I don’t think I want one of these but the reviews are hilarious.
Top 25 photos on Flickr in 2018 from around the world
Awestruck. Makes me want to throw away my camera.
‘Apollo 11’ trailer: never-before-seen NASA footage becomes a stunning documentary
The footage in this trailer is incredible. The story says, “It will open in theaters sometime in 2019.” It has to. 2019 is the 50th anniversary of this seminal event. It would be a travesty if this documentary didn’t make it to theaters this year.
Facebook pays teens to install VPN that spies on them
At what point will the government step in and do something about the rampant abuses Facebook is consistently subjecting its users to?
Why does airplane food taste so bad?
I’ve never had a good meal in coach on any of the major (or even minor) North American carriers but I really enjoyed the meals I’ve had on the trips taken on Cathay Pacific. And I’ve enjoyed the few First Class cabin meals I’ve had.
Canon boss says smartphones may shrink the digital camera market in half by 2021
The writing has been on the wall for a long time as smartphones first decimated the point and shoot market and now, according to Canon, may very well drive the company out of the consumer DSLR market as well.
How Apple’s white earbuds changed the game forever
I’ve always hated Apple’s earbuds – they never fit properly for me and were uncomfortable even after short periods of time – but I love how they were/are signifiers of “certain people”.
Retail is broken. Apple’s Angela Ahrendts has a plan
It’s hard to argue with that original vision, seeing as it has created the single most profitable retail environment in the world.
10 year challenge: how popular websites have changed
Interesting to see how these websites have changed over the past ten years and not always for the better.
Major iPhone FaceTime bug lets you hear the audio of the person you are calling before they pick up
This is an embarrassing bug but undoubtedly will get fixed very quickly.
Behind the scenes of Apple’s latest iPad Pro video
I’ve always lusted after an iPad Pro. This video makes me lust after one even more.
Bettman, McDavid, Matthews talk technology at Apple Campus
I bet it was a lot of fun for the Apple employees to hang out with The Stanley Cup, even if some of them had to have an explanation of what it was.
Ming-Chi Kuo says ‘worst soon over’ in regards to slowing iPhone sales
Apple financial results for Q1 2019 to be announced tomorrow may get very interesting.
Luminar 3 review: A viable alternative to Adobe Lightroom
I really like Luminar. It can be very easy to use for beginners and is visually more interesting than Lightroom. Whether it’s more suitable for “average consumers” than pros is something that can be argued. Let’s just say, it’s not going to replace Lightroom for me.
Fantastic video-streaming services that are not named Netflix, Amazon, or Hulu
It’s ridiculous how many different streaming services there are. This article will just increase the insanity. There are several services here I’ve never even heard of.
A tiny screw shows why iPhones won’t be ‘assembled in U.S.A.’
“Conventional wisdom” says labour costs are the primary reason why more manufacturing isn’t done in the US. But the issues preventing it are wide and varied as this article shows.
25 years ago in TidBITS: RAM Doubler debuts
You young whippersnappers will now have to watch as us old farts exclaim, “I loved RAM Doubler!” It was freaking magic.
Alien contact – a Twitter thread
I gotta say, I was enthralled by this. It’s been playing out, one tweet at a time, on Twitter over the past 24+ hours. Great story. I hope there’s a sequel.
The fight over the future of football has become a battle for California’s soul
I played and loved high school football. I am so grateful my 13-year old isn’t interested in sports in general, let alone football. I honestly don’t know if I’d let him play the game.
Apple must give grieving husband access to cloud-stored family photos, judge rules
This is a good, fair ruling that helps a grieving family recover precious memories. It’s also a good reminder to include this kind of stuff in a “digital will” or, at least, be sure others have access to this kind of personal information.
The last glassholes
Personally, I have no problem calling Google Glass a complete flop. Maybe it was ahead of its time but the time it was ahead of is one I’m not going to be happy about when it does, inevitably, come.
Images show Apple preparing News app in iOS 12.2 for new magazine subscription service
This is great news for information junkies like myself.
This metal is powering today’s technology—at what price?
We tend to avoid or be unintentionally ignorant of how our technological world affects our natural world. Lithium is a great example of something we all need but have little idea of how we need it or how it affects the planet.
Morgan Stanley: Buy Apple now before earnings next week because the bad news is already in the stock
It will be interesting to see if and/or how much Apple bounces back from all of the bad news of late last year.
Apple Watch SOS feature can call 911 if you’re not careful
This actually happened to me as well. Luckily, I noticed it before the call actually went through.
Apple posts shot on iPhone video, “The Bucket”, for the Chinese New Year
Apple also posted some behind the scenes and making of videos.
Office 365 for Mac is available on the Mac App Store
Frenemies working together to, hopefully, the benefit of their users.
Malvertisers target Mac users with steganographic code stashed in images
Most of us wouldn’t be caught by this but it’s a good opportunity to remind less techy friends and family to not download files or click on random pop-ups.
Manitoba driver throws speeding ticket out the window, gets littering ticket
I want to know what made this guy think he wasn’t going to get another ticket when he tossed the first one out the window?
If 2019’s Oscar-nominated movie posters told the truth
Some of these are brutally funny and NSFW.