Ouch. It’s bad enough to have to make this turnaround but it sounds like the entire process and decision was driven by one person. That’s a recipe for disaster. The big question should be, of the other choices available, why choose Microsoft-based phones over those that run Google’s Android software or Apple’s iOS?
Apple announces the permanent closure of their Simi Valley store
To my recollection, this is the first store Apple has ever permanently closed. It’s not a portent of things to come, however.
Recode your health
There’s no doubt that Apple sees health and fitness as another platform for their products. It’s really interesting watching them do so many little things that will eventually add up to really big things.
How a traditional Korean inlaid lacquer box is made
I see these kinds of boxes all over Vancouver (it’s a very Asian-influenced city) but I had no idea the amount of work that went into the handmade ones.
Art in the shadows: artist enlivens city with serendipitous paintwork
Similar to the story we posted back in July about an artist doing similar things in New York City, this artist is using the mundane aspects of the city to create wonderfully whimsical work.
How to use a cell phone for dramatic night photography
I mentioned this tip on “The Dalrymple Report” last week. It’s a great way to get a little bit more light when you’re shooting portraits at night.
Our minds have been hijacked by our phones. Tristan Harris wants to rescue them
Is Harris tilting at windmills or do you think there’s a chance Apple may be able to do what he suggests?
How I saw the world before and after I became a photographer
Along with the previous article about “Why you should edit your photos”, here is one about the results of learning how to “see” photographically. Look at the stark difference in the “before ” and “after” shots. Most of us take the Before shot. Learn how to create the After shot.
Why you should edit your photos
I tell my photography students this all the time. Half of the work of a good photo is in the edit. Learn how to edit (even simple edits in the iPhone) and your photos will get better. Thanks to Dave Mark for the link.
How it was shot: a climber and a total solar eclipse
When I saw this on Twitter, I “knew” it was a faked photo. So happy to see I was wrong because it’s an amazing image.
Here at the end of all things
Like the author of this piece, my entree into fictional maps was through Lord of the Rings and I’ve always had a fascination with maps, real and imaginary.
Suit blaming iPhone for student’s death by texting driver is defeated by Apple
I feel for the family but it’s good Apple is not being held responsible. That being said, do you believe Apple (and others) should be doing more to prevent these kinds of accidents?
Why are Kinder Surprise eggs illegal in the United States?
I knew that Kinder eggs were illegal in the US (and it’s a point we Canadians often use to show our “superiority” over America) but I didn’t know the legal reasoning behind it.
The unbelievable life of the “John 3:16” sports guy
If you watched sports in 1980s, you saw this guy in the background of major sporting events. I found him incredibly annoying and, while I never wondered or cared about what happened to him, the path his life took is tragic.
The Powerball jackpot is offering at least $850 million CAD and you could win it
Many of us Canadians are jealous about the size of the Powerball jackpot. This is an easy way for us (and others outside the US) to get in on the fun.
The “Product Graveyard”
It’s a little depressing to see how many of these products I used over the years that are no more.
You can actually do something good with those eclipse glasses
What a great idea and wonderful service by Astronomers Without Borders.
How the Voyager golden record was made
A fascinating story about a remarkable project.
‘Planet of the Apps’ wasn’t the best show ever, but it was still a win for Apple
I couldn’t/didn’t watch all ten episodes. If you did, what did you think? Would you watch another full season of the show?
Digitally designed pancakes come to life with the PancakeBot
This is utterly insane and stupid and I want one so bad.
100 years of eclipse-chasing revealed in quirky pictures
There are some great photos here, some of which you’ll recognize.
In the future, your body won’t be buried, you’ll dissolve
Unless you have a religious belief against it, is there really a need to have your remains put in a specific spot in the ground? I read a while back about burying people under trees, allowing their remains to fertilize and nourish the tree. I’d love to be buried under an apple tree in Nova Scotia.
100+ new features in macOS High Sierra
There are several features I’m really looking forward to. Do you have a favourite?
Read Apple CEO Tim Cook’s email To employees about Charlottesville
I don’t usually care what most CEOs have to say about social issues but Tim Cook is not shy about wading in to some of these issues.
Public enemy
I guarantee this will be the funniest thing you read about Martin Shkreli all year.
Apple has triggered this major phenomenon that is preventing many malls from dying
While it’s not all sunshine and lollipops for fellow tenants, an Apple store in a mall at least gives those retailers a fighting chance to capture some of the dollars those customers are bringing to the mall. I’d be curious to know if, like the prime spots near Apple during Macworld Expos, whether mall owners charge more for stores the closer they are to Apple.
A video of Helen Keller speaking
Absolutely amazing. We all know about Helen Keller but these are the first videos I’ve seen of her and her method of communication. Seeing her speak is even more remarkable.
The scariest 25 minutes on US television
I saw this as a kid and, to this day, the thought of that little doll still creeps me out. Literally, the scariest thing I’ve ever seen on TV.
How digital comics pioneer ComiXology keeps its identity within Amazon
I remember when this buyout happened and many predicted doom and gloom for ComiXology. Good to hear they’ve been able to survive and even thrive under Amazon.
Ford Thunderbird automatic transmission rebuild time lapse
I knew this stuff was complicated but I had no idea just how involved it was. Much respect to mechanics who do this well.