I think this story is full of crap.
What is a nanosecond anyway? Computing pioneer Grace Hopper shows us
How much fun would she have been to take classes or lectures with?
The most valuable company (for now) is having a Nadellaissance
Regardless of what you think of Microsoft, its “resurrection” under the guidance of Satya Nadella is remarkable.
Adobe’s $10 photography plan gone from site: cheapest is $20/month
This will definitely get me to unsubscribe from Adobe’s Creative Cloud. Interestingly enough, the Canadian Adobe Creative Cloud page still lists the $9.99/month US price point.
Apple highlights iOS accessibility in new YouTube videos
While Apple could do more/better, it is rightfully lauded for its commitment to assistive technologies. Even better, many of these highlight functions anyone can use.
Electric scooter use results in 20 injuries per 100,000 trips, CDC finds
Not surprising at all considering almost anyone can just jump on one of these things and start riding.
Apple Watch retaining clear lead in smartwatch market despite advances by Samsung & Fitbit
There’s the Apple Watch and then there’s everything else.
Netflix rolls out adaptive ‘high-quality’ audio for Apple TV owners with surround sound
Just out of curiosity, how many of you have a system that can take advantage of this new “‘high-quality’ audio” for your Apple TV?
Lookout: A phone camera that looks up, so you can keep looking down
Sadly, far too many people would actually buy this.
Banned parental-control app fires back at Apple, calls statement misleading
The truth, as is usually the case, is likely somewhere in the middle.
Qualcomm to record $4+B revenue from Apple settlement
Nice little bump.
Watch this stunning video of a tornado captured by drone
“It wasn’t an overly strong tornado.” Yeah but I flew my drone on the edge of light fog and lost it in the ocean. No way I’d fly it near a tornado.
Apple opposes logo for new German bike path, claiming too many similarities
I can confidently predict Apple will lose this battle.
Six Colors’ “Chartapalooza”
Snell always has the best charts.
Apple is telling lawmakers people will hurt themselves if they try to fix iPhones
Apple is on the wrong side of this issue and it makes them seem anti-consumer.
If Apple wants to get serious with Apple TV+, shedding the ‘clean’ image would be a good start
Jim Dalrymple and I have discussed this on a couple of occasions on the Your Mac Life podcast. It’s an interesting question and problem for Apple. Do they let “the creatives” hold the reins come what may or do they shoot for the largest possible audience with G-rated content?
Alien 40th anniversary short films
Looking forward to scaring the bejesus out of my 13-year-old with these. And – 40 years? Gods, I’m old.
The once-hot robotics startup Anki is shutting down after raising more than $200 million
This is a real shame. I loved and bought some of their products.
Watch the high school adaptation of Alien that impressed Sigourney Weaver and Ridley Scott
Watch it soon. You know this is getting pulled in 3…..2….1….
Phil Schiller lays out Apple’s case for cracking down on screen time monitoring apps
While becoming more common, it’s still a fairly unusual move for Apple to respond so quickly, directly, and on a weekend to stories like the one in the New York Times.
It’s about time for a Mac with a touch interface
I couldn’t disagree more. I may just be a grumpy old man, but just because other devices are touch-enabled doesn’t automatically mean the Mac needs to be touch-enabled.
Bob the builder
How many of you are old enough to remember Bob Vila? As a kid, I loved his version of “This Old House” (I never liked the episodes after he left) even though I have no skill or even interest in construction or carpentry. Vila made it seem effortless and easy.
Bookstores band together for “Independent Bookstore Day”
I love bookstores and can spend hours and hours in them. Living in a small town means our options are limited but I’ll be sure to go into our local bookstore this Saturday.
Make sure to cancel Apple News+ if you signed up for a free trial after Apple’s March 25 event and don’t want to be charged
I’m thoroughly unimpressed with Apple News and News+ and will be unsubscribing before my first payment is due.
New Zealand’s Maori won personhood for this river
A fascinating story about people and their relationship to the land.
Apple’s new YouTube channel for Apple TV
This is Apple priming the pump for Apple TV+ in the fall.
In African villages, these phones become ultrasound scanners
What a great story about phones that aren’t just phones.
Is it good or bad to use a dynamite triggered avalanche for an Apple ad?
It’s an interesting question but the deeper one might be even more interesting – does the behind the scenes footage unnecessarily glorify a particular culture?
A brief history of the insane precautions Marvel has taken to avoid movie spoilers from getting out
I honestly don’t get this need to broadcast the spoilers. Why consciously ruin the movie for other fans?
Facebook passwords for hundreds of millions of users were exposed to Facebook employees
Facebook is the Samsung of social media. They just can’t stop shooting themselves in the feet. Unlike Samsung, their screw ups can create a lot more damage.