The real price of being an Apple supplier

It has been said of being a supplier to Walmart that, “it’s the best and worse thing that can happen to your company”. I’ve heard the same about Apple.

Mastering sushi with Masa Takayama

I’ve only had the opportunity to be in a “fancy’ sushi restaurant a couple of times but watching the master chef is always an amazing experience.

Walt Mossberg is retiring in June

“Uncle Walt” as he was known (sometimes disparagingly) to many in the tech media has been around for a very long time. His retirement is hard earned and very well deserved.

The evolution of “The Fast And The Furious” movies

There is no better example of a guilty pleasure for me than these movies. Objectively, they are not very good and sometimes, they are downright awful but the stunts and the general “so bad it’s good” feel makes me love them all the more.

Google’s Project Sunroof

Solar has become not only a lot less expensive but a lot easier to install so it’s become very popular. If you are in the US, you can use this tool to see whether it makes financial sense for you to go solar.

Why I always tug on the ATM

I’ve gotten into the habit of doing this at ATMs I go to. Luckily, I haven’t found any skimmers but better to be safe than sorry. I also rarely have any money so skimmers won’t get much out of me regardless.

The case against eating fish

As a native Nova Scotianer, I love to eat anything that comes out of the ocean. And, even after reading this scary article, that won’t change. But I’ll definitely be more mindful.

VPNs are for most people—including you

Mogull is my favorite guy to talk to about Mac security issues. With all the talk about ISPs (potentially) selling your browsing data, there’s been a lot of talk of VPNs and what they can (and can’t) do for you.

Unseen Apollo

I love these photos. Make sure you watch the associated video as well.

Why bargain travel sites may no longer be bargains

I haven’t had to travel for a while but, when I did, I used aggregator sites heavily. But I always checked with the individual airline before I made the sale just in case. Looks like that’s even more true now.