We knew Apple had some kind of review process but the details in this story are quite interesting.
In Living Color stars recall Fox censors, Spike Lee’s disdain in dishy oral history
Homey the Clown, “Men on Films,” Fire Marshall Bill. Still some of the funniest, edgiest stuff ever seen on TV.
What it’s actually like to be on House Hunters—twice
I used to really like this show until a few years ago when I found out it was completely fabricated.
Apple says Trump tariffs would ’tilt the playing field’ in favor of competitors
This letter will likely have no effect on the administration’s decision to impose these tariffs.
15-inch MacBook Pro battery recall program
The page details how to check if your MacBook Pro is affected and what to do next.
Adobe Lightroom now available through Apple’s Mac App Store
Cue the inevitable complains about Adobe’s subscription plans.
Apple’s first 4 iOS apps for Mac are getting an upgrade
They are not yet in the developer betas but Federighi said they’ll be updated for the public beta.
Apple Expands Goldman Credit Card test to thousands of retail workers
This is not unexpected and provides a good test bed for Apple. Minor point: Why does Bloomberg call it a “Goldman Credit Card” in the headline?
What really happened to Malaysia’s missing airplane
We don’t really know but this is a great synopsis of what authorities do know with a lot of valid supposition thrown in.
From two bulls, 9 million dairy cows
This may seem like a silly story but it’s actually terrifying. All it would take is one specific disease and it could wipe out the entire dairy industry.
36 seconds that changed everything
So many of us use our devices without any thought to how to access them but, if you have accessibility issues, it’s not so easy. Apple isn’t perfect but they do a lot to assist those who can’t use their devices like the rest of us do.
On the Mac Pro, the G4 Cube and their shared vent design
What’s old is new again.
Facebook launches a new cryptocurrency called Libra
You’d have to be a completely ill-informed moron to use a digital currency system backed by Facebook. Sadly, Facebook is full of those people and this will be a huge success.
New Apple Store design changes prioritize a straightforward shopping experience
Looks like the new VP is starting to put her stamp on the place.
I screwed up
The tech media is always happy to jump on Apple. Let’s see if they report this story as “thoroughly” as they reported the original.
Tim Cook’s Stanford University Commencement speech
Cook gave the commencement speech this week for the 2019 class at Standford University and had harsh words for the general tech industry. Saying, “Too many seem to think that good intentions excuse away harmful outcomes,” Cook took his industry to task.
Apollo 11 in real time
One month from today will be the 50th anniversary of the most incredible achievement in mankind’s history. This real-time tracking of those events is utterly amazing.
Samsung’s security reminder makes the case for not owning a Samsung smart TV
This is another reason why I refuse to have a so-called “Smart TV” in my home. I just want a big, dumb piece of glass to show me pretty pictures.
App makers are mixed on “Sign In with Apple”
My first thought is I wouldn’t trust any developer who would use Facebook or Google login procedures but not want to use Apple’s as well.
Every iPhone ad
I’d completely forgotten that first one.
Apple flexes its privacy muscles
Mogull is the best voice writing about this issue and he brings up a very interesting point — will Apple be “allowed”, by various government agencies and/or public opinion and other factors, to follow through on the vision?
140,000 visuals of outer space are free to the public in NASA’s image library
What an amazing library to peruse.
In the aftermath of a plane crash
Great writing but don’t read this if you have a fear of flying.
Mary Meeker’s most important trends on the internet
Meeker’s yearly slide deck might be the most widely read presentation on the internet.
The Apple Pro Display XDR is underrated
Now that all the tech pundits have had their say, step back and hear what a video professional has to say.
Shot on iPhone XS — Christopher Anderson
I love this video especially the beginning where he talks about paying attention to the light and backgrounds.
The catch-22 that broke the internet
Turns out, last week’s outage was just a weird confluence of unlikely events.
Answers to your burning questions about how ‘Sign In with Apple’ works
This new feature seems to be causing a lot of confusion but there’s some good information here for both developers and users to help lift the cloud.
iPadOS lets you delete apps from the update list
Brian Stucki: iPadOS let’s you delete apps from the update list, before or after an update is completed. This has been on the wishlist for years. pic.twitter.com/G7WMFjDauN— Brian Stucki (@brianstucki) June 6, 2019 I may weep for joy.
Weezer performs at Apple’s WWDC 2019 Bash
I checked all the pics and video but I couldn’t find Dave Mark or Jim Dalrymple in any of them.