A brief history of random numbers

This is another of those articles I love – ones that turn out a lot more interesting than they have a right to be.

You can now buy McDonald’s secret burger sauces

Do people really want to put this stuff on their home burgers? Granted, I haven’t had a MacDonald’s burger in 20+ years but I don’t remember the sauce being so spectacular I’d want to buy a jar of it myself.

Can you spot a fake Rolex?

I’ve never been nor will I ever be in the market for a Rolex. But we’ve all seen the fake ones on street corners around the world. Those are easy to spot. But how good have professional fakes gotten? Watch this video and see that they are frighteningly well done.

How to do a burnout

I won’t lie – I’ve always wanted to do this. I’ve gone through four sets of motorcycle tires in 2 years and I’d love to burn the rear off.

Automatic Bullseye Dartboard

The (poor) dart player in me hates this but the guy in me who appreciates the effort loves it.

In the original story, Pinocchio killed Jiminy Cricket

Today I Found Out: You probably already knew that Disney has a habit of taking dark, twisted children’s fairy tales and turning them into sickeningly sweet happily-ever-afters. The 1940 version of Pinocchio is no exception. The movie is based on … Continued