Why do we grunt more as we get older?

Those of us “of a certain age”, will read the title of this and think, “YES! Why is that!?” The answer is more interesting than it has any right to be.

The App Store turns 10

Apple rightly toots its own horn here. While the App Store can (and will) deserve criticism from a lot of people, developers and users alike, it’s still the best, most secure way to to get apps on our iOS devices.

Push nope-ifications

The idiots running Twitter continue to make decisions that hurt the platform.

Why soccer players take dives

I’m a fair weather soccer fan but am familiar enough with the game to understand why players do it. But the more egregious flops can really take the fun out of watching a game.

Money expert decodes the world’s most popular currencies

Currency in general fascinates me (who doesn’t like money, amirite) especially the lengths countries go to not only differentiate their currency from others (countries and denominations) but also the security measures they put in place and how they are integrated into the look and feel of a their money.

12 world class museums you can visit online

There’s nothing like actually visiting one of these museums but I like showing the 12-year-old some of the exhibits in the Louvre, Smithsonian, and NASA museums.

How much risk is good for kids? Parents make the case for more adventurous childhood

I guess because I’m the “new” father, this place would freak me out to send my child into (I’d still do it) but my wife said she wouldn’t have a problem letting him play in this “risky” playground. I certainly agree with her when she says similar things to this article – we protect children too much at times.

Why little vehicles will conquer the city

Great piece on the inevitable rise of “Little Vehicles”. Many city residents would be much better served by various combinations of LVs, especially if cities are redesigned away from cars.

Welcome to Blaine, the town Amazon Prime built

I’m one of those customers. The difference in price and availability between Amazon Canada’s offerings and Amazon US is staggering, even when you include the exchange rate.

What it takes to be a Blue Man

One of the oddest, most interesting shows I ever saw in Las Vegas was Blue Man many years ago. I’d love to see them again sometime.

The horses that changed history

I’m a City Kid who has never had any interaction with horses (I’ve touched exactly three in my life and ridden one once for 60 minutes) but they have always fascinated me. This is a great story about the history of these majestic creatures.