As convenient as these kinds of things are (and their convenience may be minimal), stories like this make it crystal clear why I personally will never own or install these kinds of IoT devices.
All the keyboard shortcuts you can use when starting up your Mac
I had a kernel panic situation a couple of weeks ago and was glad I had a cheat sheet of these lying around.
Watch all of the ARKit demos we can find in one place
We haven’t even begun to scratch the surface of what developers are going to create with ARKit but even some of what we already can see is amazing.
Google is paying Apple billions per year to remain on the iPhone
It stands to reason that, if they are paying billions, they are making billions more.
The story behind the song ‘Brandy (You’re a Fine Girl)’
What a great song.
Inside Apple’s coup attempt on Google
Obviously, “coup attempt” is ridiculous hyperbole (ironic from a web site called “Market Realist”) but definitely a shot across the bow.
Feds might force table-saw makers to adopt radically safer technology
I’m a danger to myself and others whenever I use any kind of tool and table saws in particular scare the living daylights out of me. But forcing manufacturers to use the “safe” saw technology presents its own challenges.
How to bow in Japan and exchange business cards
When I attended the last (sadly) Macworld Expo, I stressed out over the proper etiquette of bowing and exchanging business cards. I wish I had had this video back then. These kinds of Japanese customs and rules are fascinating to me.
The 12 best buys in motorcycles for 2017
As an avid rider, I see a lot of great bikes on this list.
Tips for photographing the total solar eclipse
It’s best to not worry too much about getting “good” shots (I’m going to focus on watching, not shooting it) but, if you have to, here are some tips for the photographers among you.
Kid crying because of mobile phone
Is it just me or is this more than a little disturbing? I get that babies cry when you take things from them but maybe because it’s a cell phone that makes this creepier than it should be.
The “Great 78 Project”
Great 78: The Great 78 Project is a community project for the preservation, research and discovery of 78rpm records. From about 1898 to the 1950s, an estimated 3 million sides (~3 minute recordings) have been made on 78rpm discs. There … Continued
The remarkable, war-torn, spacefaring history of the slinky
I love stories of the history of the Slinky. I’ve only ever had one and it was wrecked by a little brother very quickly but I’ve always thought the little spring was cool. But not the plastic ones. Those are awful.
Behind the scenes of Game of Thrones’ “The Loot Train Attack”
Think of all the planning and logistics that go into a scene like this. Amazing.
Why NASA’s interstellar mission almost didn’t happen
I remember when these missions launched. What an incredible accomplishment that they are still sending back data.
Makeup artist Mimi Choi creates mind-blowing optical illusions on herself
Check out her work in the article and on Facebook and Instagram. Mindblowing.
What happens if we throw an elephant from a skyscraper?
Besides the questions of, “Why would you do that, you sicko!?” and “How did you get the elephant into the elevator?”, this is an amusing (think “Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy” British humour) and interesting explanation.
The most beautiful theory of all
A great article about the general theory of relativity and why it is so important even today.
Adam Savage visits Third Man Records!
I would happily do a Kickstarter campaign to fly The Publisher of The Loop to Detroit so he can make a vinyl record of his music that we could all buy!
David Letterman returning to TV with Netflix talk show
I didn’t watch Letterman for the last few years of his last show but I’ll definitely want to check this out.
Entry-level DSLRs compared: Canon EOS Rebel SL2 vs. Nikon D3400
Not every beginner photographer needs a DSRL but, if you do, you can’t go wrong with either of these cameras.
The best livestreams for watching the 2017 total eclipse
A lot of folks will be at work and likely unable to go outside to watch the eclipse.
Video shows pilot successfully using AirDrop 35,000 feet in the air
Is it just me or does anyone else think this shouldn’t have worked? I can barely get AirDrop to work between my Mac and iPhone when they are two feet from each other.
BOE4 flight schedule
Boeing has to test their engines for long periods of time in flight. I guess these Boeing pilots decided to liven up the boring work and not just fly around in circles.
The ghostly radio station that no one claims to run
I love these odd little stories.
How to tell if your eclipse glasses or handheld solar viewers are safe
The coming solar eclipse is an almost once in a lifetime experience. Don’t let it be ruined by using substandard equipment and/or dangerous viewing habits.
Dive into what the Web looked like 10 years ago with this site
Spoiler alert: It was an ugly, ugly place.
How Apple is putting voices in users’ heads—literally
Apple doesn’t get nearly the credit they deserve for the work they do in accessibility. I know quite a few people with varying levels and kinds of disability and accessibility issues and they all say that, while there’s lots of work to be done, Apple is far ahead of the rest of the industry in their commitment to these users.
Retail’s most profitable square footage
To paraphrase The Talking Heads, “Same as it ever was.” Apple has been the leader in this metric almost since the first store opened and it hasn’t even been close for years. Remarkable numbers.
Goodbye iPod, and thanks for all the tunes
Poor one out for the iPod. I get why they are no longer “needed” in Apple’s lineup but they will always have a soft spot in my gadget-loving heart.