The author may not realize it but this is actually a hilarious whine about just how good and consistent the iOS experience is.
ShotBox by Josh Parnham
Daniel Jalkut was asking on Twitter about screenshot apps. Skitch for Mac seems possibly abandoned, and has become very buggy in 10.13. What are folks’ favorite Mac screenshot tools these days? — Daniel Jalkut (@danielpunkass) October 4, 2017 He got … Continued
Why Google Maps is better than Apple Maps
I can’t disagree. I did the same iOS search for “Pubs near me” in Apple Maps, Waze and Google Maps. Apple Maps found none within two kilometers, Waze found three and Google Maps found all four.
Inside the most exclusive high-powered rocketry event in America
I never played with model rockets as a kid but this would be a “blast” to attend.
194 photo editing tools and apps you should know
This is a great list with a wide variety of free and paid apps.
Why are Apple’s chips faster than Qualcomm’s?
Really interesting (and really geeky) analysis.
Chalk is the AR app I’ve been waiting for
This is one of those apps that really show off the upside of AR. I would have loved to have something like this when I did tech support.
One chef’s ingenious solution to phones at the table
I like this idea rather than the mentioned bans or discounts. It also reminds me of the joke: “Want me to put my iPhone down? Be more interesting than my iPhone…”
How to create a bootable macOS High Sierra installer drive
I’ll be installing macOS High Sierra on Thursday and after I back everything up and ensuring I have a good bootable backup drive, I’ll do is this.
Don’t say “Velcro”
This is a wonderfully cheesy and funny video from the Velcro folks but they have no chance of convincing us to call it “hook and loop”.
How manipulates you
You’ve undoubtedly seen these kinds of tricks on many other websites. Be aware of how they try to convince you to “BUY NOW”.
Two-thirds of Americans don’t bother seeking out science news
While this study is on Americans, there’s no reason to believe other countries would do any better. Many of us seek out more information about our favorite sports team than we do science news.
John Kobuki creates a glass flower marble
Glassblowing/creating always fascinates me.
A sociology of the smartphone
The smartphone is arguably the single most important “gadget” in the history of the world. For many of us, it affects and informs almost every aspect of our lives.
macOS High Sierra: How to stop autoplay videos in Safari 11
I hope Macworld sees the irony in posting this tidbit.
iStat Menus 6 released
There was a time when I needed/loved the level of detail iStat provided. If you still do, the new version looks pretty cool.
How to make your iPhone shoot JPEGs again after iOS 11
The new .heic format seems great but without widespread adoption, many users might want to switch back to the more common/compatible JPEG format.
Apple switches from Bing to Google for Siri web search results on iOS and Spotlight on Mac
I don’t know if average users even notice what service is providing them with search results. Where I can, I’ve switched to DuckDuckGo for my searches.
How Major League Baseball is using Apple’s ARKit to increase fan engagement
I’m of two minds about this. The information junkie in me loves the idea but, as far as a baseball purist as I may or may not be, I’d like to just sit and watch the game. Not to mention how distracting this would be for fans around you.
The Visual History of Type author Paul McNeil selects and dissects his six favourite faces
Type is one of those things most of us know little about but instantly know whether we like it or not. If there’s a design nerd in your family, this book looks like it would make a lovely present.
Apple is counting on this star exec to reboot its sales in China
There is probably no more important executive at Apple outside of the “Core Four”. China is and will continue to be Apple’s most challenging market.
‘Have a good day’: B.C. man politely asks family of bears to leave his yard
This might be the funniest Canadian thing you see all weekend.
Inside iPhone 8: Apple’s A11 Bionic introduces 5 new custom silicon engines
As I said on the Your Mac Life Show with The Publisher last Wednesday, Apple isn’t getting nearly enough credit for the chip efforts.
My not nearly complete, but rather entertaining, circular polarizer filter article
This is a really nerdy article but the bottom line is interesting. I’ll keep it in mind next time I’m asked about polarizing filters.
Mobile photo editor Snapseed gets a UI facelift and new perspective correction tool
Snapseed is my favourite iOS editing tool. The new UI takes a bit of getting used to but being able to save “Looks” is worth it.
Apple only allows streaming, not downloading, of upgraded 4K movies
While this makes sense, it’s one of those things that might put people off the new Apple TV.
This guy flew his camera drone onto, inside, and under a moving train
While it’s obviously at least unwise, if not technically illegal to fly a drone like this, you’ve got to admire the mad skills of the pilot operator.
iTunes rentals increase from 24 to 48 hours
Apple: You have 30 days to start watching a movie after you rent it. After you start watching the movie, you have 48 hours to finish it. You can watch the movie as often as you like until it expires. … Continued
This is how Apple prepares for “iPhone Day”
BuzzFeed: How does Apple ship iPhones around the world on launch day? We got a behind-the-scenes look with head of retail Angela Ahrendts. It’s a superficial look but has some interesting details like the UPS sorting facility in Kentucky. Don’t … Continued
The last dance? Endangered Grebe’s mesmerising display filmed for first time
This is hilarious but it seems like a lot of work just to get a little birdy something something.