounds
I’ve seen dolphins do this off the bow and stern of a Canadian Navy warship when I was younger and it was an amazing thing to watch. They actually seemed to be enjoying pacing the ship and playing in the wake.
US releases secret footage of atom bomb tests
These videos are simultaneously fascinating, beautiful, and terrifying.
Google reduces JPEG file size by 35%
Looks good so far. As a photographer, I’m always fighting the battle between file size and image quality. Anything that can help is a win.
These scientists sent a rocket to Mars for less than it cost to make “The Martian”
What a great story.
Everyone is falling for this frighteningly effective Gmail scam
No, “everyone” isn’t but it is (unfortunately) a very clever phishing scam that can catch the unwary off guard. It also points out the effectiveness of two-factor authentication and password managers like 1Password. They wouldn’t load your password on the phishing site because the fake site URL wouldn’t match the real one in 1Password.
ABC News’ app adds support for multi-stream viewing on Apple TV
For a news junkie like me, this would be incredibly cool but only if I could choose different news sources. Alas, that’s not yet possible.
A news app aims to burst filter bubbles by nudging readers toward a more “balanced” media diet
One of the dangers of the ability to personalize everything on the internet is that we sequester ourselves in walled gardens. We get information that is not only tailored to our wants and needs but also actively blocks out and ignores even slightly “dissenting” opinion. This app can help combat that.
St. Patrick’s Day myths and legends
Did you know St. Patrick was “Roman”, not Irish? Or that there’s no such thing as a “Shamrock”? Do you know the Irish (and many of the rest of us) wear green today? Well, prepare to be better informed.
Mrs. Porter’s 2nd grade class survey
This is just too cute for words.
New navigation app has an awesome feature I’ve always wanted in Google Maps
I can see this app being very useful for me. In a car, you can just call the other vehicle to find out where they are if you lose them. But, as a motorcyclist who often rides with others, an app like this would be a huge assist in allowing us to keep track of each other.
What Apple is doing with 3,600 acres in eastern North Carolina
When this purchase was first news two years ago, a lot of people assumed it was for construction. It’s really interesting to read what Apple is doing with the land instead.
Google Home is playing audio ads for Beauty and the Beast
If this comes as a shock or a surprise to you, you haven’t been paying attention. Advertising is what Google does.
Amazon puts Alexa inside its main iPhone app
The tech media wants to portray this as “taking on Siri” but, because it’s buried inside an app, it’s unlikely to affect Siri usage at all.
Yves Béhar designs Samsung television to look like a framed work of art
This is one of those things you would have thought was blindingly obvious and should have been invented long before now. I’d buy one of these TVs.
A court’s decision in a Maine labor dispute hinged on the absence of an Oxford comma
This is a great story for the grammar nerds among us.
The Tom Negrino memorial fund
Be in peace, my friend.
Operation London Bridge: the secret plan for the days after the Queen’s death
The Guardian: In the plans that exist for the death of the Queen – and there are many versions, held by Buckingham Palace, the government and the BBC – most envisage that she will die after a short illness. Her … Continued
Amtrak snow-mo collision
Why didn’t the people on the platform see all the snow on the tracks, see the speed of the train, and then use common sense to get the hell out of the way?
This is why your car makes that weird whining sound in reverse
I am mechanically incompetent and, while I’ve noticed this sound, I had no idea what created it. The explanation is actually kind of interesting.
Stop auto-play videos from annoying you in your browser on macOS
The most egregious user of autoplay videos in the Mac community must be Macworld. The site has been taken over by marketing weasels and is a shadow of its (useful) former self.
The first Ferrari hit the road 70 years ago this week
I’m sure we all have our favorite cars and car companies but I’ve always lusted after and drooled over Ferraris.