The companies putting profits ahead of public health

At the best of times, the lack of paid sick leave is a bad thing. Now, it’s an actual public health emergency. The vast majority of people who work in the Retail, Hospitality, and Grocery segments are low paid as it is. Without paid time off, they have to go to work, sick or not.

The last giraffes on earth

I’ve always been fascinated by giraffes and while I knew they were endangered, I didn’t realize how dire the situation was until I read this article.

Why soap works

Fascinating how the seemingly most simple thing is one of the most effective.

How much worse the coronavirus could get, in charts

Ignoring the inflammatory headline (by their own story, the situation doesn’t have to get worse/dire), the charts are a fascinating look at how important various forms of intervention are as well as how fast we implement them.

Apple announces online-only WWDC 2020 due to coronavirus spread

As predicted by myself and many others. This was to be expected given the situation the world finds itself in right now and is certainly the right decision. Apple tries to put a brave face on it saying, “This June, WWDC20 brings a completely new online experience to millions of talented and creative developers around the world.”

Coronavirus divides tech workers into the ‘worthy’ and ‘unworthy’ sick

And it’s not just tech workers. Give a thought to the folk working in the service industries – hotel staff, fast food workers, waiters – people who rely on not only hourly wages but are required to show up in physical locations to receive those wages. And many of them have little to no benefits, medical or otherwise.

Ideal glass would explain why glass exists at all

I had no idea there was any such thing as “ideal glass” and the line, “Glass is a liquid in suspended animation” kind of blew my mind. It’s one of those things you know but didn’t know.