ShotBox by Josh Parnham

Daniel Jalkut was asking on Twitter about screenshot apps. Skitch for Mac seems possibly abandoned, and has become very buggy in 10.13. What are folks’ favorite Mac screenshot tools these days? — Daniel Jalkut (@danielpunkass) October 4, 2017 He got … Continued

Why Google Maps is better than Apple Maps

I can’t disagree. I did the same iOS search for “Pubs near me” in Apple Maps, Waze and Google Maps. Apple Maps found none within two kilometers, Waze found three and Google Maps found all four.

Don’t say “Velcro”

This is a wonderfully cheesy and funny video from the Velcro folks but they have no chance of convincing us to call it “hook and loop”.

How manipulates you

You’ve undoubtedly seen these kinds of tricks on many other websites. Be aware of how they try to convince you to “BUY NOW”.

A sociology of the smartphone

The smartphone is arguably the single most important “gadget” in the history of the world. For many of us, it affects and informs almost every aspect of our lives.

iStat Menus 6 released

There was a time when I needed/loved the level of detail iStat provided. If you still do, the new version looks pretty cool.

iTunes rentals increase from 24 to 48 hours

Apple: You have 30 days to start watching a movie after you rent it. After you start watching the movie, you have 48 hours to finish it. You can watch the movie as often as you like until it expires. … Continued

This is how Apple prepares for “iPhone Day”

BuzzFeed: How does Apple ship iPhones around the world on launch day? We got a behind-the-scenes look with head of retail Angela Ahrendts. It’s a superficial look but has some interesting details like the UPS sorting facility in Kentucky. Don’t … Continued