Terry Fox Run 2018 TV spot

Terry Fox has been gone for 38 years but the memory of him, for myself and many Canadians, is as fresh as yesterday. If you don’t know who I’m talking about, please read about him and run or donate in his memory on September 16th.

Take Photos further with one-on-one training

This is an interesting experiment by Apple. I’m all in favor of people who are interested in photography getting as much education as they can, particularly when it comes to editing their photos. Sadly, this isn’t available outside of the United States so I can’t speak to how good the training is. If anyone has taken it, I’d love to hear about your experience.

Isle of Man TT

I love riding my motorcycle really fast. I often dream about riding at ridiculous speeds. But when it comes to the Isla of Man TT, I only ever have nightmares about riding the course. The men who ride the IoM TT are possibly certifiably insane. That being said, I’d love to go to the island to watch the races one day.

Why I love this Robin Williams bit

I was/am a huge fan of Robin Williams. I first met him here in Vancouver while he was shooting Jumanji and I interviewed him in San Francisco at a Macworld Expo. We corresponded for a time and I treasured the little piece of him I had. I remember this bit well and this is a great dissection of it.

The self-driving car that will never arrive

Obviously, the headline is (unnecessarily) hyperbolic but the issues discussed in the piece make a lot of sense. Self-driving cars will get here – that’s inevitable – but I don’t think it will happily nearly as fast as its proponents think or hope.

Apple confirms TV series order of Asimov’s Foundation

The Foundation series was the first series of books I ever read as a kid, scifi or otherwise, and I reread it several times in the ensuing years. I’m really excited and a little worried about this as a TV series. It’s an incredible series, spanning worlds, galaxies, and time. I hope they do justice to it.

This is the story of the 1970s great calculator race

Are you old enough to remember your first “pocket calculator”? We weren’t allowed to use them in school and my dad wouldn’t let me use one for my homework – I had to do the math by hand and he would check it with his calculator.

First time Tooter, long time Tweeter

Mastodon is being touted as a “replacement” for disaffected Twitter users but there’s absolutely no chance of that happening if only because of the confusion surrounding how Mastodon works and is used.

Google data collection

This is obscene and I bet it triggers some sort of (completely ineffectual) Congressional investigation.

How a meeting with Steve Jobs in 1998 gave birth to Wi-Fi

I was at that launch. The company I was working for at the time really wanted to have wifi-enabled laptops but the cost for cards and access points was prohibitively expensive – wifi wasn’t something for consumers at the time. I came back from Macworld Expo and told them they should invest in “this new Apple stuff. It’s going to blow up the world of laptops and internet access”. Of course, they ignored me.

Fighting the vanilla thieves of Madagascar

As an amateur cook, I’ve had chef friends say, “You must use real vanilla!” I had no idea it would make that much of a difference but it really does. That being said, the price of real vanilla has skyrocketed in the past few years.

Apple’s revolutionary iMac is 20 years old, and still going strong

I still remember the first time I saw the iMac in real life at the 1998 Macworld Expo in New York City. I watched Apple techs set up several dozen of them in Apple’s booth at the Javits Center ahead of the Steve Jobs Keynote. I will always maintain that the iMac saved Apple. Without it, the company wouldn’t have survived long enough to accomplish all the amazing things it did in the ensuing years and we would all be the poorer for it.

The evolution of the Ford Mustang in photos

While I liked the 60’s Mustangs, I was never a huge fan of the car in general. That being said, my first car was the 1994 redesign and I loved that car.

How to photograph the Perseids meteor shower this weekend

I’m really hoping the weather holds for us this weekend because I want to teach my son how to capture “shooting stars”. If you have the gear, it’s fairly easy to set up. Then you need a bit of luck to get good shots.