“Winter is coming…”
Samsung Gear VR headset commercial
Wonderfully silly and funny ad ruined by utterly incoherent taglines at the end.
ESPN has seen the future of TV and they’re not really into it
It was always assumed sports would be immune from cord cutters because there was no other way to get sports live. The pundits ignored the fact people simply aren’t watching live sports as much.
A brief history of random numbers
This is another of those articles I love – ones that turn out a lot more interesting than they have a right to be.
Wanna protect your online privacy? Open a tab and make some noise
This won’t actually “protect your privacy” but the idea is interesting – make your search history useless to advertisers. And, if you’re bored, watching the site do its searches is weirdly fun.
MotoGP super slow motion action
Watch on the biggest screen you can.
You can now buy McDonald’s secret burger sauces
Do people really want to put this stuff on their home burgers? Granted, I haven’t had a MacDonald’s burger in 20+ years but I don’t remember the sauce being so spectacular I’d want to buy a jar of it myself.
How ISPs can sell your Web history—and how to stop them
You can’t buy individual web history but it will be able to be bought in the future in aggregate. This article explains and has some good advice how to minimize the affect on you.
Inside America’s last great pinball factory
I love the old, mechanical pinball machines of my misspent youth. The newer electronic ones don’t compel me to pump quarters into them.
This designer clothing line is stylish and bulletproof
I hope I’m never important enough to need this.
Can you spot a fake Rolex?
I’ve never been nor will I ever be in the market for a Rolex. But we’ve all seen the fake ones on street corners around the world. Those are easy to spot. But how good have professional fakes gotten? Watch this video and see that they are frighteningly well done.
Apple just made a historic and risky change to all iPhones — and you probably didn’t even notice
I don’t think Apple is getting enough credit for pulling this off without a hitch. Remarkable achievement.
Insane front flip of a monster truck
How much fun would it have been to be inside that truck?
How the NYPD secures Times Square on New Year’s Eve
This is an utterly amazing operation and the balance the NYPD has to maintain between security and the revelers is remarkable.
“National Geographic Guide to Photography” free PDF
The folks at National Geographic have forgotten more about photography than I will ever know.
Ignore that call from “Apple” about an iCloud breach
I’m seeing widespread reports of this call. Please warn your friends and family who aren’t tech savvy.
Apple will not tolerate harassment at its developer conference this year
As mentioned by many on Twitter, the other notable aspect of this document is the plain English writing style. Very much appreciated by those of us who have to wade through such things.
Don’t let Congress give away your right to privately browse the web
Regardless of the “I don’t have anything to hide” argument, this is something everyone should be concerned with.
How to do a burnout
I won’t lie – I’ve always wanted to do this. I’ve gone through four sets of motorcycle tires in 2 years and I’d love to burn the rear off.
Inside Costco: the magic in the warehouse
I’m not a big box store fan but this story about Costco was fascinating.
BeatsX review: Just as magical as the AirPods, but more comfortable and convenient
Everyone rightfully raves about the AirPods but they are not necessarily the best for everyone. Read this review for info about the new BeatsX.
How Drake and Apple Music broke streaming records with more life
Those are incredible numbers.
Toto hopes to woo Americans with high-tech toilet showroom
I experienced Toto toilets in Tokyo. Mindblowing tech for something so “simple”.
How to set up two-factor authentication for your Apple ID and iCloud account
Do it. Do it now. Yes, it’s inconvenient and a PITA. But one day, you’ll thank me.
Magnet For Mac is the window management tool i’ve desperately needed
I’ve been a Magnet user for years. I love it.
Apple responds to hacker’s threat to wipe hundreds of millions of iphones
Want to be on the safe side? Enable two-factor authentication.
Automatic Bullseye Dartboard
The (poor) dart player in me hates this but the guy in me who appreciates the effort loves it.
In the original story, Pinocchio killed Jiminy Cricket
Today I Found Out: You probably already knew that Disney has a habit of taking dark, twisted children’s fairy tales and turning them into sickeningly sweet happily-ever-afters. The 1940 version of Pinocchio is no exception. The movie is based on … Continued
When it comes to self-driving cars, not all cities are created equal
One of the downsides of the self-driving future is it is coming in such a piecemeal fashion. Seemingly, every city and/or state will have their own laws and regulations regarding whether you can or cannot use elf-driving technology.
Creating Saturday Night Live: Kate McKinnon make-up transition
Another great behind the scenes video from SNL.