Wikivoyage is the travel guide to everywhere

Whenever I travel, I do research on the city and country I’m going to, no matter how big or small. I like learning new things about new places and Wikivoyage can help a lot.

Apple, Google see reputation of corporate brands tumble in survey

That reasoning seems odd. What does “attention-grabbing products” have to do with a company’s reputation? Especially given that “film production company The Weinstein Co made its debut at 99th out of 100 on the list”. So – its reputation got better?

Apple to acquire digital magazine service Texture

I used Texture back when it originally started up (it was called Next then) and liked the service’s potential, even if I didn’t use it after a few months. It will be interesting to see what Apple does with this going forward.

Making manuscripts

Amazing video showing some of the work that went into creating illuminated manuscripts.

Disable retweets

I’m in the latter camp that can’t really use this (I use Twitterrific to manage this kind of stuff on a finer level) but for some of you, this might be useful.

Scam victims pay ‘back taxes’ with iTunes gift cards

It’s tax season so please make sure your less tech-savvy family and friends are aware of scams in general and this type specifically. My wife almost got caught in a “Canada Post” phishing scheme a few days ago.

Staying alive

What a fun read about pinball, a game I still love to play.