A week? Is that all? I can do that without breaking a sweat.
A farewell for iTunes
It’s been fascinating to watch the reaction to Apple “killing” iTunes.
The clever cryptography behind Apple’s “Find My” feature
When I first heard of this, my first thought was, “How the heck are they going to pull it off?” Looks like they did.
The best sports documentaries on Netflix
Many of these are fascinating documentaries in their own right, whether or not you’re a fan of sports.
Inside Apple’s earthquake-ready headquarters
It looks like under the Apple spaceship campus is almost as interesting as what’s above ground.
Apple posts WWDC Platform State of the Union video
I only understand about 10% of what they are talking about but it’s interesting and important to developers, maybe even more so than Monday’s Keynote.
The best streaming service is the National Film Board of Canada
I’m biased but I agree.
Apple Special Event video now posted
Apple has finally posted the video replay of Monday’s WWDC Keynote.
WWDC 2019 Apple Design Award winners
All but one of the winners is exclusive to iOS and great to see one of my faves, Pixelmator Photo, pick up an award.
“Sign in with Apple” is a great new privacy feature—and a weapon
This might be one of the best new features Apple announced today. I never sign in to apps or sites using my Facebook or Google logins but lots of people do, giving up user data in the process.
HomePod gets multi-user support, along with music handoff
I imagine these are welcome new features for you lucky HomePod users.
Apple will soon kill off iTunes and, with it, an entire era of music history
iTunes was amazing but it had become too big and unwieldy for many users. Splitting it into its component parts makes sense.
Mac Pro
It’s a machine that literally 99% of us don’t need and probably can’t afford. But the power of this beast is stunning.
Apple’s WWDC 2019 Press Releases
That new Mac Pro and display will be the most controversial.
WWDC 2019 “Goodnight Developers”
Lovely little video.
Introducing Dark Mode in iOS 13
Will you use the new version of Dark Mode?
Shot on iPhone XS – “Las Cholitas Voladoras”
What a fun, funny, and sweet video.
Does the news reflect what we die from?
This is a fascinating and a little scary look at data and how the media on all sides skews information.
Washington Governor signs bill to allow composting human bodies
A lot of people will have an initial (understandable) negative reaction to this story but, unless you have religious reasons for not wanting to do it, would you have a problem with being composted after you die? Personally, I’d be fine with it as long as someone can sneak my compost on to the grounds of the Halifax Public Gardens and use it there.
Apple’s $3 billion purchase of Beats has already paid off
The behind the scenes story of this purchase will likely never be known but it was fascinating at the time and continues to bring up a lot of questions as to why Apple is working Beats the way they are. But there’s no doubt it is hugely successful, regardless of your thoughts about the product itself.
Inside Apple’s top secret testing facilities where iPhone defences are forged in temperatures of -40c
Fascinating look behind one of Apple’s curtains.
Alien is 40, and still terrifying. Shame about the sequels
Aliens was great but the other sequels are definitely mediocre. I know what I’m watching tonight.
Apple’s keyboard ‘material’ changes on the new MacBook Pro are minor at best
Apple could do themselves a solid by getting my friends (Hi Dave!) at the Apple “shake and bake” lab to put out a video showing them torture testing these new keyboards. It would help ensure a bit of consumer confidence in this latest iteration.
This looks…odd….but I hope it’s a huge success for the folks at Panic, a great Mac software company.
The Sims 4 is now free for all PC & Mac users
I wasted many an hour back in the day trying to find new and interesting ways to kill my Sims.
App Camp for Girls will not be held this summer
This is really sad news. Silicon Valley has hundreds of rich white guys whining about how they can’t find enough stuff to spend their billions on. Hey Jeff Bezos — do the world a favour and give App Camp for Girls several million dollars out of your couch cushions.
Apple sends invites for WWDC keynote on June 3 in San Jose
Apple hasn’t yet announced whether the keynote will be live-streamed but it is expected it will be.
Apple and Amazon cut a deal that upended the Mac resale market
Apple and Amazon will make all the right noises about how this is “for the customer” but it’s hard to see that when the competition dries up and the prices rise.
The ghost of Apple Card past
And, as Mac Observer reports, Apple tried it even before then in 1993.
Apple CEO Tim Cook gives Tulane University Commencement speech
As usual, a thoughtful and thought-provoking speech.