There’s a reason why governments around the world view Huawei with suspicion.
Apple Music subscribers can gift friends a month of free access
Nice little treat you can gift to a friend who is not an Apple Music subscriber.
Free first episode of Weird City’s “The One”
My wife and I watched this over the weekend. Like a lot of comedies, it will take time to find its footing but this first episode was surprisingly sweet.
An Apple IIe sat in my parents’ attic for years and it works
I never had one but what a lovely, funny little Twitter thread.
How do the insanely wealthy actually pay for something worth hundreds of millions of dollars?
As jealous as this article made me, it was actually quite interesting to find out how the filthy rich actually pay for their toys.
Apple Music users able to gift a month subscription to a friend
While I don’t use Apple Music, I still really like this idea.
Even years later, Twitter doesn’t delete your direct messages
Brings to mind the old cliche of “Don’t write down anything you don’t want your mother to read.”
Apple shows off Depth Control with “Bokeh’d”
This is actually really funny.
Apple removed five minerals suppliers in 2018 for failing to pass human rights audits
These may seem like dry reports but it signals to suppliers and the world that Apple is keeping an eye on the issue and doing something about it.
Lee Clow announces retirement and looks back
Clow isn’t a household name but his influence is felt throughout the advertising world.
The official fast food French Fry power rankings
We don’t have the #1 here in Vancouver so I can’t judge but I do agree with the writer that the memory of MacDonald’s fries is often better than the actual fries.
Battery case showdown: Apple’s Smart Case vs. mophie’s juice pack access
I’m biased because I’ve always been a fan of mophie (and their parent company provides prizes to my podcast) and I have and really like the mophie juice pack. But I’ve never used an Apple battery case.
Test compares cellular speeds for top iPhone models, difference between the iPhone 5s and XS, more
I knew older iPhones were slower but half speed may be enough to convince my wife to upgrade her iPhone 6 Plus.
Samsung poised to challenge Apple at retail in US with first full-scale stores
“Poised to challenge”? This is literally the dumbest take possible on this story. I have no problem with Samsung opening its own stores but given their past failures on so many fronts, including retail, how the writer could think that, with three US stores, Samsung could “challenge” Apple is beyond ridiculous.
Our favorite psychopath, Villanelle, is back in trailer for Killing Eve S2
If you haven’t seen this show, do yourself a favor and binge-watch it immediately.
We asked New Yorkers for their messages to Jeff Bezos after Amazon scrapped its HQ plans
Obviously, a self-selecting group but the general sentiment seems pretty common.
The Army’s next-generation rifle will be the iPhone of lethality, officials say
I get what they were going for but that’s a really weird way to describe it.
Insurance giant Allstate buys independent phone repair company, joins “Right to Repair” movement
This will pit Allstate against Apple soon enough.
Free ringtones from iRingPro
What a lovely gesture to make in honour of a friend.
The logic behind Apple’s give-us-half-your-revenue pitch to news publishers
It’s going to be really interesting to see how this all shakes out.
Everything wrong with wireless chargers
The future of “wireless” chargers isn’t here yet but the good news is it’s not far off.
Amazon pulls out of planned New York City headquarters
Big, surprising news that will have repercussions throughout the company.
Apple’s self-driving vehicles disengage for safety more frequently by design
When I first read this story on Tuesday, I thought there might be something more to it. Turns out, Apple’s high number of “disengagements” is because of an overabundance of caution. Not a bad thing.
Software pirates use Apple tech to put hacked apps on iPhones
This is very bad news for Apple. They have long touted the safety and security of the App Store as a plus for consumers.
Canada’s answer to Tesla Is a $15,500 electric three-wheeler
Ignoring the hyperbolic “Canada’s answer…” part of the headline, watch the video and tell me – are you in the target audience for this little car and would you buy it? I certainly wouldn’t but the two-seater roadster looks kinda cool.
The last fatal US airline crash was a decade ago. Here’s why our skies are safer
I didn’t realize it had been so long ago since the last fatalities. As much as I hate flying, it’s comforting to know that, at least in the US, flying has never been safer.
Assman, denied licence plate, displays name across truck’s backside
I could not be prouder to be a Canadian.
This app interprets movies into American Sign Language in real time
This is a great example of technology being used to help people do something they can’t do for themselves.
Celebrity then & now
Some of these are really well done. I hate that Tom Selleck is still so handsome.
Swimming with the whale sharks of Isla Mujeres
I couldn’t put this on my bucket list fast enough after watching this video.