I hate the Apple TV remote as well. Anyone else have strong opinions about it one way or the other?
Meet the short-order cooks so good Waffle House officially calls them “Rockstars”
Even though I lived in the South for several years, I never actually set foot in a Waffle House. But, as a motorcyclist, I am a huge fan of diners and always appreciate the stories of a good short order cook.
VLC is adding AirPlay support and will reach 3 billion downloads
Since Apple has been ignoring QuickTime for years, VLC, along with the new IINA app, have been my go-to media players for all kinds of files.
Chapo’s I.T. guy: working for a kingpin can cause a nervous breakdown
As many are pointing out, this story is why you should be nice to your IT people.
Small car flips between giant rings
I love watching these kinds of videos. I have zero mechanical ability or imagination but I’m always fascinated by those who do.
For owners of Amazon’s ring security cameras, strangers may have been watching too
Consumers are far too ready to give up their privacy for security and companies are far too lax when it comes to protecting either. This is another data point for my contention that I will not allow these kinds of “security” devices in my home.
The 6 best iPhone apps for weight loss
I’m using a couple of these apps, along with an Apple Watch, to track my food and calorie intake along with exercise. I find it helpful to know how much food I’m eating and what the calorie amounts are. So far, I’m doing pretty good. I just need to exercise more.
How to download the books that just entered the public domain
There’s actually quite a few very interesting books that have just entered public domain status.
The enduring teen legacy of Monty Python and the Holy Grail
Monty Python and the Holy Grail was meme-worthy before that was even a word. I saw it when it first came out and I’ll still quote its silliness on a weekly basis.
What are bone conduction headphones?
This technology has been around for a lot of years but I’ve never used them. Many people who hate sticking earbuds into their ears may benefit from them though.
Aquaman visual effects, before & after
I love showing these visual effects reels to my 13-year-old. Blows his mind when he sees how much of it is “faked”.
The history of blood
Along with water, blood is the most important liquid in the world.
Apple to hold annual shareholders meeting on March 1st at Steve Jobs Theater
The questions from shareholders should be particularly heated this year.
The painful price of becoming Jackie Chan
I’ve always been a huge fan of Jackie Chan. Even when his movies were awful, you never took your eyes off of him during stunts and fight scenes.
Is it OK to toss an apple core or banana peel outside?
Interesting. While I don’t go for walks in the woods very often being a City Kid, I always assumed it was OK to toss organics into the woods “for the animals”. Looks like that might not be such a good idea after all.
Create and print your own perfectly-gridded paper
I so could have used this website in high school and college for my D&D games.
How to use an Instant Pot
I got one of these a few months ago and I love it. I make rice, steam/roast vegetables, sear meat, make stews and pot roasts, and even cheesecake in it.
“Girls Just Want To Have Fun” cover by Anders Flanderz’s one man band
This busker is working hard for his money.
China smartphone shipments seen down 12-15.5% last year
Apple was just the canary in the coal mine.
CES 2019: Sony’s upcoming 4K and 8K TVs to support AirPlay 2 and HomeKit
Slowly but steadily, Apple is building out its base and support of AirPlay 2 and HomeKit.
Tim Cook to Apple naysayers: ‘The ecosystem has never been stronger’
Many will, understandably, blow this off as Cook simply doing damage control – and he very well might be. But he’s also not wrong.
Apple Music Wrapped: A shortcut to visualize your most listened songs, artists, and genres of the year
I don’t use Apple Music but I’m sure many of you are like me and like seeing this kind of data. Shame Apple doesn’t make it easy to create.
Apple phone phishing scams getting better
I’m sure most of us wouldn’t get caught out by something like this but not everyone is as tech savvy as we are. My wife almost got caught by this so it’s a good idea to warn family and friends to never answer these kinds of calls unless they are expecting them and specifically request the call.
Apple’s errors
Good examination from one point of view of what happened to Apple next week. The Quarterly Call at the end of this month will be very interesting.
Technology, ranked
As usual, an interesting list. Can you think what your Top Five most important technologies ever would be?
Samsung smart TVs to launch iTunes movies & TV shows and support AirPlay 2 beginning Spring 2019
This is great news for those of you who use these products but I wouldn’t allow a “smart TV” into my home for love or money.
Apple’s FY 19 first quarter results conference call
Following the letter from Tim Cook to Apple investors, “revising our guidance”, Apple has updated their investor relations page with details about their upcoming Q1 2019 analysts call. It promises to be interesting, to say the least.
The best show I watched in 2018 went off the air three years ago
I can’t argue with this. My wife hadn’t seen Justified when it originally aired so we watched it together. We were both blown away by how good a TV show (except for the awful fifth season) and wished it had continued.
How to set up your Apple Watch for maximum fitness motivation
I was lucky enough to have a Your Mac Life listener gift me an Apple Watch 3 for Christmas so I’m determined to use it for my New Years Resolution – to lose 30lbs by March 20th, the day before I go to Lisbon for my Starting Point Photography “Photo Tourism” workshop.
What Facebook knows about you
There’s no doubt Facebook knows more about you than you realize but it also knows a lot about you that you gave Facebook voluntarily.