The Apprehension Engine, a horror movie soundtrack machine

[VIDEO] Dangerous Minds:

While aquaphones and theremins are the go-to instruments when thinking of “classic” horror sounds, I happened to run across the ultimate terror instrument—a home-made device that can produce a wide array of horrific soundscape elements all in one compact unit. “The Apprehension Engine,” as it is called, was created by Canadian guitar maker Tony Duggan-Smith as a “one off” for Mark Korven, who is best known for his soundtrack work on The VVitch.

Watch the video embedded in the main Loop post, tell me it doesn’t raise the hairs on the back of your neck. What is it about these sounds that meld so perfectly with jump scare movies?

Twitter for Mac is coming back!

From Twitter’s official blog:

Last week, Apple announced Project Catalyst for macOS 10.15 Catalina, which makes it easy for developers to bring their iPad projects to macOS as native Mac apps. We are excited that Project Catalyst will enable us to bring Twitter back to the Mac by leveraging our existing iOS codebase. We’ll also be able to add native Mac features on top of our existing iPad experience, while keeping our maintenance efficient as we continue to improve this shared codebase in the years to come.

As to why Twitter dropped their Mac client in the first place:

Historically, Twitter had a Mac app that shared the same roots as our iPhone app. Over the years, Twitter for Mac and Twitter for iOS diverged as Twitter increasingly focused on its mobile apps. Supporting the two separate codebases was no longer a sustainable option and ultimately we sunset the native Mac app.


The new Twitter for Mac app will use our existing iOS codebase, rather than being built from a separate codebase, following the same successful strategy we’ve used with Web to expand our supported clients. By supporting key Mac-specific behaviors on top of our iOS code, we will be able to maintain feature parity across our iOS and Mac apps with relatively low long term maintenance costs.

Can’t help but wonder if this is an unintended positive consequence of Catalyst, or if bringing apps like Twitter back to the Mac was part of the drive behind Catalyst in the first place.

No matter, glad to have Twitter making its way back to the Mac.

Apple wants to make Oscar-worthy movies to beef up streaming service

New York Post:

Since announcing plans to compete with Netflix in March, Apple has been busy with a new project: financing six small-budget movies a year with an eye toward stories that could win Academy Awards, sources have told The Post.


Apple is looking to spend $5 million to $30 million per project, sources said, adding that the company is being driven by Netflix’s recent spate of Oscar nominations and win for Best Foreign Film with “Roma” — legitimizing Netflix head Reed Hastings’ standing in Hollywood.

Hard to judge the motivations of others (how can anyone know if the company is being “driven” by Netflix envy?), but this certainly seems a logical move, balancing a variety of popular projects with prestige projects to add luster to the brand.

I’m eagerly following Apple’s foray into Hollywood, looking forward to the Apple TV+ rollout.

The ins and outs of non-destructive editing in Photos for Mac and iOS

This is an easy read with lots of interesting detail on Photos and non-destructive editing. Worth your time, and from an excellent source.

From the bio at the end of the article:

Nik Bhatt, formerly Senior Director of Engineering at Apple, led the Aperture and iPhoto engineering teams for several years. Afterward, he led imaging teams for Apple’s photo applications, including the teams responsible for Core Image and Apple’s RAW Camera library. He is now the developer of RAW Power, an advanced photo editing app for Mac and iOS.

Read the article.

Previewing CarPlay in iOS 13: Light mode, new and improved apps, more

Zac Hall, 9to5Mac:

Apple upgraded CarPlay in iOS 12 with support for third-party navigation apps including Google Maps and Waze, allowing drivers to use alternatives to Apple Maps for the first time. CarPlay has an even bigger update in iOS 13 with the introduction of Dashboard, new apps, and updates to existing apps.

This is a pretty solid rethinking of the CarPlay interface. Yet another example of Apple firing on all cylinders.

A love letter to an old-school Macintosh

Ian Bogost, The Atlantic:

Everything about this computer is loud: The groan of the power supply is loud. The hum of the cooling fan is loud. The whir of the hard disk is loud. The clack of the mechanical keyboard is loud. It’s so loud I can barely think, the kind of noise I usually associate with an airline cabin: whoom, whoom, whoom, whoom.

This is the experience a computer user would have had every time she booted up her Macintosh SE, a popular all-in-one computer sold by Apple from 1987 to 1990. By today’s standards the machine is a dinosaur. It boasts a nine-inch black-and-white display. Mine came with a hard disk that offers 20 megabytes of storage, but some lacked even that luxury. And the computer still would have cost a fortune: The version I have retailed for $3,900, or about $8,400 in 2019 dollars.


The original Macintosh was an adorable dwarf of a computer. About the size of a full-grown pug, its small footprint, built-in handle, and light weight made it easy to transport and stow. Perched on a single, wide paw, the machine looks perky and attentive, as if it’s there to serve you, rather than you it.

Though the Macintosh SE was a speed-demon compared to the original 128K Macintosh, compared to any modern computing device, the performance was relatively the same.

This article was written on a Macintosh SE and, if old school is your thing, it’s kind of glorious.

How to use the new iOS 13 gestures for cut, copy, paste, and undo

Whether you’re running the iOS 13 beta now, or will wait for the official version to ship, you will eventually use these gestures.

These six gestures represent a core change to the iOS experience. Love this move, especially the feedback you get when you make one of these gestures successfully.

Logic Pro X update taps the tremendous power of the new Mac Pro

Apple, announcing the new Logic Pro X update, designed with the new Mac Pro in mind:

Making full use of the Mac Pro hardware, Logic Pro X 10.4.5 will now support up to 56 processing threads, allowing pro music producers and film composers to work through incredibly demanding music projects with unprecedented ease.


With the new Mac Pro, Logic can now run up to five times the number of real-time plug-ins compared to the previous generation Mac Pro. Logic Pro X 10.4.5 increases the available track and channel count for all users, now supporting up to 1,000 audio tracks and 1,000 software instrument tracks, providing four times the number of available tracks for the most complex productions. Additionally, Logic Pro X now supports 1,000 auxiliary channel strips, 1,000 external MIDI tracks and 12 sends per channel strip. Users can also expect improved responsiveness of the Mixer and Event List when working with large sessions, and projects with numerous Flex Time edits and tempo changes perform more efficiently than ever.

Check the Jonathan Morrison video, which Shawn posted a few days ago. In it, you hear from a high level audio engineer, extolling the virtues of the new Mac Pro. Wondering if this new version of Logic Pro, combined with the new Mac Pro (when it ships), will replace competing apps in high end studios.

If you own Logic Pro, check for the update. It dropped this morning.

Digiday: Airpods are changing office life


Headphones are a fact of life inside open plan offices, but Airpods have quickly become a staple of life at ad agency life, with staffers walking around all day with the signature little pods in their ears.


“I know they’re not listening to music, or anything, but it’s still disconcerting to see them with something in their ears while we’re all discussing something,” said one agency CEO, who said he once had a meeting with someone wearing Airpods. “It’s like, ‘what?’”

Fascinating piece. I’ve had plenty of conversations with people with AirPods in my own ears, and/or with AirPods in theirs. One key difference between AirPods and Beats Powerbeats Pro is the ability to hear background noise. The Powerbeats Pro are designed to wedge tightly into the ear canal, making conversation more difficult, at least to me, than with AirPods in my ears.

And the almost viral spread of AirPods means more people keeping them in their ears on a regular basis.

“Airpods are a totally different phenomenon,” said Michelle Edelman, Petermayer evp and chief strategy officer. “The product is honestly good, but wearing them 24/7 is going to mess with the notion of when you can and can’t disturb someone. So it’ll change social norms if people just start to leave them in during meetings.”


“Just yesterday, I was walking on the street listening to a partner review some important data with me and a woman stopped me to ask for directions as she didn’t see my Airpods,” she said. “I had to do that thing where I listened to two people talk to me at once for about a minute before telling both of them I didn’t hear what either of them said.”

Or it could be the woman didn’t see AirPods as a sign that you were necessarily unavailable for listening.

Very interesting article.

Federico Viticci’s first look at iPadOS

Federico Viticci:

For now though, after using the iPadOS beta on my 12.9″ iPad Pro for a few days, I’d like to share some initial considerations on iPadOS and what it means for the future of the platform.


What truly matters, however, is that the message Apple is sending with iPadOS is the kind of trajectory I wanted to see for the future of iPad. There are functionalities such as multiwindow and file management that the Mac figured out decades ago; in bringing them to iPadOS, however, Apple isn’t simply copying and pasting the same features from one platform to another: instead, they’ve taken those features’ underlying concepts and fundamentally rethought them for the iPad’s touch nature and iOS foundation.

Federico is passionate about iPad, has written more cogent detail about iPad than just about anyone else I follow. If you are an iPad user, take the time to dig in, get a sense of the iPad’s future.

Steve Jobs talks Apple’s DNA

This is from Apple’s iPad 2 rollout, on March 2, 2011. Steve Jobs was on medical leave, came back for this event. Steve’s talk was interesting in and of itself, but as I watched to the end, I couldn’t help but feel an emotional appreciation in his voice.

Miss him.

If your iPhone stopped charging at 80%

This morning, this post, with the title TIL Your iPhone may stop charging at 80% when it gets too warm, made it to the front page of Reddit’s Apple subreddit.

The post references the headline linked Apple support post, specifically this:

If your device stopped charging at 80 percent

Your iPhone might get slightly warmer while it charges. To extend the lifespan of your battery, if the battery gets too warm, software might limit charging above 80 percent. Your iPhone will charge again when the temperature drops. Try moving your iPhone and charger to a cooler location.

Summer is fast approaching in the northern hemisphere, temperatures are rising. Thought it worth passing this tidbit along.

Google reacts to “Sign in with Apple”

If you haven’t already, take a few minutes to read Sarah Perez’s excellent Answers to your burning questions about “Sign in with Apple”.

Once you’ve got your head wrapped around that, follow the headline link for The Verge’s interview with Google product management director Mark Risher. A few highlights:

Apple shook up the world of logins last week, offering a new single sign-on (or SSO) tool aimed at collecting and sharing as little data as possible. It was a deliberate shot at Facebook and Google, which currently operate the two major SSO services.

Not so sure it was a shot at anyone, but more of a safer, privacy respecting solutions for Apple users.

Once you start federating accounts, it means that maybe you still have a few passwords, but some new service you’re just trying out doesn’t need a 750-person engineering team dedicated to security. It doesn’t need to build its own password database, and then deal with all the liability and all the risk that comes with that.

This comment gets to the heart of the value of “Sign in with Apple” (SiwA). One of the benefits of SiwA is that it lets app developers ride on Apple’s safer, more secure coattails. And saves them from having to reinvent the wheel.

I will take the blame that we have not really articulated what happens when you press that “sign in with Google” button. A lot of people don’t understand, and some competitors have dragged it in the wrong direction. Maybe you click that button that it notifies all your friends that you’ve just signed into some embarrassing site.

With SiwA, you can bank on Apple respecting your privacy. Same thing with Apple Pay. Apple breaks the direct link between your identity-tied information and the validation process. And that’s a good thing.

I honestly do think this technology will be better for the internet and will make people much, much safer. Even if they’re clicking our competitors button when they’re logging into sites, that’s still way better than typing in a bespoke username and password, or more commonly, a recycled username and password.

Yup. Good read.

Shazam can now identify songs playing through your headphones on Android. How about iOS?

James Vincent, The Verge:

Shazam can be an incredibly useful app, able to identify songs and find lyrics for them just by listening to the audio. But one big annoyance has been the software’s inability to ‘hear’ music playing through a device’s headphones. Instead, users have to play the song through internal speakers or find a way to direct the sound to their phone or tablet’s microphone.

Not any more. A new feature called Pop-up Shazam in the latest Android version of the app works with audio played through headphones with Shazam working in the background.

As soon as I read this I thought, cool, been waiting for this. But try as I might, could not get this to work in iOS.

If you are listening to the Music app via headphones in iOS, you can fire up Shazam or ask Siri what’s playing. Works perfectly. But if you are watching YouTube via headphones, or perhaps Netflix, Hulu, etc., there does not appear to be a way for Siri or Shazam to hear what you’re hearing.

Not a big deal, but I thought it was interesting that this feature came to Android, given that Apple owns Shazam.

If you do know of a way to Shazam music played through headphones, please reply to this tweet.

Jon Alper’s detailed take on the new Mac Pro

Jon Alper:

Minimizing the compromises while maximizing flexibility is a the core design theme of this Mac. It’s a profoundly different direction from the 2013 Mac Pro in all the best an most unexpected ways. Arguably, even if you never buy one, it’s an expensive (for Apple to make, not just for customers to buy) message from Apple practically shouting: ‘’We’re committed to the Mac, we’re listening to our customers and we understand some of them need something wholly unlike an iMac let alone a laptop.”


It’s not a sports car. This is realization of the 2010 Steve Jobs’ quote: “When we were an agrarian nation, all cars were trucks. But as people moved more towards urban centers, people started to get into cars. I think PCs are going to be like trucks. Less people will need them. And this is going to make some people uneasy” .This truck is a thundering, earth mover of a truck.

This is an epic read, full of insight and detail. Even if you have no intention of ever buying a Mac Pro, if you’re an Apple follower, I think you’ll enjoy this read. Well done, Jon.

[H/T AAPL Tree]

Apple Watch can display Apple ID verification codes starting in watchOS 6

Joe Rossignol, MacRumors, writing about Jeremy Horwitz’ tweet:

Starting in watchOS 6, the Apple Watch has become a trusted device for Apple ID authentication purposes.


When you or someone else signs in to your Apple ID on a new device or browser, the Apple Watch will automatically alert you, complete with an approximate location of the person. If the sign-in attempt is allowed, a six-digit verification code will then appear to be entered on the new device or browser.

Apple, firing on all cylinders.

iOS 13 Apple Maps: Share your live route ETA with a friend

Benjamin Mayo, 9to5Mac:

In iOS 13, integrated into the Apple Maps app on your iPhone, you can you share your journey status with personal contacts in a feature called Share ETA.

The recipient receives the address of your destination and your expected arrival time. What’s really cool about this feature is that the estimated time of arrival (ETA) will update automatically, so you can see if they hit traffic or otherwise get delayed.

Love this.

Locations of media files in macOS Catalina

Kirk McElhearn:

With macOS 10.15 Catalina, and the splitting of iTunes into three apps (Music, Podcasts, and Apple TV), media files will be handled a bit differently. Here’s where the various files will be located.

It’s a beta, so this info could change.

Mythic Quest, an Apple TV+ trailer

[VIDEO] Watch the trailer embedded in the main Loop post, then read on.

This was revealed at E3, in a spot typically reserved for games, not TV shows. The star, front and center, was Rob McElhenney, best known for his role in It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia. And that voice? That’s the great F Murray Abraham, perhaps best known for playing Salieri in the movie Amadeus.

This is a trailer for a new Apple TV+ show, Mythic Quest: Raven’s Banquet. From the Wikipedia page:

The series is set in “a video game development studio and will explore the intricacies of the human condition through hilarious and innovative ways.”

On my short list. Please, please, please be good.

The day the music burned

The New York Times:

The fire moved quickly. It engulfed the backlot’s famous New York City streetscape. It burned two sides of Courthouse Square, a set featured in “Back to the Future.” It spread south to a cavernous shed housing the King Kong Encounter, an animatronic attraction for theme-park visitors.


The fire moved quickly. It engulfed the backlot’s famous New York City streetscape. It burned two sides of Courthouse Square, a set featured in “Back to the Future.” It spread south to a cavernous shed housing the King Kong Encounter, an animatronic attraction for theme-park visitors.


Eventually the flames reached a 22,320-square-foot warehouse that sat near the King Kong Encounter. The warehouse was nondescript, a hulking edifice of corrugated metal, but it was one of the most important buildings on the 400-acre lot. Its official name was Building 6197. To backlot workers, it was known as the video vault.

And that’s the core of this story. The video vault was home to a “repository of some of the most historically significant material owned by UMG, the world’s largest record company”.

Remarkable story. A tragic loss for the music industry. Riveting read.

Apple Arcade is poised to become a major force in mainstream gaming

Leif Johnson, Macworld:

Almost out of nowhere, Apple is poised to be a major force in mainstream gaming. It’s doing it in its own Apple way, too—not by chasing down the graphics-intensive blockbusters so popular on devices like the Xbox One and PlayStation 4 (or even the PC), but instead by positioning its upcoming Apple Arcade service as a hub for remarkable and tightly focused games that often get mentioned in discussions of whether games are art.


It’s partly funding some of the games in Apple Arcade. It officially announced Project Catalyst, which will allow the same apps to work across the iPhone, the iPad, the Mac, and possibly Apple TV. It’s lifted most of the restrictions that kept games out of Apple’s walled garden for years, most notably by announcing support for wireless Xbox One controllers and Sony’s Dual Shock 4 for the PlayStation 4.

This is not simply about Apple Arcade. Sure, Apple Arcade is an important pillar in Apple’s modern gaming strategy, but the idea of running a game on my Mac, handing it off to my big screen Apple TV, then grabbing my iPad or iPhone to continue playing on the road is a second major pillar. And doing it all using top notch pro controllers like the Sony Dual Shock 4? That’s another big deal.

It would not surprise me to learn about Apple negotiating behind the scenes with major gaming franchises to bring a new generation of console level games, beyond Apple Arcade’s “art house” games, to the new Catalyst-fueled Apple platforms. This could be a new golden age for Apple and gaming.

What Apple knows about you

Ina Fried, Axios:

Apple pitches itself as the most privacy-minded of the big tech companies, and indeed it goes to great lengths to collect less data than its rivals. Nonetheless, the iPhone maker will still know plenty about you if you use many of its services: In particular, Apple knows your billing information and all the digital and physical goods you have bought from it, including music, movie and app purchases.


Apple uses a number of techniques to either minimize how much data it has or encrypt it so that Apple doesn’t have access to iMessages and similar personal communications.


Apple is able to do this, in part, because it makes its money from selling hardware, and increasingly from selling services, rather than through advertising. (It does have some advertising business, and it also gets billions of dollars per year from Google in exchange for being Apple’s default search provider.)

This is the setup. The article itself digs into how Apple does all this and the specifics, for a number of Apple services, on what Apple knows and how they protect your privacy.

If you care about the issue of privacy, take the time to visit Apple’s official privacy site, and read the various article’s Ina has linked at the bottom of her article, to the specifics of what Google, Facebook, Amazon, etc. know about you.

Apple is listening

Marco Arment:

The “trash can” 2013 Mac Pro addressed only a fraction of the needs solved by the previous “cheese grater” towers, aged quickly without critical upgrade paths, and suffered from high GPU-failure rates from its cooling solution — all because its design prioritized size and appearance over performance and versatility in the one Mac model that should never make that tradeoff.

Over the next few years, it became clear that the Mac Pro was an embarrassing, outdated flop that Apple seemed to have little intention of ever updating, leaving its customers feeling unheard and abandoned. I think Apple learned a small lesson from it, but they learned a much bigger one a few years later.


By the end of 2016, in addition to the generally buggy, neglected state macOS seemed to be perpetually stuck in, Apple had replaced its entire “pro” Mac lineup with controversial, limiting products that seemed optimized to flex Apple’s industrial-design muscles rather than actually addressing their customers’ needs.

This paints a bleak picture, one of an Apple out of touch with their Mac base, and even more so with their vast community of developers.


Then, in April 2017, out of nowhere, Apple held a Mac Pro roundtable discussion with the press to announce that they were in the early stages of completely redesigning the Mac Pro.

Nice writeup by Marco. It is hard to find the right balance between listening to the experts you’ve hired to drive your company forward, but doing that without losing touch with the community that buys your products.

The glow-in-the-dark animation on the entrance to WWDC

James Dempsey (of Breakpoints fame) captured this video of the impressive sign that covered the outside wall of the convention center, home to last week’s WWDC.

Take a look. Apple has really upped their signage game.