Breaking down Seinfeld

My wife is a huge Seinfeld fan and I’m a huge fan of massaging data like this so we’re both happy.

The spectacular power of “Big Lens”

The Guardian: >Almost everyone wears glasses at some point in their lives. In developed countries, the rule of thumb is that around 70% of adults need corrective lenses to see well. Those who need prescription glasses must try this cheap … Continued

Apple, influence, and Ive

Ive can be obtuse in interviews sometimes but it’s still interesting to read his thoughts about design.

Newsweek had the exclusive iMac announcement story

While the iMac wasn’t a guaranteed success (there was a lot of Sturm und Drang over its design and technology decisions), it was a Hail Mary that turned into an incredible product for the company.

Steve Jobs introduces the original iMac

In my opinion, it’s impossible to overstate the importance of this announcement. I’ve long maintained that the iMac saved Apple. Without it, the company would not exist today.


I’d love to hear from Apple why this move, a move that was “obvious” to many of us for many years, was never attempted by the company.

Amazon Prime price change

This is the first price increase in four years but, like all price increases, it undoubtedly won’t sit well with some Prime members.