A farewell for iTunes

It’s been fascinating to watch the reaction to Apple “killing” iTunes.

Mac Pro

It’s a machine that literally 99% of us don’t need and probably can’t afford. But the power of this beast is stunning.

Washington Governor signs bill to allow composting human bodies

A lot of people will have an initial (understandable) negative reaction to this story but, unless you have religious reasons for not wanting to do it, would you have a problem with being composted after you die? Personally, I’d be fine with it as long as someone can sneak my compost on to the grounds of the Halifax Public Gardens and use it there.

Apple’s $3 billion purchase of Beats has already paid off

The behind the scenes story of this purchase will likely never be known but it was fascinating at the time and continues to bring up a lot of questions as to why Apple is working Beats the way they are. But there’s no doubt it is hugely successful, regardless of your thoughts about the product itself.


This looks…odd….but I hope it’s a huge success for the folks at Panic, a great Mac software company.

App Camp for Girls will not be held this summer

This is really sad news. Silicon Valley has hundreds of rich white guys whining about how they can’t find enough stuff to spend their billions on. Hey Jeff Bezos — do the world a favour and give App Camp for Girls several million dollars out of your couch cushions.