This is a great point. I’ve gotten lucky with many shots but I’ve never gotten lucky with night shots. They require planning well ahead of time.
Amazon misreads the room
I have no dog in this hunt but I find it really interesting. Amazon is just playing the game the politicians have set up for them. And, if past is prologue, there will be no long-term damage to them over this.
The kilogram is dead; long live the kilogram
I’ve been following this weirdly fascinating story for years. I loved the idea that an international measurement was represented in reality by one example of it deep in a lab vault in France. I’ll be a little sad when it gets replaced.
Monsoon V
Absolutely amazing work. Even more impressive when you think about the time, experience, effort, and just plain luck required to get this incredible footage.
The album is in deep trouble – and the music business probably can’t save it
I don’t think this trend is reversible. Should it be? Is it time for the album to die?
Apple confirms its T2 security chip blocks some third-party repairs of new Macs
I get why Apple feels they need to do this but I think, without a better, fuller explanation of their reasoning behind doing it (something we are unlikely to see/hear), they are on the wrong side of this issue. If they’re not careful, they may find themselves in legal hot water because of it.
Stan Lee, creator of superheroes, dies at 95
Stan Lee brought a great deal of joy into the world.
The graphic art of Incredibles 2
The look of the Incredibles is very specific – seemingly familiar but not really.
Flickr’s new limit on free photo sharing is helpful, not hurtful, CEO says
I understand that many people aren’t happy about the decision but they feel it is the best decision for Flickr/SmugMug going forward.
Broadway ditches age-old processes to run shows with iPads
Always interesting to see how tech is replacing some of this old school stuff.
Leonard Cohen recites “In Flanders Fields” by John McCrae
On this 11th day of the 11th month at 11:11am PT, I post this in remembrance of all of those who have served and died for their country, many of my own family members included. Lest We Forget.
The 31 best dance scenes in movies
I hate dancing (I feel all uncoordinated and clumsy) but I love watching dancing. These 31 scenes from the movies are a blast to watch.
Riding the waves of Nazaré
I’ll be in Lisbon, Portugal teaching a beginner photography workshop in March and I’m really hoping to get out to Nazaré to see these incredible waves. The men who surf them are utterly insane.
World War One footage brought to life by Lord of the Rings director
The colourizing of this footage is absolutely incredible.
Harley-Davidson LiveWire — are you buying one?
I’ve been following Harley’s development of the LiveWire since the prototype was first unvelied in 2014. It’s a fascinating project but maybe not for the reasons Harley wants it to be.
Apple pumps up its Amazon listings with iPhones, iPads and more
This is great news for those of us who don’t live near any other Apple resellers.
Iceland Foods’ banned TV Christmas ad
I don’t usually say this but don’t watch this video on Youtube. Watch it here first and notice when you spot what the issue is. The next question is, why was it banned?
How to move your photos from Flickr to another service
I’ll most likely keep and pay for my Flickr account but many of you may not. Here’s one way to get your photos off of the service.
A final proving ground for guide dogs to the blind: midtown Manhattan
What a great story. I still remember my first time navigating New York City. This small town kid from Nova Scotia was terrified. I can’t imagine how scary it must be for the blind and their guide dogs.
Tesla’s “Navigate on Autopilot” is like Waze on steroids
My wife and I test drove a Tesla Model X over the weekend and came away impressed with the technology overall. The sales guy showed us a version of “Navigate on Autopilot” and it was very cool.
A strange welcome in Canada
As a proud Nova Scotianer, I feel no shame in saying, categorically, that Newfoundlanders are the nicest people in Canada. I was honoured to have been screeched-in many years ago in a bar in St John’s and highly recommend it to anyone who visits this lovely province.
The new iPad Pro for photographers
Mann looks at the new iPad Pro from the same POV I would – how is it for a professional photographer working in the field? After reading the review, I really want a new iPad for my photography workshop in Lisbon next March.
Apple walks Ars through the iPad Pro’s A12X system on a chip
I’m not smart enough to understand much of what this article is about but the majority of the reviews of this new iPad reference how incredibly powerful the A12X system on a chip is.
The Library of Congress makes thousands of fabulous photos, posters & images free to use & reuse
What an incredible collection to peruse and use.
I’m fascinated by the technical “class” obsession with iPads replacing laptops
Really interesting thread from a guy who knows a lot about this stuff.
“What if He Falls”? The terrifying reality behind filming “Free Solo”
There are moments in this video that literally made me queasy. I’ve been a fan of Honnold for years and I can’t wait to see “Free Solo” in the theater. This just screams for an IMAX release.
Live polar bear camera
Fall is Polar Bear season in northern Manitoba, and throughout November you can check out on a live cam what they are up to in the Wapusk National Park.
Inside a huge data center filled with Mac minis
MacStadium got big props from Apple at their last event and deservedly so.
2018 Retina MacBook Air review roundup
Along with the lifted embargo on the new iPads, the reviews of the new MacBook Air are rolling in as well.
12.9-inch iPad Pro review roundup
The embargo has lifted on the new 12.9-inch iPad Pro and all the usual suspects have posted.