Introduction to Apple platform security

Not necessarily a site you’d read over a glass of wine late at night but it’s still great to see Apple saying, “This is who we are and what we stand for.”

Photos of the decade: 2010–19

Warning: There are several very disturbing images in this post but all of them are powerful, important images.

Get six months of Apple Music free this Christmas

Great deal if you’ve never signed up although, while the story says resubscribers can get three months free and the app says “Get up to four months of free Apple Music,” when I went to redeem the code I was only offered a one month free “Apple Music individual membership.” so YMMV.

Porch Pirate vs. Glitter Bomb Trap 2.0

I have the interest and desire to do this (although, because of where we live, we never get packages stolen from our porch) but I don’t have one-tenth of one percent of the ingenuity and design chops this guy has.