I wasn’t nearly as enamored of the ad as Segall was but I do agree on the confusing message it sends.
A brief history of B&H, the largest non-chain camera store in the US
B&H has had its challenges over the years but I always dropped in during the New York Macworld Expos because it was such a cool, old-school kind of store. If you’re ever in New York City, stop by just for the fun of it – and the free candy. And now I know what the “B&H” stands for.
The old guard of Mac indy apps has thrived for more than 25 years
To stick around for 25 years is pretty remarkable (says the guy celebrating his 25th anniversary as a “podcaster” this coming March!) and these apps deserve all the accolades.
The world’s friendliest countries revealed
I’m proud to live in #10 and very happy I’ll be spending a week in #1 this coming March.
Watch “Dinner for One”, the short film that has become a baffling New Year’s tradition in Europe
It’s a very sweet little bit of comedy.
New Year’s Eve around the world: countdown to 2019, in photos
My family in Australia has already finished their celebrations and we here in British Columbia are getting prepped and ready. From my family to yours, I hope you have a happy, safe, fun, and joyous New Year’s Eve and 2019!
Etymotic ER3, the Audiophiliac affordable headphone of the year
I’ve always been a big fan of not only the company Etymotic but also the people I’ve met there. If you’re looking for a new set of in-ear headphones, check out their product line.
Select multiple apps on iOS?
Mind. Blown.
I ordered a box of crickets from the Internet and it went about as well as you’d expect
I read this on Twitter earlier today and thought it was the funniest thing I’d read all month.
Showmanship, and conflict, as darts goes from smoky pubs to tv spectacle
I love playing darts. I learned from my mother who was an incredible darts player. I’ll even admit to watching it on TV on occasion. The spectacle it has become is fascinating and not just a little bit ridiculous.
New Apple stores want to become ‘town squares.’ But is combining public and private spaces a good idea?
it’s always good to critically examine how we use these spaces to ensure they are primarily serving people and not corporations.
How to dump 3,000 pounds of confetti on Times Square
The New York City ball drop was always a big deal for us to watch on TV as a kid. That being said, there’s no chance I’ll ever want to actually be in Times Square for the ball drop.
Camera comparison: Can the iPhone XR’s single camera compete with the iPhone XS and XS Max’s two cameras?
Some very interesting photo evidence that starkly shows the differences. But the “average” user may not notice or care.
Guides, how to’s, and tips for new Mac owners
Did someone you know get a new Mac for Christmas? Here are a bunch of URLs to help them out.
Santa Trackers
If you have kids in your life, I hope you are lucky enough to share these trackers with them.
Capsicum daily planning app
I’m not really a “daily planner” kind of guy but I wanted to post this, not only for the information but to talk about their model. While it’s subscription-based ($2/month), they are doing something really interesting.
What is glitter?
Glitter is evil.
Top 10 country GDP ranking history
This is an incredible visualization. In particular, watch China as it rises falls and rises again and note the year China went to second place and stayed there. They likely won’t fall from that spot and, most likely, will overtake the US in our lifetimes.
The true story of the lost sci-fi movie ‘Brainstorm,’ Natalie Wood’s last film
Wood was in one of my favourite Christmas movies and the other participants in this film would have made it a must watch but, like most of us, I’ve never heard of it.
The history of Jews, Chinese food, and Christmas, explained by a rabbi
I knew about this tradition (and have partaken of it myself) but just assumed was just that. I didn’t realize there’s an actual, “logical” reason for it.
195-gigapixel photo of Shanghai
It’s an incredible image. See if you can spot the Shanghai Apple Store.
A day with the Christmas tree vendors of New York
As a native son of a province that is one of the largest Christmas tree suppliers, I love these stories of how the tree gets from that farm in Nova Scotia, Quebec or Vermont to the streets and parking lots of your hometown.
Darkroom 4.0: the MacStories review
I’ve used Darkroom and this new version makes a great app even better.
Annual smart speaker IQ test
Interesting that all four smart speaker systems got smarter over time.
Deep beneath your feet, they live in the octillions
I remember as a kid learning about all the “cooties” that live in our body and being really creeped out about it. I’m not creeped out by the thought of octillions of creatures living beneath our feet but it’s equally as amazing.
A bad lip reading of an Apple product launch
This is a lot funnier than it has a right to be.
Against Peter Jackson’s “They Shall Not Grow Old”
This is a really interesting essay arguing against the film. I’ve seen the trailers and am still looking forward to seeing the film but this gives me something additional to think about as I watch.
Fog waves are the most beautiful thing I captured after 8 years of experimenting
These are beautiful, almost surreal images. The technique to create them is actually fairly simple. But the knowledge required to get images like these is not easy to teach or come by.
Army called in to help with Gatwick airport drones problem
This is an issue that is only going to get worse as more and more consumer drones are used and get in the hands of idiots who fly unsafely.
Apple FaceTime car crash lawsuit dismissed
This is an awful, horrible tragedy and our hearts go out to the little girl’s family but it’s not the responsibility of Apple.