People call my photos fake… but they’re not

I see dozens of fakes every day and, to be honest, I would have looked at this guy’s images with suspicion. But, upon hearing the stories behind them, you realize he’s “just” an amazing and well-prepared photographer.

DJI Mavic Air review

I have flown the Mavic 2 Pro and, while I wouldn’t give up its feature set in favour of the Mavic Air, if you’re in the market for a small, capable drone, take a look at this review.

4 year old mic’d up at hockey practice

Everyone knows how important hockey is to Canadians but no matter who you are or where you’re from, watching six minutes of this little guy will make you smile for the rest for the day.

A $1 million car? Here are 11 of them

Even if I had the money I don’t think I’d ever buy a car at this price. Except for that Pagani Huayra. I’d buy the hell out of that thing.

The lost art of using the damn broiler

Unlike my mentally unstable friend Vito who has grilled outside in minus 20 degree temps, I have no interest in freezing when I cook. So I’ll give this a try for “grilled” winter steaks.

Why so many people choose to live near active volcanoes

I actually had this conversation with my 13-year old a few days ago. It was a nice little teaching moment I could use to explain to him that people want different things from what he might want and that’s OK.