This is an amazing video. I’ve seen these kinds of tapestries when I traveled in Europe and always wondered how they were created.
Amateur Canadian scientists discovered a new type of northern lights — they named it ‘Steve’
Apparently, Canadian scientists are incredibly unimaginative.
An Apple R&D bonanza
“Something wicked this way comes…”
Story of Scott Kelly’s genes changing in space is wrong
I’m happy to post the correction today.
Welcome to the center of the universe
I love these stories of scientists quietly working behind the scenes to provide us with information like this.
GrayKey iPhone unlocker poses serious security concerns
This is not a “the sky is falling!” situation but it’s definitely something to keep an eye on. I’m sure Apple is.
Toys ‘R’ Us plans to close all U.S. stores; 30,000 jobs at risk
Devastating news for the industry, the employees and all of us, young or old, who loved going to Toys ‘R’ Us.
iMac Pro pushed to the limit by six visionary artists.
How cool must it have been to have Apple come to you and say, “Could you give us a hand with something?”
Gorgeous 8K video of the Aurora Borealis dancing in the skies during a lunar eclipse
Wikivoyage is the travel guide to everywhere
Whenever I travel, I do research on the city and country I’m going to, no matter how big or small. I like learning new things about new places and Wikivoyage can help a lot.
A startup is pitching a mind-uploading service that is “100 percent fatal”
At first blush, this seems idiotic but on reading the article, I understand and appreciate the point of the “service”.
Scott Kelly spent a year in space, and now he has different DNA than his identical twin brother
This is all kinds of mind-blowing and may have real consequences as we go forward into space.
Apple, Google see reputation of corporate brands tumble in survey
That reasoning seems odd. What does “attention-grabbing products” have to do with a company’s reputation? Especially given that “film production company The Weinstein Co made its debut at 99th out of 100 on the list”. So – its reputation got better?
Photo contest judges raise alarm: “We didn’t judge anything”
Another reason to be wary of “photo contests” in general and absolutely avoid paid contests.
The Times tech columnist ‘unplugged’ from the internet. Except he didn’t.
Manjoo’s piece was widely shared on social media but I read it with my usual dose of hefty skepticism about everything Manjoo writes and he didn’t disappoint. Or rather, he disappointed in exactly the way I knew he would.
Apple to acquire digital magazine service Texture
I used Texture back when it originally started up (it was called Next then) and liked the service’s potential, even if I didn’t use it after a few months. It will be interesting to see what Apple does with this going forward.
Making manuscripts
Amazing video showing some of the work that went into creating illuminated manuscripts.
12 sci-fi movies that totally deserved to win Best Picture before “The Shape of Water”
Like most lists, this is completely subjective but, for at least the first eight on the list, I would have to agree.
Disable retweets
I’m in the latter camp that can’t really use this (I use Twitterrific to manage this kind of stuff on a finer level) but for some of you, this might be useful.
Scam victims pay ‘back taxes’ with iTunes gift cards
It’s tax season so please make sure your less tech-savvy family and friends are aware of scams in general and this type specifically. My wife almost got caught in a “Canada Post” phishing scheme a few days ago.
How two photographers unknowingly shot the same millisecond in time
Even a more-than-cursory look at the two photos would lead you to believe they were identical. Great story.
An archive of Heavy Metal, the influential “adult fantasy magazine” that featured Art of Moebius, H.R. Giger & more
Heavy Metal was unabashedly sexist, even misogynist, but as a kid I devoured every issue, in particular, the amazing writing. I’d never read the fantasy genre before discovering it in the pages of Heavy Metal.
Apple confirms it will stop taking iTunes LP submissions as of this month
Raise your hand if you’d forgotten this even existed.
MoviePass CEO proudly says the app tracks your location before and after movies
When this story first broke yesterday, I didn’t post about it because I thought, “Naw. He didn’t say that. No one would be that stupid.”
“Glittering Blue”
This view of the earth is oddly fascinating.
Why Apple’s HomePod targets home entertainment, not a voice-first mobile-free world
Good article pointing out the bottom line – Apple’s plans for the HomePod go far beyond the idea of just being a “smart assistant”.
House of pane: Apple was warned of glass danger
I really shouldn’t find this story as funny as I do. And it’s an entirely predictable problem.
Staying alive
What a fun read about pinball, a game I still love to play.
Burning out: what really happens inside a crematorium
Behind the scenes stuff always fascinates me and what goes on at a crematorium definitely qualifies.
Little girl’s one-word reaction to trying wasabi is beyond adorable
Caution: This video may make you laugh uncontrollably.