Steve Jobs iPhone 2007 presentation

I was in the audience that day 13 years ago. While we “knew” it was going to be called the iPhone, we had no idea what it would actually look like. To say it blew our minds would be an understatement.

This Subaru Forester has an NSFW acronym

This is one of those stories you absolutely can’t believe is true until you see it yourself and even when you do, you think, “How the hell did that make it this far!?”

The Mandalorian as a Spaghetti Western

If you’re “of a certain age,” (read: old), this will be comedy gold for you. Personally, I’d rather watch this series than the actual Mandalorian which I found boring and tedious.

Front and center

Call me an old dog who can’t learn new tricks but this might be the fastest I’ve ever spent three dollars.

For the love of God, don’t buy an 8K TV

Is there any real interest in 8K TVs or is it all manufacturer hype? Personally, I won’t even bother looking into them until the price comes down significantly.

Tesla wing door vs. the garage

They’ve got a six car garage so I bet they can afford the repairs. My question is, how the hell does the Tesla not warn the driver the door is open or better yet, not move if the doors are open!?

The chroniclers of Jeopardy!

I discovered the J! Archive many years ago when I was prepping to try and be on the show (never actually made it). The website is a throwback to the “old days” of Web 1.0 and is an incredible time sink you should not even look at unless you’ve got several hours to kill.

Top 5 crashes of 2019

A little light viewing for your Monday. Considering most of these crashes occurred at upwards of 75-100 mph, it’s amazing that all the riders were OK.

In 2020, Apple is poised to push HomeKit forward

Apple still has an opportunity to be a player in the home automation market but “slow and steady” (or “dragging their feet,” depending on your POV) is going to make that a lot more difficult. Luckily, Amazon and Google have the usual privacy and data security issues that slow adoption but Apple needs to move a lot quicker. I had many people asking me about various home automation solutions over the holidays and it was hard to wholeheartedly recommend anything HomeKit-based.

Apple shares top $300 amid optimism about holiday sales

I don’t usually post about the vagaries of Apple’s ups and downs in the stock market but the $300/share threshold is a big deal, especially for those of us who remember when the stock was at $7/share.

VW Beetle’s “The Last Mile”

I never owned one or even much liked them but there’s no denying it was an incredible vehicle that made a difference to millions of people.

Boxing Day, explained

This story is a year old but I still get questions from my American friends about Boxing Day so I thought I’d pass this along. Happy Holidays!