This street art is absolutely brilliant.
The Tasty One Top by BuzzFeed
I had no idea BuzzFeed was developing and selling hardware and this may be a complete bust but the idea – cooking made easier through technology – is one I can get behind as a beginning cook myself.
Macpaw acquires The Unarchiver
Not sexy news but for us old timers who remember the days of Stuffit Expander and the like, this is kind of interesting. The Unarchiver is my app of choice for the job and I’m glad to hear it will continue to exist.
Apple appoints Deirdre O’Brien to lead human resources as vice president of People
“vice president of People” sounds….odd.
Transmit 5 review: File transfer utility expands support for cloud services
I’ve been a “loyal” Transmit user for many years and, by extension, a big fan of the parent company Panic. This isn’t the kind of app everyone needs but, if you need it, you’ll appreciate the updates to it.
SR-71 Blackbird speed check
I’ve read about this story for years but hearing it from the pilot’s mouth is prety cool.
Custom fit earphones: Audio nirvana or a waste of money?
I’ve had a few sets of custom fit earphones and have loved (and sadly, lost) them.
The problem with abandoned apps
Interesting piece on the issues with the way Apple manages apps. For me, there are all kinds of annoyances, minor and major, with the way Apple manages (often poorly) apps on iOS.
This is what sound actually looks like
This is a very cool visualization.
Apple’s privacy pledge complicates its AI push
I appreciate whatever complications Apple is going through in their stance on privacy. I much prefer their approach to these issues over Google’s and Facebook’s.
Unlocking the secrets behind the hummingbird’s frenzy
Typically amazing video and images in this piece. Hummingbirds are fascinating little creatures.
Free: 355 issues of Galaxy, the groundbreaking 1950s science fiction magazine
If you are even a casual fan of science fiction, you’ve got to check out some of these issues. The writing can seem dated at times but you’ll still enjoy some great sci-fi.
Here’s every total solar eclipse happening in your lifetime. Is this year your best chance?
For me, it realistically is my last chance to see even a partial eclipse.
People can’t even text and walk, so why do they text and drive?
Powerful PSA from South Africa.
A service that turns pictures of keys into working keys
This is a little scary but not surprising. As they say, it’s a reminder that locks aren’t as secure as we think they are.
The hidden oil patterns on bowling lanes
I used to be a competitive league bowler – I had my own custom fitted ball and everything – and had to learn these patterns. My problem was being terrible at adjusting to the changes over time.
How Apple’s secretive gym is shaping its activity-tracking algorithms
This is an all too short article.
Apple unveils smart home experiences in its retail stores worldwide
This is one of the primary reasons Apple created the Apple Retails Stores – to show off their products and technology.
AgileBits isn’t forcing 1Password data to live in the cloud
As usual, there is a lot of hair on fire reporting from the tech and Mac media on subjects they don’t understand and/or are too lazy to actually do any research or real reporting. Fleishman does a great job on both.
How to stop autoplay videos in Safari for macOS High Sierra
I hope the irony of this tip being posted on a page with autoplaying video is not lost on Macworld.
Use your own voice for Waze navigation prompts on iOS
You can see a lot of people will set up, “Turn left, dummy!” as their voice prompts.
Torching the modern day “Library of Alexandria”
This is such a sad story and a loss for all of us here and now but it will eventually happen.
Man falls off motorcycle
Most experienced motorcyclists know about “speed wobble”. It often happens with poorly balanced tires or some mechanical misalignment.
What I learned hanging out with corpses around the world
For many of us “in the West”, we are definitely weirded out by death in general and dead bodies specifically. This is a fascinating interview and I’m looking forward to checking out the book.
2017 Sand Marble Tournament race 1
This is wonderfully silly.
Winners of the International Drone Photography Contest
Drone photography brings a fascinating new perspective to photography. Some of these images are stunning.
Softorino YouTube Converter 2 makes downloading streaming video effortless
While I wouldn’t call it “effortless” (there are a couple of minor annoyances), I’ve been using SYC 2 for a couple of weeks and really like the ease of use. I download a lot of videos for offline viewing and this app makes it a simple process.
The most important object in computer graphics history is this teapot
I knew the teapot was a popular object to do in CGI but had no idea why or its history.
How eclipse chasers are putting a small Kentucky town on the map
If you are lucky enough to be able to get to the path of totality, you owe it to yourself to witness this almost literal once in a lifetime event.
Glif review: Tripod adapter should be part of every smartphone photographer’s kit
I’ve been a Glif user and supporter since their first Kickstarter campaign and this is the best Glif yet.