Really good explainer of the seemingly bizarre movement of Mars and Mercury in our night sky.
‘Most important computer in history’: Steve Jobs machine part of Apple exhibit at Paul Allen museum
This is definitely a museum I’ll check out next time I’m in Seattle.
The real price of being an Apple supplier
It has been said of being a supplier to Walmart that, “it’s the best and worse thing that can happen to your company”. I’ve heard the same about Apple.
R/C planes land on R/C aircraft carrier
This might be the coolest, nerdiest thing you watch all weekend. But, to be honest, some of the landings were awfully sketchy.
Mastering sushi with Masa Takayama
I’ve only had the opportunity to be in a “fancy’ sushi restaurant a couple of times but watching the master chef is always an amazing experience.
The Smithsonian wants you to help transcribe all 52,000 jokes in Phyllis Diller’s filing cabinet
I’ve been doing this for the past week. It’s a lot of fun.
Walt Mossberg is retiring in June
“Uncle Walt” as he was known (sometimes disparagingly) to many in the tech media has been around for a very long time. His retirement is hard earned and very well deserved.
RIP Cassini: A look back at the doomed probe’s most stunning Saturn pictures
When I was younger, I would have wanted some of these gorgeous images as posters on my bedroom wall.
The evolution of “The Fast And The Furious” movies
There is no better example of a guilty pleasure for me than these movies. Objectively, they are not very good and sometimes, they are downright awful but the stunts and the general “so bad it’s good” feel makes me love them all the more.
Apple’s new Clips app for making stylized videos is available now
Downloading now.
Microsoft ranks highest in tablet satisfaction as features, design shine
This is actually very good news. It means there’s competition in the tablet space. Competition breeds better tablets for all of us. And, make no mistake, Apple’s iPad still ranks very high in this study.
Spotify is testing lossless audio. Can you hear the difference?
Jim posted about this back in March but now Spotify has posted an actual audio test for you to try to see if you can actually hear the difference.
10 foods nutritionists say they never eat
I don’t eat any of these of these except “processed meats”. No way I’m giving up bacon or sausage.
The complete guide to Jewish food, and what on earth that means
I’m a big fan of food in general and a bigger fan of “ethnic” food and, while I haven’t had a lot of it, I really enjoy Jewish food, especially for the stories behind it.
Why do so many musicians end up being one-hit wonders?
Is it because pop music is so ephemeral and music tastes change so rapidly?
Formula 1: A technical deep dive into building the world’s fastest cars
As a MotoGP motorcycle racing fan, I find Formula 1 to be sometimes boring from a racing point of view but these kinds of technical details are fascinating.
Google’s Project Sunroof
Solar has become not only a lot less expensive but a lot easier to install so it’s become very popular. If you are in the US, you can use this tool to see whether it makes financial sense for you to go solar.
Why I always tug on the ATM
I’ve gotten into the habit of doing this at ATMs I go to. Luckily, I haven’t found any skimmers but better to be safe than sorry. I also rarely have any money so skimmers won’t get much out of me regardless.
The most expensive deleted scenes filmed
95% of the time, deleted scenes are deleted for good reason.
How to identify outdated apps that might not be compatible with iOS 11
Go to the linked web site to see how to check for iOS 11 incompatible apps. I’ve got several dozen apps that will break and some are ones I still use regularly.
A visual guide to Vantablack, the darkest substance ever made
This stuff is fascinatingly weird.
How wearable heart-rate monitors work, and which is best for you
I’ve been looking for an “all day” heart-rate monitor for a while now. This article helped narrow down my choices.
The complete story behind Apple’s futuristic new campus, ‘Apple Park’
There are some great photos here and some details I hadn’t read before.
The case against eating fish
As a native Nova Scotianer, I love to eat anything that comes out of the ocean. And, even after reading this scary article, that won’t change. But I’ll definitely be more mindful.
VPNs are for most people—including you
Mogull is my favorite guy to talk to about Mac security issues. With all the talk about ISPs (potentially) selling your browsing data, there’s been a lot of talk of VPNs and what they can (and can’t) do for you.
At last, a new movie that’s as beautiful and insane as The Fifth Element
I loved The Fifth Element for its visuals and even enjoyed the utter goofiness of the movie. And I’ve been a fan of Besson since I saw “Léon: The Professional” so I’m really looking forward to this movie.
Unseen Apollo
I love these photos. Make sure you watch the associated video as well.
Laptop manufacturers overstate battery life
Good news for Apple but shameful that other manufacturers’ stated claims fall so far short.
Why bargain travel sites may no longer be bargains
I haven’t had to travel for a while but, when I did, I used aggregator sites heavily. But I always checked with the individual airline before I made the sale just in case. Looks like that’s even more true now.
The little-known history of April Fools Day — seriously, this is no joke
In the days before widespread internet, April Fools Day was kind of fun. Granted, I was much younger then. But now, it’s just tedious, lame, and unfunny.