My wife is a huge Seinfeld fan and I’m a huge fan of massaging data like this so we’re both happy.
London skyline has incredible gigapixel photoshoot
Unfortunately, the panorama doesn’t include some of the more famous London skyline images.
“Yanny” or “Laurel”: the audio clip that’s tearing the internet apart
These kinds of things fascinate me. For the record, I hear “Laurel”. Our 12-year-old son hears “Yanny”. But my Australian wife hears “yearly”. Weirdo.
Tim Cook’s 2018 Duke Commencement Address
You can skip ahead to 2:16:45 to see Cook’s speech. I couldn’t watch it because….well…it’s Duke.
Apple knew its computers were “defective,” sold them anyway, suit alleges
This doesn’t feel like the “usual” money-grubbing lawsuit. I know anecdotes don’t equal data but this is a very widespread issue.
For six decades, ‘the man with the golden arm’ donated blood — and saved 2.4 million babies
What an incredible story of a medical marvel and a kind, caring man.
I beat up my own brain at “The American Crossword Puzzle” tournament
My mother was a crossword solving fiend and would have loved competing in this tournament. Even if you’re not a high-level New York Times crossword solver, it’s a good story.
The story of Manhattan’s dynamic population
What a fascinating look at the population changes of Manhattan throughout the day and week.
The spectacular power of “Big Lens”
The Guardian: >Almost everyone wears glasses at some point in their lives. In developed countries, the rule of thumb is that around 70% of adults need corrective lenses to see well. Those who need prescription glasses must try this cheap … Continued
Why the days of the analog clock are (and should be!) numbered
This is really interesting. It makes sense that children don’t “need” to be taught skills they aren’t likely to ever need but it’s hard to let go of the analog clock.
Digital photocopiers loaded with secrets
This is wild and a little scary.
Duplex shows Google failing at ethical and creative AI design
Many will dismiss these concerns as irrelevant but I personally believe they are crucially important.
Apple, influence, and Ive
Ive can be obtuse in interviews sometimes but it’s still interesting to read his thoughts about design.
The Mac gaming console that time forgot
I remember when this was announced thinking, “Well, that’s never going to work…”
The long way round: the plane that accidentally circumnavigated the world
What an incredible story.
An online collection of high-res scans of M.C. Escher’s prints
Escher is my favorite artist. The level of detail of these scans is remarkable.
Newsweek had the exclusive iMac announcement story
While the iMac wasn’t a guaranteed success (there was a lot of Sturm und Drang over its design and technology decisions), it was a Hail Mary that turned into an incredible product for the company.
Steve Jobs introduces the original iMac
In my opinion, it’s impossible to overstate the importance of this announcement. I’ve long maintained that the iMac saved Apple. Without it, the company would not exist today.
iPhone X was world’s best-selling smartphone model in first quarter
Sadly, this news won’t stop the pundits from predicting the “death of the iPhone X” over the next 6 months or prevent the Tech Media from slavishly repeating those stupid predictions ad infinitum.
15 of the best photo editing apps for iOS and Android devices
Good list of apps, both free and paid and there are even a couple I’m not familiar with.
20 years of iMac: Behind the scenes of Apple’s ‘Simplicity Shootout’ video
I distinctly remember this video. I was a Mac consultant at the time and helped people buy and set up iMacs. Many of them were blown away by how easy and fast it was for them.
I’m sorry I criticized you, Apple. You win.
I look forward to many more analysts offering up the same apology.
Why it’s ok that Apple killed Airport products, finally
I will still maintain that Apple had a great opportunity here it wasted by neglect, not unlike many other technologies Apple championed but ultimately ignored over the years.
I’d love to hear from Apple why this move, a move that was “obvious” to many of us for many years, was never attempted by the company.
Amazon Prime price change
This is the first price increase in four years but, like all price increases, it undoubtedly won’t sit well with some Prime members.
Apple store at Florida Mall faces lawsuit over 2016 evacuation
John Cleese in conversation with Eric Idle
The Python members are deeply unfunny and the world will be a better place once they have all shuffled off this mortal coil.
Ford to stop selling every car in North America but the Mustang and Focus Active
This is really big news and time will tell whether it is a wise move by Ford.
How to download a copy of everything Apple knows about you
It’s not as easy to do as with other companies but that may be a good thing. And you might be surprised by how little and, ironically, how much Apple knows about you.
Here’s why you’re getting all those terms of service update emails
These companies aren’t doing this voluntarily, either. They’re being forced to by these new European Union regulations.