Apple Arcade on TV: Seven months later, still not much progress

I let my Arcade subscription lapse a couple of months ago. While there are plenty of games, very few are of interest to our family. I think the comparison to consoles may be a little unfair but I’m not a console player so I don’t/can’t compare the experiences. On their own merits, the Apple Arcade games just aren’t compelling enough for us.

Why did Apple buy NextVR?

As the article points out, on the face of it this seems an odd buy, given that Apple has pointedly said they are more interested in AR than VR. But it may well be a personnel acquisition as opposed to a tech one.

Use your DSLR or Mirrorless camera with Zoom and other streaming apps

Farrelly has posted a fairly easy Youtube video on how to kludge together a process using the free CamLive and CamTwist software on a Mac. Hint: Try it without the Terminal trick/hack first. I did and it worked fine with Wirecast and my Nikon D600 (didn’t try it with Zoom). The biggest problem is it drained the camera battery fairly quickly. I was done after only a couple of hours.

The Saturn V in 3D sound

If you’re lucky enough to have a Surround or 3D sound system, crank this up and just let your ears bleed from all the glorious noise. Now excuse me while I go price out Surround systems.

Best online printing services

Not every photo you have needs to be printed but there is something to be said for printing off your best shots. There’s something about the tangible nature of a printed photo or a shot you took hanging on your wall that showing it via a phone or computer screen just can’t recreate.

Night light

I can’t even imagine the time and skill it took to put together and create something this beautiful.

Review: the iPhone 9

I’ve always been a big fan of Moltz’s particular brand of silliness.

“Ms. Monopoly”

I apologize unreservedly for my part in making the “fake” video seen.

Melissa’s Covid-19 test at Vancouver General Hospital

My wife is in hospital for a separate procedure (she’ll be fine) but they test all incoming patients for Covi-19 as a precaution. If this isn’t a reason to stay inside (look at how deep that swab goes!), I don’t know what is.

She said she could still feel the swab seven hours later.

Unboxing Apple’s 700 dollar wheels

Over a million views for this self-indulgent mix of disdain and nerdgasm. Seven minutes and forty-five seconds of my life I’ll never get back.