Can silence actually drive you crazy?

After his report on his “Inside Apple’s HomePod Audio Lab” tour, several commenters asked Jim what it sounded like inside the anechoic chamber. This video may help.

Falcon Heavy test flight

Hyperbole aside, (no Ars Technica – this wasn’t “the moment SpaceX opened the cosmos to the masses”), it was still a pretty cool launch and the simultaneous landings of the two outer cores (the third middle core was lost at sea) was incredible.

The colour of the ancient world

Like most of us, I thought the statues and monuments we saw of the ancient Greeks, Egyptians and others were a dull white or a boring sandy brown colour.

“Smart” speaker – what makes a speaker smart?

Maybe if Apple had called the HomePod a “super speaker” or something else and more directly avoided the comparison to “smart” devices like the Echo and the Home, they wouldn’t be having so many tech reviewers reviewing a Ferrari as if it were a Corolla.

“The blue marble”

This guy is a mad genius. I hope he continues to use his powers for good and never evil.

The art of sound mixing vs sound editing

This is a great series of videos explaining the differences between sound mixing vs sound editing by Oscar winner Walter Murch. I don’t know much about sound but I know I’d watch Murch explain the phone book. Always an interesting guy to listen to.

“Three Minutes”

The annual Chinese New Year migration is the largest in the world. This story of just one small piece of it is lovely and poignant.

Apple iPhone X review

Digital Photography Review’s site is my go-to place for information and reviews of cameras. Their reviews are authoritative and exhaustive.

Apple releases new videos focused on the HomePod

Apple’s official YouTube channel has posted these four new HomePod videos that are likely coming to a TV screen near you. What do you think of them? As expected by everyone who is paying attention, Apple’s focus, at least inititally, … Continued

One hour with Apple’s new HomePod

No details as to how they got their 60 minutes of time with the HomePod but some interesting tidbits are found in this piece.