EU Commission to propose legislation tomorrow that would force Apple to adopt a USB-C charging point on all devices

Louise Guillot, Politico:

The European Commission is set to present a legislative proposal on Thursday to force manufacturers to use a common charger for electronic devices, according to a Commission official closely involved in the file.

The proposal will require all manufacturers to harmonize the charging points on devices — using a USB-C charging point — and to make their software protocol for fast charging interoperable between brands and devices.


Manufacturers will also be required to stop selling a charger with every new smartphone, instead giving consumers the choice to use their old charger.

From Reuters’ original reporting on this legislation last month:

Half of chargers sold with mobile phones in the European Union in 2018 had a USB micro-B connector while 29% had a USB C connector and 21% a Lightning connector, a Commission impact assessment study in 2019 found.

The goal, as I’ve seen it reported, is to force all manufactures to adopt USB-C for devices sold in the EU. Keep an eye on this story. If this goes forward, Apple would have until mid-2024 to have the change in place.