Don’t give away historic details about yourself

I test my poor wife on this stuff all the time. Like most people, she plays along with these little quizzes and questions but had no idea they can be used to harvest details about her for nefarious purposes.

If iPads were meant for kids

DeLong makes a great point. For those of us with children, Apple’s parental controls for the iPad are a blunt instrument.

Seek by iNaturalist

As a City Kid, I’ve never had much need to “identify the plants and animals around me” but now that I live in a semi-rural area, I’m kind of curious about the flora and fauna I see. This app may be able to help.

It’s time for an RSS revival

Wired: The modern web contains no shortage of horrors, from ubiquitous ad trackers to all-consuming platforms to YouTube comments, generally. Unfortunately, there’s no panacea for what ails this internet we’ve built. But anyone weary of black-box algorithms controlling what you … Continued

Canadians to get emergency alerts on their phones

I really hate the idea of there not being any ability to opt out of at least some of these alerts. I certainly won’t need an alert that an earthquake is happening – I’m pretty sure I’ll already know.

A brief history of movies shot with phones

Film School Rejects: Soderbergh and Baker might be the highest profile directors to turn to cellular devices for feature films, but there are plenty of independent filmmakers turning to the format. The iPhone is a great tool for filmmakers – … Continued

Mobile gaming is having a moment, and Apple has the reins

Thos of us old enough to remember the bad old days know that Apple had a reputation at times for not being very “gamer friendly”, whether it was towards gamers themselves or game developers. Steve Jobs was famously apathetic and dismissive of the Mac as a gaming platform. But the iPhone has changed all of that.

What Spring looks like around the world

Today is the first official day of spring for those of us in the northern hemisphere. The cherry blossoms and tulips are just starting to bloom here in the Vancouver area. While I know many in the northeastern US and the Canadian Maritime provinces are hunkering down in the teeth of yet another snowstorm, just hang in there and hopefully, this video will remind you what you have to look forward to.

Watch the original Black Panther animated series

Open Culture: How does it compare to the blockbuster film? From its first salvo of Wakandan warrior prowess in a cold open set in the 5th century A.D., to its seventies-African-funk-inspired theme song, to a present-day scene in the White … Continued

How to write a Jeopardy! clue

Jeopardy! has always been my favorite game show but I never gave the process of the creation of the clues much thought.