I’ve never bought a thing from Hammacher Schlemmer but I’ve always loved the weirdness of their catalogs.
Apple kicked Alex Jones off its platform then Youtube and Facebook rushed to do the same
This will be an understandably controversial move that won’t hurt Jones in the long run.
Script downloads
I love reading movie scripts and there are a bunch here, including for the “Steve Jobs” movie, you can download as PDFs.
Behind the wheel of a Tesla Model 3: It’s a giant iPhone — for better and worse
As a motorcyclist, this car and others that will come after it, terrify me. The “iPhone on wheels” is an awful and dangerous idea. Watch the video to get an idea of how obscenely huge and distracting that screen is.
The world economy runs on GPS. It needs a backup plan
The world economy is increasingly dependent on these kinds of chokepoints. Heaven help us if/when they fail. It will make Y2K look like a walk in the park.
Apple kills the App Store Affiliate program
This has the potential to kill sites like Touch Arcade that use the revenue from App Store affiliate links to stay afloat. I think Apple’s stated reasoning for this action is utterly ridiculous and complete bullshit. But it also shows the danger for any site or business to rely too much on one source of revenue.
Why Macs matter to Apple, even when they aren’t selling well
Many people will say Apple is ignoring the Mac and using the 13 percent drop compared to a year ago as evidence but here is the argument that the Mac is integral to Apple’s Services numbers.
Apple’s longtime Education VP shares frustrations with slow pace of change
My wife works in the education system and she echoes a lot of this frustration.
Renowned film director Wim Wenders hits out at “phone photography”
Wenders isn’t just some “cranky old man” we can easily ignore. I don’t necessarily agree with his overall premise but he does make some interesting points. Personally, I rarely take any photo that I don’t want to share with others in any number of ways.
Apple just explained why it’s going to make original TV shows
I find this aspect of Apple’s future business to be fascinating. They have the luxury of being able to take their time and “do it right” or, at least, do it their own way. I wouldn’t bet against them accomplishing whatever their goals are.
The world’s largest train set “spans” eight countries
I had a train set when I was a kid. This is not that “set”. This is an incredible achievement.
The 100 best TV episodes of the century
“…of the century” makes this a bit of a silly list but it’s still a fun read.
Apple not taking chances with ads, is too ‘vanilla’ says former ad director
It could be argued that Apple is no longer the company that Segall used to work for in the sense they are not the “scrappy underdog” any more. They are a fully mature, consumer electronics company that no longer needs to be “edgy”.
That being said, I prefer Apple edgy.
Logitech steps up to the mic
Blue makes many podcasters’ favorite microphones. Logitech seems like they’ll leave them alone to continue to do just that.
How an ex-cop rigged McDonald’s monopoly game and stole millions
This might just be the wildest story you read all weekend.
Carol Kaye: Rock’s most prolific session musician
I’d never heard of her until this video. It’s shame she doesn’t get more recognition.
The Jell-O family curse
Not only did I not know about the Jell-O family curse, I didn’t even know there was a family involved in Jell-O.
Shark scientists explain what’s right and what’s wrong with Shark Week
Like many people, I’m fascinated by sharks and when Shark Week first started, I watched it all of it. But now, not only has it become ridiculous, it’s actually often fake and bad science.
Samsung’s anti-iPhone X ads
I think many of them are silly and childish. A couple make a good point or two but you really have to stretch to see them. Overall, pointless ads in my opinion.
Apple provides Japanese customers with free repairs following floods and landslides
Good news for Apple’s customers in Japan affected by the floods and landslides.
The iPad vs. Mac juxtaposition
The differences/comparisons between the iPad and the Mac fascinate me. I get a lot of people asking for advice about “what should I buy?” and, for a lot of them, I can often recommend “just” the iPad.
“Made of Mettle”: The Leatherman documentary
Not your typical documentary. Very little about the actual development and design of this iconic tool but more about the people and some of their amazing stories.
Inside the 23-dimensional world of your car’s paint job
I knew the act of painting a car was difficult but I’d given no thought to how hard colour matching was.
The longest lunar eclipse of the century will be on July 27
If you’re lucky enough to live within the viewing path of this eclipse, you should really get outside and enjoy it.
Tim Cook at the Loveloud Festival – will speak and introduce Imagine Dragons
I’m glad Cook is doing this but I’m officially old. Except for Cook and Imagine Dragons, I don’t recognize a single other speaker or band.
New iPhone X Ad “Unleash”
Interesting that Apple is actually mentioning the chip inside the phone. The average consumer certainly doesn’t care.
Impossible Burgers’ key, bloody ingredient gets long awaited nod from FDA
I’m a confirmed omnivore and I’d love to try one of these burgers.
Best Buy should be dead, but it’s thriving in the age of Amazon
Not many people thought Best Buy could have pulled themselves out of the mess they were in ten years ago. They are not completely out of the woods but their success up to this point is remarkable.
Tunity is a ridiculously cool app for watching sports games at bars or restaurants
I’ve used Tunity for years with varying levels of success. When it works, it’s really cool.
Slow-motion hummingbird video shot on the iPhone
Great. Now I have to go buy a Moments lens.