This guy has the hands of a surgeon and the patience of a saint.
Rolex Submariner fully hand engraved by Bram Ramon
The skill and patience of this is mind blowing.
The lost art of bending over: how other cultures spare their spines
As we (I) get older, we can have a significant loss of flexibility. My wife is a long time yoga practitioner and has been teaching me some small movements I can do to increase strength and flexibility and this was a big help.
Most images of black holes are illustrations. Here’s what our telescopes actually capture
That big black circle we often see in movies and TV isn’t real but some of the images in this post are equally amazing.
A concise history of the LED watch
I’m old enough to remember lusting after an LED watch when I was a kid. They seemed so cool and space age-y. I had to “settle” for an old Timex my dad gave me that turned out to be my most valued possession for years – just because dad gave it to me.
Urban downhill bicycle racing
Let’s make this a Summer Olympic sport!
Apple’s four new iPhone spots: “Environment”, “Apple Support”, “Ease”, “Safe”
Along with the four “First Dance” ads we linked to this morning, Apple has added four new iPhone spots:
The Macintosh Portable introduction video
I was pointed to this old video of Jean-Louis Gassée introducing the Macintosh Portable. Fun and funny to watch.
Riding through the rain on the ‘Model 3’ of motorcycles
I’ve test-ridden a previous model of the Zero and they are fun, if weird, to ride.
My life not knowing what colors look like
I’ve known a few people who are color blind but this is the best description I’ve read of what dealing with it on a day to day basis is like.
Apple moves to store iCloud keys in China, raising human rights fears
Apple is caught between the proverbial rock and a hard place on this issue.
13 Qi wireless chargers for the iPhone reviewed
I think a lot of people might be waiting for Apple to release the AirPower but, until that day happens, here are some units to check out.
Your Mac Life interview with Pixsy COO, Kain Jones
Pixsy is an online platform for creatives and image owners to discover where and how their images are being used online.
The “Goldilocks Era” for iPhone has begun
Typical well thought out analysis. Keep this Goldilocks Era idea in mind over the next few cycles. Apple is going to be just fine with iPhone sales, even if they can’t hit the historic heights of years past.
Storm tourism: why bad weather makes these destinations even better
I’m not a “storm tourist” – I prefer to be a tourist in warm places like Italy – but there is a real draw, especially from a photography point of view, to these places during storm seasons.
37 incredible modular Origami by Ekaterina Lukasheva
These are stunningly complex and beautiful.
Apple posts new iPhone photography videos
Longtime iPhone photographers will already know these but my non-techy wife found them very informative and helpful.
Setapp, the Netflix of Mac apps, is better than ever
I’m a general hater of subscription-based services but I have no problem recommending Setapp and, with a seven-day free trial that doesn’t require a credit card, it’s a bit of a no-brainer to try it out and see for yourself.
Photoshop Elements 2018 on sale through Feb. 20
Photoshop Elements doesn’t get nearly the love it deserves. It’s actually a pretty good photo editor, especially for amateurs.
The evolution of Ferrari
I am an unabashed lover of most things Ferrari and this video is just a reminder of how many of their cars I’ve lusted over through the years. I’ve always wanted the 308 GTSI (The “Magnum P.I.” Ferrari) and I would murder family members just to drive the 1962 250 GTO.
Discogs: Our mission is to document every physical record shop and record event on the planet. With your help, we can create an accurate listing of all record shops & record events, useful to diggers and travelers everywhere. What a … Continued
Watch Frank Sinatra record “It Was A Very Good Year” and you’ll know why they called him “The Voice”
Open Culture: In addition to his keen melodic sensibility, Sinatra also set a high bar with his technique. In the video at the top of the post from 1965, we see the consummate artist record “It Was a Very Good … Continued
How does SpaceX get these amazing camera shots?
I have often wondered. Now I want to know the specs of those cameras.
“The Gunfighter”
It may not be the “Best Short Film Ever” but it is damn funny.
Twitter kills the Twitter for Mac app
What used to be a great app atrophied and died because of lack of support from its owner, not because Twitter is “focusing our efforts on a great Twitter experience that’s consistent across platforms.”
macOS may lose data on APFS-formatted disk images
As Bombich points out, this is a fairly specific issue that may not affect many of you but it could be catastrophic to those of you it does affect.
What exactly is Curling?
We Canadians love our curling. It helps that we are a “world power” of the sport.
A fully loaded $14,000 iMac Pro vs. a fully loaded $6,000 iMac
Bottom line? Bigger is not always better. But I still wish I had the scratch for either of those machines.
Beware “Protect” in Facebook’s iOS app
Facebook once again goes above and beyond to prove they are one of the sleaziest companies in America.
The Boston Dynamics robot can now open doors. Great.
I saw this video yesterday. This is just a horror movie waiting to be filmed. So creepy.