Apple is facing a double standard

For us oldtimers, this double standard is nothing new. I’ve often wondered if, in their heart of hearts, this pisses off Apple executives. I’ve asked them but, publicly, they would admit no such thing.

2009 Chevy Malibu vs 1959 Bel Air crash test

The first inclination is, “Oh, those old cars were built like tanks!” but its quickly apparent that the myriad safety features found on newer cars are literally lifesaving.

Microsoft has stopped manufacturing the Kinect

I couldn’t wait to get the Kinect and thought it was a pretty cool use of the tech. But there was never much further direct development of it (it lives on in HoloLens) and the games that used it never seemed to make advancements or be compelling enough.

How y’all, youse and you guys talk

Interesting survey on dialects and what words mean depending on where you live in the US. Apparently, as a Canadian, I talk like people from Spokane, Boise, and Salt Lake City.

Amazon Key is a new service that lets couriers unlock your front door

I get the convenience factor of this (having missed many deliveries due to not being at home) but I can see a lot of people reticent about allowing this kind of internet-connected (and, therefore, hackable) lock on their home. I would much rather a system where the delivery driver calls or texts that they are outside and then you would unlock the door.

How audio mixers make sports sound great on TV

Vox: When you watch a baseball game, you’re also listening for the hum of the crowd and the crack of a baseball bat. People like Andrew Stoakley make that happen. He mixes audio for teams like the Toronto Blue Jays, … Continued

Oh no! Adobe changed things on me!

Chuq does a good job of describing what happened and how it affects various constituencies of users. For the vast majority of people, little will change immediately. But, if you’re a professional Lightroom user, be prepared for a different future.

GE goes with Apple

This is not an embarrassment to Microsoft – these kinds of flips happen often – but there can’t be many smiles on the faces of the Enterprise people in Redmond regardless.


Their NSFW name aside, this is a fascinating site with great, easy to understand descriptions of the phenomenon represented.

The most ingenious gadgets of 2017

I’m sure we’ll have arguments about this list but I hope we can agree that if the fidget spinner is the “most ingenious gadgets of 2017”, we’re doomed.

Tragically Hip’s Gord Downie dead at 53

CBC: Gord Downie, the Tragically Hip frontman who united a diverse array of music lovers with his commanding stage presence and Canadiana-laced lyrics, has died. He was 53. Downie had an aggressive and incurable form of brain cancer called glioblastoma, … Continued

Aquaman’s costume evolution

This is a fun, well-done video detailing all the changes in costumes over the years for a character most of us know very little about.