From two bulls, 9 million dairy cows

This may seem like a silly story but it’s actually terrifying. All it would take is one specific disease and it could wipe out the entire dairy industry.

36 seconds that changed everything

So many of us use our devices without any thought to how to access them but, if you have accessibility issues, it’s not so easy. Apple isn’t perfect but they do a lot to assist those who can’t use their devices like the rest of us do.

I screwed up

The tech media is always happy to jump on Apple. Let’s see if they report this story as “thoroughly” as they reported the original.

Tim Cook’s Stanford University Commencement speech

Cook gave the commencement speech this week for the 2019 class at Standford University and had harsh words for the general tech industry. Saying, “Too many seem to think that good intentions excuse away harmful outcomes,” Cook took his industry to task.

Apollo 11 in real time

One month from today will be the 50th anniversary of the most incredible achievement in mankind’s history. This real-time tracking of those events is utterly amazing.

Every iPhone ad

I’d completely forgotten that first one.

Apple flexes its privacy muscles

Mogull is the best voice writing about this issue and he brings up a very interesting point — will Apple be “allowed”, by various government agencies and/or public opinion and other factors, to follow through on the vision?

iPadOS lets you delete apps from the update list

Brian Stucki: iPadOS let’s you delete apps from the update list, before or after an update is completed. This has been on the wishlist for years.— Brian Stucki (@brianstucki) June 6, 2019 I may weep for joy.