The Italian Rossi was the GOAT. The Spaniard Lorenzo was the young upstart. They didn’t much like each other. Rossi wanted to show his teammate and bitter rival he still had what it took to beat him. The fact that it was in Spain made it even sweeter.
Apple launches 2020 Back to School promotion: free AirPods with eligible Mac or iPad purchase
As usual, the deals aren’t at “OMG MUST BUY!” levels but, even if your kid isn’t physically going back to school in the fall (they haven’t made that decision yet in many places), you still might be getting them new gear. And a free set of AirPods or a few bucks off AirPods Pro is nothing to shake a stick at.
“Addicted to Love” metal edition
Moracchioli says on his Patreon site, “I do music covers on YouTube where I record, mix, master, film and edit the videos myself.” I’m not generally a fan of covers but he does a great job on this classic tune.
Apple adds new MacBook Pro graphics option and Mac Pro SSD upgrade kit
These upgrades are a welcome addition to the machines I dream about but will never be able to afford.
Your old videos may not play in macOS Catalina. Here’s why.
This is one of those issues that, even though Apple warned users for several years ahead of this transition, still might catch less tech-savvy customers out.
Which streaming service is the best bang for your buck in 2020?
Interesting data presented. While I knew Apple TV+ would be low on this totem pole, I was surprised to see how high Amazon Prime Video was.
Alien: Low-budget remake
This is ridiculously good.
The case for ARM-based Macs
Given where Apple is at and where it seems to want to be, there’s no case needed to be made from the company’s point of view. All that’s left is implementation. And Apple is not “working on” ARM-based Macs. That part is done. They have them. They work. And they are fast.
Tom Hanks’ WWII film, “Greyhound,” will be released on Apple TV+ on July 10
This looks suitably epic. Looking forward to watching it.
Top five calculator tips for iPhone
I’m not a heavy user of the iPhone calculator but there are a couple of tips here I can definitely use.
“Dads” official trailer
Even if you’re not a dad, this looks like a fun watch.
A thousand days of the current Apple TV, an ode to okay-ish-ness
After listening to the latest Dalrymple Report, this article seemed apropos. There’s certainly an argument to be made that the Apple TV hardware is, for the most part, “good enough” and Apple should focus on making the UX and software better.
Wil Shipley’s ideas for improving the App Store
Wil Shipley is a well known and well respected Macintosh developer. His list below seems like a no-brainer for Apple to implement.
Apple Maps real-time transit information now available in several more countries and regions
Maps now even includes transit directions for my little Canadian town of 6,000.
Pocket Casts and Castro Podcasts removed from Apple’s China store
Apple continues to be embarrassed by its inability to fight back against the Chinese government’s censorship.
Adobe launches Photoshop Camera, a free app with tons of elaborate face filters
The Verge: Adobe is launching a new app today called Photoshop Camera that’s filled with a bunch of very elaborate filters that can change your face and the world around you. Some of the filters are really impressive: several identify … Continued
Apple announces WWDC keynote timeline, week-long conference schedule
This might just be Apple’s most interesting and important WWDC ever.
Tim Cook unveils Apple’s $100 million Racial Equity and Justice Initiative
Cook: “Things must change, and Apple’s committed to being a force for that change.”
The Internet’s most important—and misunderstood—law, explained
The article quotes Eric Goldman, a professor at the Santa Clara University Law School, as saying, for better or worse, “…this rule made the modern Internet possible.”
Camera app to capture anonymised footage
I’ve been playing around with this app and it works mostly as advertised. I say mostly because if you move too quickly, the blur can’t keep up. Hopefully, you’ll never have to use this app but it’s good to know it’s available.
HBO Max pulls ‘Gone With the Wind,’ citing racist depictions
Gone with the Wind has always been a racist movie. It didn’t just become one when HBO Max recovered from the fainting couch and put away their smelling salts like Aunt PittyPat. My wife and I watched it again (me for the 10th time) this past weekend and enjoyed it immensely while still seeing, being aware of and acknowledging its racism.
Apple to discontinue iBooks Author in July, plans the same for iTunes U in 2021
I had someone desperately try to convince me to help them build a business around iBooks Author and iTunes U but, having been burned by peripheral Apple tech in the past (anyone remembers QuickTime Broadcaster?) I had zero faith in Apple continuing it for the long term. Glad I made the right call.
6 Free Final Cut Pro alternatives for making your own movies
These are alternatives in the most generous sense of the word. FCP is a professional app and many of these are for hobbyists or those who don’t have others relying on their work. That being said, I’ve used several of these apps and many of them are very good. The article missed one excellent free editor though – DaVinci Resolve from Black Magic Design.
Inside look: what it is like to race at Le Mans
I love racing of all sorts but I’ve never gotten into Le Mans. It’s just “too much” racing. But I’d love to drive those cars for a few laps. BTW, this article was written by Top Gear’s The Stig.
“Jakarta” Marble Race by Jelle’s Marble Runs & Formula E
The production values on these videos are insane. I actually found myself cheering for one of the marbles. In related news, I miss racing.
Why the Golden Gate Bridge made strange noises with the wind Friday
Like 2020 wasn’t weird enough already.
Incredible huge landslide. Houses floating into the sea.
I bet this isn’t normal. But then again nowadays, what is?
Harvard wins Apple, Twitter backing on use of race in admissions
Sadly, this case will likely go to the US Supreme Court.
Colorblind users push technology designers to use signals beyond color
As is often the case, accessibility features benefit all users, not just the users the feature is designed for.
How Apple decides which products are ‘vintage’ and ‘obsolete’
My beloved 2014 iMac is rapidly coming up on “vintage” status and I worry about repair if anything happens to it. I live in a backwater town with little to no authorized Apple support.