The war to sell you a mattress is an internet nightmare

What an insane story. We’ve all heard about these “online mattress” companies – they advertise on many podcasts – but you probably haven’t given them much thought beyond that. But its as cutthroat an industry as any other.

One person’s history of Twitter, from beginning to end

Mike Monteiro: Twitter, which was conceived and built by a room of privileged white boys (some of them my friends!), never considered the possibility that they were building a bomb. To this day, Jack Dorsey doesn’t realize the size of … Continued

Irvue for macOS

I’m a big fan of Unsplash and this desktop app lets you tap into their collection of gorgeous images.

UPS dogs

I love dogs but, having been a delivery driver, I know the stress dogs can create. This is a fun Facebook page showing some of the wonderful dogs UPS drivers encounter during their day.

25 bad luck superstitions from around the world

I’ve always been fascinated by superstitions and their origins. Many of these are common to us here in North America and some seem “silly”. My mom was very superstition – for example, she thought it was bad luck to let a rocking chair rock with no one in it. What are your “odd” superstitions?

International “Verify Your Backups” Day!

This is just as fake as any of the made up “International Day of…” you see on Twitter but this one actually has a great message – your backups are useless if they can’t be used to restore your data.

Taking “better pictures”

Like Ric, I have this conversation on a regular basis and his advice mirrors mine. As I teach in my classes for beginners, the camera you have really doesn’t matter. What you know about it specifically and photography in general are much more important.

Using Long Exposure in iOS 11’s Photos app

Anyone who has used a DSLR to take long exposure shots will look at this technique with a little bit of envy. The iPhone shots aren’t perfect but they are damn good all things considered.

What’s inside all the iPhones

This is unabashed gadget porn. It won’t be of much value to the average user but, if you’re the kind of person who likes to take electronics apart, this is the page for you.

Apple’s paper and packaging strategy

A link to this PDF showed up in my email box. It’s an interesting document that shows Apple’s wonderfully clever packaging goes hand in hand with a commitment to minimizing their environmental impact.

“In Real Life #BeStrong”

“In Real Life” is a social experiment that shows what happens when online bullying is taken offline. What a powerful video.

A five minute guide to better typography

Fun exercise in typography with concrete examples. If you’re not a design nerd steeped in this stuff, there are many good points to keep in mind.

Is it true that iPhones get slower over time? (tl;dr No)

Futuremark: Last week, a story went viral that claimed Apple was intentionally slowing down older iPhones to push people to buy its latest models. The claim was based on data which shows Google searches for “iPhone slow” spiking dramatically with … Continued