I fondly remember seeing a circus as a ten-year-old in the Halifax Forum. It was the first time I’d ever seen “wild” animals and it was a magical experience.
Why Apple’s next killer app is health
This should come as no surprise. Apple has been signaling this move for quite some time.
Video solves mystery of how narwhals use their tusks
I knew narwhals didn’t spear fish with their tusk but it’s interesting to see how they do use it.
MP3 is dead, long live AAC
Interesting development. I still use MP3 for all my audio needs.
30 hours of Doctor Who audio dramas now free to stream online
I’ve never been a big Doctor Who fan but I am a fan of audio dramas. I’ll check these out this weekend.
Helicopter crew’s shark warning to paddle-boarders
“Exit the water in a calm manner…”
Apple doesn’t ‘need’ to buy anything
Many of the companies pundits think Apple should buy are patently ridiculous choices.
History of the entire world, I guess
Settle in for 20 minutes of a pretty good round up of world history. CAUTION: there’s some NSFW language in the video.
Apple’s iTunes is coming to the Windows Store
It will be interesting to see how well (or how poorly) iTunes will be received on the Windows Store.
Keeping Apple history alive at MacPaw
As sad as I was to hear of Tekserve’s closing, I’m glad to see their wonderful collection of Apple computers has gone to a good home.
The narrator of HGTV’s “House Hunters” is ready to step out from the shadows
Want to talk about guilty pleasures of trash tv watching? This is mine. I watch every episode of House Hunters International (yes, I know the show is staged), although not such a fan of the other shows.
Photosweeper 3 review: Sorts out the image duplicates in your Mac’s media libraries and folders
I’ve used Photosweeper 3 to organize and/or delete thousands of photos. Well worth the $10.
Apple announces WWDC Keynote
Let the Zaprudering of the invitation begin.
20,000-year-old artifacts, 21st century technology
I’ve always thought museums would be perfect places for this kind of technology but only the most well-funded ones can take advantage of it.
John Oliver sounds the warning siren on net neutrality
Yeah, he’s done it before but the issue has raised its ugly head once again.
Apple clarifies affiliate program changes affect in-app purchases only
Great news for sites and people that use the program.
16 famous first photographs in history: from the oldest photo ever to the world’s first Instagram
Without looking, guess who the subject of the “First Digital Photo of a President” was. I bet you’ll be surprised.
Video converter Handbrake compromised by malware
If you didn’t download it during the above times, you have nothing to worry about.
Phil Schiller on App Store upgrade pricing, Amazon Echo-like devices, Swift, and more
Always fun to read the tea leaves when Apple executives speak.
Heartwarming reaction to their friend’s new prosthetic leg
If you’re having a bad day (I sure am!), this short video will definitely put a smile on your face.
Most U.S. households have ditched landlines for mobile phones
I bet many of you have as well.
Tim Cook announces $1 billion investment in “advanced” US manufacturing
Apple doesn’t say exactly what “Advanced manufacturing” is but I’m betting it means chip fabrication. Apple is going to make its own silicon in the US.
While Gemmell will be perceived as biased, he’s not far wrong. It must be disheartening for developers to see the race to the bottom on the iOS app store where people bitch about paying $4.99 for an app and complain about paying for updates/upgrades in the form of new versions.
Canon EOS Rebel T7i/800D review
I’m a Nikon guy but, if you’re in the market for your first DSLR or to replace an older one, you can’t go wrong with the latest Canon Rebel. The Rebel line is the best selling camera for good reason.
Rare journey into Cheyenne Mountain, a super-bunker that can survive anything
This place has always fascinated and terrified me in equal measure.
Avoiding lens switching when shooting video on the iPhone 7 Plus
This is a great tip for those of you who shoot video with your iPhone 7 Plus.
Someone is spreading a massive Google Doc phishing email right now
For the time being, do not click on any Google Doc links.
A timelapse & hyperlapse “Gift from Rome”
Not only is the photography amazing but the technical skills to create this video are even more so.
May is “Motorcycle Awareness Month”
This is a personal plea from me to all of you folks out there who drive cars.
How a Zippo lighter is made
I still remember the very first Zippo lighter I ever got. My dad was stationed on the HMCS Iroquois, a Canadian Navy destroyer and I went on a deployment with him. He gave me a Zippo branded with the ship’s crest that only the ship’s sailors could buy. I treasured it for years.