Perfect timing. I’m downloading Mojave as we speak.
Why I’m done with Chrome
This is justifiably worrying to security experts. I’ve been a Chrome user in the past but, with today’s release of Mojave, I’m likely going back to Safari.
A brief statement on DragThing – I’m stopping selling it as of today
I predict we’ll see more of these kinds of announcements from developers as Mojave end-of-lifes more and more 32-bit apps.
I’d like to share the story of a personal interaction I had (with) Alan Bean, Apollo moon-walker and artist.
Wow. Amazing story. Read for the science, stay for the surprising kicker at the end.
Apple Watch Series 4 fall detection is off by default, unless you are 65+ years old
Nice find by a Redditor on Apple’s Watch Series 4 support pages.
Apple’s guided tour of the iPhone XS iPhone XS Max, and iPhone XR
Simple but well done as always.
iOS 12 automatically saves iMessage photos to your Photos library
This is one of those changes Apple often makes that they don’t tell the user about. It’s also something not everyone wants.
No sex please, we’re Apple: iPhone giant seeks TV success on its own terms
I don’t think this is as big a problem for Apple as some make it out to be. After all, in theory, your “G” rated audience is going to be much bigger than your “R” rated audience. Apple wants to appeal to the broadest group of consumers it can – whether that be with iPhones or original content.
iPhone XS vs iPhone X camera comparison
As I’ve always said on Your Mac Life, these are the kinds of comparisons and shots I want to see. I don’t see the point of giving review cameras ahead of launch to the likes of Austin Mann and Pete Souza – they are professional photographers who are expected to take great photos no matter what camera they use. I’d rather see Apple seed cameras to “average” people and see what the differences are in their shots.
I almost just got scammed hard: a cautionary tale
Scary thread from Sasser, co-founder of Panic Inc. Big lesson is if someone calls you, call them back at the company’s official number to verify. Or do what I do – just never answer the phone.
For Valentino Dixon, a wrong righted
This is an incredible story. If it hadn’t been for his drawings of a sport he never played, he’d still be in prison.
‘Cathay Paciic’: Hong Kong carrier pokes fun at typo on one of its planes
Very embarrassing for Cathay Pacific but they handled it well.
Jon M. Chu shot this short film entirely on an iPhone Xs Max
Apple increases the capability of the iPhone’s camera with every iteration and there’s no doubt this is the best they’ve ever jammed into an iPhone enclosure.
What has changed with AppleCare+ for iPhone XS or Apple Watch and why you should consider coverage
AppleCare, like most insurance, is a bit of a crapshoot. This is a good piece that may help you decide whether or not to get it.
8-year-old with 3D-printed hand sets a record for throwing out the first pitch for every MLB team
I’ve been following this story all summer and am so happy she reached her goal.
Former White House Photographer Pete Souza releases the first pictures taken using Apple’s new iPhone XS
Several Twitterers are pointing to Austin Mann’s Petapixel post with images shot on the new iPhone but, to me, Mann’s shots are “just” the typical ones any tourist would take and don’t show off the capabilities of the new iPhone. Souza shows a wide variety of shots that do a great job of showing the range of the iPhone X s.
Shortcuts user guide
I wasn’t a beta user of iOS 12 so I’m looking forward to digging in to what Shortcuts can do for me.
The Shortcuts app for iOS 12 is now available—make sure you grab it!
The app obviously requires iOS 12 so don’t bother to download until you’ve upgraded.
Mum’s nursery rhyme nightmares solved by late-night crack team
Months!? She listened to that creepy sound for months!? I know about the British “stiff upper lip” but this is ridiculous. I would have reported that the first night I heard it.
Instagram is supposed to be friendly. So why is it making people so miserable?
Much like Twitter and Facebook, Instagram is what you make of it. I don’t see any of these “feel good” posts because I don’t follow those kinds of Instagrammers.
The rise and demise of RSS
I am still a big fan of RSS. I don’t know if it’s “dead” or not but it’s a shame it’s not more popular.
iOS 12: the MacStories review
This will be the first of many reviews of iOS 12, available today.
iPhone XS, XS Max and XR cameras: what you need to know
Apple continues to up the camera phone game with these improvements and additions to the hardware and software on these latest models.
Apple’s “Welcome to the Big Screens” YouTube videos
Apple has posted two videos (I don’t know if these are full fledged TV ads) on their Yotube site showing off the new bigger iPhones.
An oral history of Apple’s Infinite Loop campus
I visited the Infinite Loop campus on several occasions and really enjoyed every visit I had there.
No, Apple didn’t delete that guy’s movies. Here’s what really happened
As is usual with stories like these, the facts come out a few days later but only after the sturm un drang.
Predator vs. Predator vs. Predator vs. Predator
If I ever had a movie franchise guilty pleasure, the Predator movies would qualify. Citizen Kane they ain’t.
Apple & eSIM – control, convenience & commercial opportunities
There’s a lot of interesting supposition in this post.
No helmets, no problem: how the Dutch created a casual biking culture
The difference in attitude between bicycle riders in Europe in general and Holland specifically is in marked contrast to bikers in North America where they are often seen as an inconvenience to cars.
I’m an Emergency physician and wanted to talk about Apple Watch’s new ECG
I’m by no means an expert in this kind of thing but this seems like good, common sense information. Any doctors in the audience who can confirm or refute any of the statements made in this Reddit post?