I think the “Bionic” part is silly marketing speak but these results, while not important to the average consumer, still point to the remarkable job Apple has done with their chip designs.
‘I was just doing my job’: Soviet officer who averted nuclear war dies at age 77
This is a truly terrifying story and, sadly, he never got the recognition and appreciation he deserved.
The 70 most influential visual effects films of all time
What an interesting list, not necessarily of good movies but of movies that had visual excellence.
Top iOS 11 augmented reality apps
Good video showing these apps in real world use. Many are limited functionality right now but you can see some amazing potential.
Taiwan motorcycle advertisement
This is an old video but what a wonderful, poignant ad celebrating lifelong friendships and motorcycles. I’m honestly jealous of these guys.
How Qi wireless charging works, and why it hasn’t taken over yet
This is another example of a technology that will take off now that Apple is supporting it.
iPhone 8 Plus and me: A 72-hour quest for beautiful images
As a (supposed) professional photographer, I’m really interested in the improvements and features of the new iPhones’ cameras and the advancements Apple is making in photography. They are helping “average users” to create beautiful, compelling images.
NASA will stream video during Cassini’s death plunge — and you can watch it live on YouTube
An amazing mission and a fitting ending.
You can’t protect yourself from the Equifax breach
As always, when Mogull writes/speaks, I listen. Good article even with the sour note at the end.
Apple releases iTunes 12.7, removes iOS app backups
Many of us have complained about iTu8nes bloat and wanted Apple to do something about it but, in my opinion, this isn’t it. I like having backups on my Mac.
Angela Ahrendts discusses the future of Apple Retail
…it was only yesterday it hit me how odd and jarring the term “Town Squares” was. I can’t quite put my finger on why I dislike it so much.
Paper airplane, sand among 12 finalists for Toy Hall of Fame
If I could only pick two, I’d say Matchbox Cars and Risk are worthy of the Hall.
#iOS11 is arriving on September 19
The Apple Support Twitter feed posted the details of what iOS devices will be compatible with iOS 11.
Apple to release macOS High Sierra on September 25
Along with all the other important announcements, Apple quietly posted the release date for High Sierra.
“Dear Apple”
Apple has posted a bunch of product videos from today’s announcement but the “Dear Apple” video was especially touching.
Today’s Apple special event video
It was the first-ever event at the Steve Jobs Theater, a spectacular looking venue.
Upcoming important dates for Apple’s latest products
Apple’s event has wrapped and here is a cheat sheet for what will be available when
Apple’s press release page for today’s announcements
Apple has just wrapped today’s event and the link will take you to all of their PR for the products announced today. We’ll have other links to commentary as the day goes on.
Apple special event viewing page
Leaks or not, I’m really excited for this announcement.
How we created Time magazine’s first iPhone portfolio
These are wonderful photos of amazing women. That they were shot so quickly on something as “simple” as an iPhone (and three different models at that) shows the power of the device in the hands of an accomplished photographer.
How Apple finally made Siri sound more human
Anything Apple can do to make Siri better is a welcome thing. I’ve heard comments from iOS 11 beta testers that Siri sounds different. I just want “her” to work better.
12 yoga poses for people who aren’t flexible
I’ve always been about as flexible as a plank but, as I’ve gotten older, I’ve really noticed a significant additional stiffening. My SO is an accomplished yoga practitioner and has encouraged me to start off slow doing these kinds of poses.
Delta flight beats Hurricane Irma
I won’t lie – I wouldn’t have wanted to be on either leg of this flight.
What moral decisions should driverless cars make?
This is a fascinating dilemma and shows that our technology answers are moving much faster than our moral and ethical ones.
Headphones and earphones benchmarking test files
I’m nowhere near enough of an audiophile to need this site but I know some of you are.
‘Extreme’ telescopes find the second-fastest-spinning pulsar
My small caveman brain can’t even comprehend a star with the mass of half a million Earths and no larger than Washington, D.C. that spins 700 plus times per second.
How science found a way to help coma patients communicate
Wonderful yet utterly heartbreaking story.
Apple, Amazon join race for James Bond film rights
Hollywood and the press that covers it are notorious for these kinds of stories that act as trial balloons in negotiations with various companies. I don’t believe for a second Apple is actually in the running for the James Bond rights.
2017 North America total solar eclipse close-up in real-time
Microsoft tells some Mac Office users to pass on Apple’s High Sierra
Office isn’t officially dead on the Mac but it might be on life support. UPDATE for clarification (not that it will help): Fewer and fewer Mac users use/need/want Office. At some point, Microsoft will face diminishing returns in their effort to support, sell and develop the software. That point may be coming sooner rather than later, in my opinion. My apologies for not more clearly stating my point in the original post.