This does a brilliant job of how net neutrality (a ridiculous term if there ever was one) would affect customers.
Remarkable photos capture the light that plants emit
This guy is creating spectacular images of “ordinary” flowers.
A YouTube channel devoted to medieval sacred music: Gregorian and Byzantine chants
I’m not the least bit religious but I love listening to these chants.
Map of the #1 song in countries all around the world
This is incredibly addicting. It also shows how out of touch with “popular music” I am. I haven’t heard the vast majority of songs included.
Craft beer: what city is the microbrew capital of the US?
Having lived there, I would have guessed Portland, Oregon. But seeing who is actually number one makes me want to visit.
How to stop “Upgrade to MacOS High Sierra” notifications completely on a Mac
This is a great tip for those of us who can’t or don’t want to upgrade to MacOS High Sierra.
Quentin Tarantino’s Star Trek
I admit, I’d go see this movie.
Rescue drone saves two boys from drowning on its first day in service
What a great story. I was caught in a small rip when I was in Australia last month and it was all kinds of terrifying.
Spotify Limited & Apple Records
It’s hard to argue with the logic. It’s just a matter of time.
Apple teams with Malala Fund to support girls’ education
A very worthy cause but why stop at 12 years of education? If finishing high school is important, isn’t a college education just as important?
How ‘Cops’ became the most polarizing reality TV show in America
It’s a show I’ve never watched much of but its longevity certainly raises some interesting questions.
2018 Duke University commencement speaker announcement
Cute. But I’m still not going to use Animojis.
Butter tarts, Canada’s humble favourite, have much to love
It wasn’t until I moved to the US that I found out Butter Tarts were “uniquely” Canadian (few things are so we celebrate where we can) and most Americans had never heard of them.
Apple’s Tim Cook: ‘I don’t want my nephew on a social network’
As usual, interesting and thoughtful comments from Cook. Although, I still disagree with him on the importance of coding.
10,000 classic movie posters getting digitized & put online
I love the graphic style of these old posters, many for movies you’ve never heard of and which are undoubtedly, quite awful.
The Apple cash FAQ
This is an excellent FAQ on Apple and the Everest-sized mountain of cash they are sitting on.
U.S. border guards can search your phone: here are some details on how
This is a concern not just for non-US citizens but also for US citzens arriving back into the country. Know your rights and know what to do and what not to do.
Universal Paperclips Review: Filling Office Space
I ended up creating 30 septendecillion paper clips. The game is best described as “a little odd” but definitely addictive for me.
iMac Pro review: Mac Pro power in the shape of an iMac
The reports of the power of this iMac make it not only droolworthy (I wish I could justify getting one) but it gets me thinking – how incredible will the promised 2018 Mac Pro be?
Apple gives employees $2,500 bonuses after new tax law
Good to see these bonuses are also being given out to retail and part-time employees.
Is BMW going to make you pay for Apple CarPlay every year?
This is an interesting decision by BMW. Their logic seems solid but many people are unhappy about the subscription. I’ll never buy a BMW so I don’t have a dog in this hunt but if successful, you can bet this will move downmarket to other manufacturers.
Using an iPad for photography workflows
During my recent trip to Australia, my workflow was blown up by a busted MacBook Air screen so I had to jury-rig a solution that, in some ways, mirrored not only the solutions found in this piece but the frustrations as well.
The strange history of one of the internet’s first viral videos
Most of us have seen and laughed at this grainy video but I had no idea it was staged.
Macworld Expo SF 2008 – The MacBook Air Intro
Ten years ago today, I was in the audience when Jobs introduced the Air. I was skeptical at the time (the work I was doing “required” the power of a full-sized laptop. At the time, I was lugging around a 17″ MacBook Pro) but now I love my Air, especially when I travel.
Jimmy Page tells the story of “Kashmir”
One of the best music documentaries I’ve ever seen is “It Might Get Loud” – Jimmy Page, Jack White, and The Edge just sitting around, talking about playing guitar – and this segment of Page talking about one of the most distinctive riffs in music is a great example of it.
Inside one of America’s last pencil factories
Pencils are one of those things few of us give any thought to – or, for that matter, use much any more – but this glorious photo essay will definitely get you thinking about the “lowly” pencil.
Last Jedi Director used his MacBook Air to prevent spoiler leaks
I bet a lot of people in his industry do similar things, especially for blockbusters.
FBI hacker says Apple are ‘Jerks’ and ‘Evil Geniuses’ for encrypting iPhones
At what point is it just Apple trying to protect its customers from nefarious forces that, sadly nowadays, include governments?
Matias is building the wired Mac keyboards that Apple won’t
I’ve always been a fan of Matias keyboards.
Jimmy Iovine shoots down rumors he’s leaving Apple
Good news for Apple. But – what took him so long? The initial Billboard rumor was five days ago.